Trust Me

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I reread the diary entries at least another ten times. I even go on Google Translate and it says the same thing. My eyes are still wide in shock and my mouth hangs open.

Is Erica British or Russian? They had my Mom? Could they still have her? My mind is swarming with so many thoughts. Most of them bad...

I hear footsteps in the hall and I quietly close the book and quickly place it on the bookshelf. Erica comes in sorting some CD's. She looks up and smiles at me.

"You nearly finished?" She asks.
"Y-yup!" I stutter.
She gives me a quizzical look but shakes it off.
"I'm about make some sandwiches for lunch. Borscht?"
"Is that a Russian thing?"
"Yes. Don't worry you'll love it."

She gives me another smile and then places the CD's on the desk. She walks out and as soon as she's gone, I let out a breath that I didn't realise I'd been holding in. I'm all tense and I do some arm stretches.

I need to tell someone...
"Hey Julia. How did you get my number?"
"I got it from my Dad."
"Am I on speed dial?"
"You wish. I need to talk to you. In person."
"Right now?"
"That'd be great."
"Sorry, no can do angel. I'm in Barbados."
"Yup. For a mission. I'll back in a few days."

I sigh. I need to talk to Dylan in person. Mainly because he knows what to do and he's the only one I trust in that place. I would talk to my Dad but I know that he wouldn't believe me.

"I'm still here. Listen, I've got to go but I'll talk later."
"Sorry I can't help you but I promise I will once I'm back."
"Thanks. Bye."
"Bye Julia."

I put my phone down and sigh. I can feel a headache forming because of the stress. I would tell either Tyler or Liam but I don't want them involved. I could tell my Dad...

I walk to the kitchen and see that Erica is nearly finished with the sandwiches. I narrow my eyes and watch her continue to make more sandwiches. Could she be a spy? If she is, she's doing a really good job.

Almost as if she knew I was watching her, she looks up and gives me a bright smile. I offer a fake one and she takes it.

"Lunch is almost ready. Your Dad had to leave for work."
I nod my head and clear my throat.
"We could watch a movie?" I offer.
She nods her head enthusiastically.
"You know where the DVDs are."
I place my empty plate on the coffee table and continue to watch Titanic. I picked up the first DVD I saw and it just happened to be the saddest movie ever. I wipe a tear away.

I glance at Erica out of the corner of my eye. She hasn't cried once and I'm beginning to question if she even has a heart. It wouldn't surprise me if she didn't have one.

This is the woman that has killed innocent people and taken away the most beloved person in my Dad's and I's family. This is the woman I have to live with...

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