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The hogwarts year had just ended and everyone was celebrating at the Burrow. It was like a second home for me after becoming close to the twins and we'd practically grown up together. It's weird to look back at when we were so young in first year, honestly we all looked like potatoes crossed with goblins.

People were still yet to arrive and Fred was one of the ones who was late, so I was just joking around with George and catching up with some of the others too. A lot of people were bringing girlfriends and boyfriends home which was a little depressing, I'd never really found that right person yet, but maybe that was my own fault. I was fine up until a few months ago, an end of year prank went wrong and Fred took the blame and I guess something inside of me clicked. Since then I couldn't help but crush on him, fantasise about him and it made me feel awful. He was my best friend for Merlin's sake how could i fantasise about my best friend?? "You really should tell him yknow" George mumbled and I rolled my eyes, he wasn't even supposed to know but that's George for you. "Maybe I will, I'm waiting for the right time" I responded trying not to think about it too much. Maybe I should tell him tonight? "Tell him tonight or I'll slip you a truth serum" George grinned and I just glared back at him "I don't want to ruin the friendship idiot" I rolled my eyes shoving him playfully and he decided to play this up, falling backward off the sofa dramatically.

"It wouldn't ruin our friendship" George popped his head back up but stayed on the floor forcing myself to lay across the couch to bring myself closer. "No but..."

"Exactly" he shut down my defense before I could even form it. "He's my twin, I know him well enough to know that. Anyway he would be insane NOT to like someone with you" he patted my cheek softly and I scoffed but dropped the subject, if it felt right I would tell him.

Speaking about it seemed to being the reality forward and it was less than 5 minutes before Fred arrived. George and I rushed downstairs and tackles him down to the ground shouting all sorts about missing him and what we'd do to him for being late but he was smiling goofily throughout it all. "Guys, guys I have a reason if you'll just get off me!" He laughed a little and I found myself smiling at that, he had such a cute laugh and such a cute face and voice and ugh I needed to stop myself. As we rolled to the side of him and all got up he seemed more giddy than normal and I was starting to get concerned, he either was about to pull a massive prank or....

Yep, in she came. A small framed woman walking in linking arms with Fred, she was practically glowing with happiness and positivity. "This is felicté, we bumped into each other earlier this year and I didn't want to announce things too early but... Yeah" he sighed happily looking around expectantly and Mrs Weasley rushed over giving her a hug and congratulating them, gushing as she normally does. I could only stare, taken a back by the suddenness of it. Of course he wouldn't like me, I shouldn't even like him, I was dumb for even thinking of telling him. George hit my back reminding me to smile and I put up a false front for them, I wanted my best friend happy and I could get over a stupid little crush for that. I pushed all thought of it to the back of my mind and ignored Georges sympathetic glances, spending the day as normal. Maybe this was a blessing, I didn't want to ever lose what we all had right now and felicité actually seemed pretty awesome, wild curly hair everywhere.

It wasn't until tonight that it hit me again, Fred had a girlfriend. There wasn't even a shred of hope for him liking me anymore. I wrapped a blanket around my shoulders and headed up to the roof just to clear my mind and get some fresh air. The night sky was always beautiful at night but I still cried, wrapped up with myself alone. I cried and cried for god knows how long, my ugly sobs ringing out but I was pretty sure by this point no one could hear me. I was wrong.

"Viv? Vivian is that you??" I heard the familiar voice call out from down below. I wiped at my eyes crawling closer to the edge of the roof to look over and see George. "Alright I'm coming up" he shouted and rushed inside. My chest tightened at the thought of having to face all this, but at least it wasn't Fred who had found me. I would've tried to leave but it was impossible to get down without bumping into George anyway and a few moments later his head followed by the rest of his body emerged up. "Whats wrong?? Is this about Fred?" Concern was sprawled across his face as he moved over to me, wrapping g his arms around my shoulder pulling me closer to him. "It's stupid" I whispered, tucking my head back to hide in my knees as silent tears spilled down across my cheeks. "No, no he's stupid, anybody who doesn't like you is stupid" he kept mumbling sweet nothings, gently rubbing my back but I didn't understand the half of it "Even I like you and if I like you you're obviously worth being liked Vivi" he kept talking again but that stuck in my mind. I looked up to him slightly confused, my voice fragile "wait... Wait you like me?".

His eyes went wide as soon as George realised his mistake. Even in the dim light provided by the moon you could see his cheeks tinted red but even so he didn't pull away his comforting grip. "Yeah, I do... But that doesn't change us eh? Best friends and partners in crime" he gave a slight pained smile as he looked down to me. I didn't understand how he could be so strong, I didn't understand how I could've been so insensitive constantly going on about Fred. He'd sat through it all, even encouraged me to go after him, god I felt worse than before. I wasn't thinking straight, the next moment was a mistake but he was sweet and I leaned up pecking his lips softly. They were warm, gentle and there was a vague taste of chocolate, but there was no sparks. "I'm sorry" I whispered and George just stayed where he was, oh so still and it worried me bur I didn't know what I could say. "Partners in crime" I mumbled, kissing his cheek before forcing myself away from him. His grip had tightened at first but I was still able to pull away. I headed back down into the Burrow without another word, shivering slightly and feeling terrible for leaving George up there alone. This was all too much. I crept over to Fred's room careful not to wake anyone, ready to tell him after all, but when my head peered round the door I saw what could've been the worst thing possible. Fred and felicité were curled up and sleeping in each others arms. I let out a sudden almost silent squeak and closed the door quickly, rushing back to my room and closed the door heading into the bed as tears brimmed in my eyes.

I curled up under the covers, burying my head in the pillow with one thought swirling around in my head, I lost both my best friends in one night.

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