Chapter 6

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Sorry for not updating quicker XP Gawd have things been shit lately! Remember in one of the last chapters I said "you think you know a guy" YEAH well that actually goes for me now just with multiple people T3T fuck this shit XC well here's your chapter hope you enjoy! It's extra long jor ya guys X3 again sorry for not updating but things have just been a mess lately ;-;

I raced downstairs with the picture still in my hands. My ear buds had been ripped out and were still on my bed.

"How could you?!" I screamed once I entered the living room where they both sat. They both gave me a confused look.

"What do you mean?" Donn asked.

"You killed them! They had vampire bite mark things on their neck! You killed them! You murderer! You killed them!" I cried out.

"Alice I would never." Donn assured me in a soothing voice as he walked over to me. He wrapped his arms around me and at first I gave a little struggle but then I just felt to weak and ashamed to protest.

He was right... I just can't believe that my family is dead... Seeing what I saw and him being a vampire, I just tried to force with pieces together without thinking... 

"I'm sorry..." I choked out as I dug my head in his chest. He stroked my head and shushed me to calm me. My cries soon drifted to a stop and I started to get tired.

The last thing I remember is yawning and Donn telling me to go to sleep before everything went black...

I woke up in my bed with the blankets neatly covering me. I sat up and looked around. "Donn? Danny?" I asked. I got out of bed and walked downstairs. Ok, this is getting kinda weird...

"Guys? If this is a prank, I'm going to kill you..." I thought over what I had just said. "Well you're already dead so, re-kill you or something..." I got to the last step and looked around.

I heard some kind of weird hissing noise or something like that from the living room and slowly made my way towards it.

Was someone or something attacking us? Should I help? Should a weak little human girl help in a fight most likely against vampires and other supernatural creatures? Totally!

I picked up a little speed and turned the corner into the living room and gasped at the sight.

Donn was feeding off my mother while Danny had his fangs deep in my sisters neck. Tracy was hanging from a rope that was attached to a nail on the wall. Her body was limp an lifeless.

Donn and Danny looked up at me, blood dripping from their mouths. Danny went back to his meal but Donn kept staring at me with those cold, monstrous eyes adding a smirk to complete his look as a heartless villain.

"I will kill your friends and family to remind you of my love." He sang. I just screamed in fear and pain. I placed my hands on my head, tightly closed my eyes and cried out in pain while slowly falling to my knees.

My body began to shake? But it wasn't me? Well it was but at the same time it was if someone was shaking me...just there were no hands physically doing it?

The next thing I know, I'm shooting up in bed gasping for air as I hear a panicked voice scream my name. "ALICE?!"

I covered my ears and closed my eyes tight at the loud voice. I turned my head to see Donn but, my eyes were a little blurry from tears so, he looked a little weird.

"Alice?! What happened?! You were screaming!?" Donn asked in a very worried voice.

"I had the worst nightmare a person could have! And it doesn't help that it was the most realistic dream I've ever had!" I frowned as the images played through my head.

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