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It's 7pm the next day and I've just came out the shower. My best friend Demi is with me because we're going out tonight to this new nightclub that just recently opened up so I had asked her if she wanted to come over to get ready at mine. We both start doing our hair and makeup. I decided to curl my long brown hair which came down to my lower back. I've always loved how long my hair is. I did my makeup with blushed cheeks, some eyeliner and mascara and deep red lips to match the colour of my dress. My dress had long sleeves and down to my lower thighs and it was tight so it hugged me in all the right places. I wore killer heels which were black with gold studs on the toe. I accessorised my outfit with gold jewellery to finish off the look. Demi straightened her long blonde hair and done her makeup similar to mine. She was wearing a black skater skirt with a dark blue flarey top which was backless. She wore dark blue stilettos with it to match her top. By the time we were ready it was 9pm which meant it was time for us to leave.

The club was only 10 minutes away from my house, we could've walked there but it would've have taken longer for us to walk in our huge heels so we decided to get a taxi.

We had been in the club for a while and we had had quite a few drinks. I was talking to this boy called David because Demi he had been looking at me all night and made me to over to talk to him. He was flirting with me a lot which I didn't mind because he was a good looking lad. He had dark brown hair and nice blue eyes, although they weren't as nice as Niall's...
While I was at the club I felt like someone was watching me but I couldn't see anyone who was. I tried to forget about the feeling though while I was talking to David the feeling was stronger. David was in the middle of telling me about this bar he owned when he was interrupted by someone standing I between us, facing me.....Niall!

"Kylie!" He said, butting in.
"Niall?" I asked.
David then cleared his throat so Niall turned his head and looked at him then back at me.
"Oh was I interrupting?" Niall asked with a smirk, knowing he was and not caring at all.
"Um bye Kylie.." David said, annoyed that Niall had interrupted while we had been talking.
"What was that all about? what are you doing here?" I hissed to Niall.
"You looked bored" Niall said, not answering my second question. He was right..I wasn't really interested in David.
"so you thought you would just scare him off?" I asked annoyed with Niall.
"Yeah" he smirked.
"What makes you think you could do that?"
"because your too good for him, and..." He said before leaning in to say something in my ear,
"You're mine" He whispered with a wink before walking away getting lost in the crowd so I could no longer see him.
What is with that guy?

My thoughts are interrupted when Demi appears in front of me.
"I'm sorry Kylie but I have to go, my boyfriends outside to take me home, I just wanted to tell you so you didn't think you'd lost me! See you soon Hun" she said giving me a hug before disappearing in the crowd. I decided I should probably go aswell. I make my way to the door and stand outside waiting for a cab.
I'm lost in my thoughts when all of a sudden I feel somebody grab me from behind and put their hand over my mouth so I can't scream. They then pull me into a really dark alley down from the club.
The next thing I know I'm pinned against the wall, still with a hand over my mouth, by this sweaty man with a cigarette in his mouth. 4 other men were standing around in the alley.
"Aren't you a pretty little slut" the man said, his voice deep and rough.
His hand then started touching my thigh and travelled down until it reached the end of my dress when he then started to tug at it and slowly try and pull it up. He starts laughing. I've never been so scared in my life, I think I'm about to get....raped. Small tears are falling from my eyes. The man then puts his hand on my shoulder and starts touch my neck, my cheeks and my hair.
All of a sudden his weight is pushed off me and the man stumbles.
"Get. Away. From. Her!" I heard an Irish accent say.
I recognise this's Niall.
"Or what" the man says trying to look smug.
Without any warning Niall then throws three punches, one after the other. One in the mans face and two in his gut. This causes the man to fall, holding his stomach in agony.
"DON'T EVER TOUCH HER AGAIN OR I WILL KILL YOU" Niall shouts, taking my hand and quickly getting me out of the alley and leading me up the street.
"Thankyou so much Niall" I said, the tears still falling from my eyes. Niall stops us and turns to face me. He looks into my eyes and wipes the tears off my cheeks. "I'm always going to save you" he says.
The moment is interrupted when we notice the 4 men who were with that guy following us.
"They're going to follow you home" he said.
"Are you sure?" I asked.
"I'm positive, I could walk you home but they'll just come for you when I leave, I can't let them...your coming home with me" he said, anger filling in his eyes as he looks at the thugs coming towards us.
"What?! I can't!" I said.
"I'm not giving you a choice, come on it's not far" Niall said beginning to walk again, keeping his hand in mine.
I decided not to argue with him.
Even though I barely knew Niall, I somehow trusted him.
I felt safe with him.

After walking for about ten minutes, Niall looking back every 2 minutes to see where they men were. We were making our way towards a big house and I think the guys following us had given up now since we could no longer see them. I guessed this was Niall's house, which I was glad of since my feet were killing me in these heels.
When we reached the door Niall got out his keys, dropping my hand and opened the door. The house was huge and looked really expensive. All the furniture was really nice, this house must've cost a lot.

"This is your house?" I asked looking around.
"Yes" Niall bluntly said locking the door behind him.
"Come up stairs, I'll get you something to change into" he said making his way upstairs.
I slipped my heels off before following him up the steps.
I followed him into a room and he shut the door behind me.
"I could just go home, I think the guys are gone" I said.
"No, sit down" He said nodding towards the bed.
I did as he said.
He took his shirt off and I didn't realise I was staring. I could see his back muscles, which flexed as he pulled the top over his head. He then turned round and I saw his six pack abs. Damn he had a hot body.
"Like what you see?" He asked with a smirk, snapping me out of my thoughts.
I just looked away, trying to cover up the fact that cheeks were turning the same colour as my dress. Shit. I can't believe he caught me staring. I kept my head turned away from him as I could hear him change his jeans.
"You can look now babe" he said. I slowly turned and saw that he had put on grey sweatpants, though he stayed shirtless. He looked through his drawers and pulled out a white polo shirt.
"Here, you can wear this" he said throwing me the top.
"What about bottoms?" I asked.
"They would all be too big for you, you don't need to wear bottoms" he said with a wink. I glared at him and got up up to leave the room to get changed though Niall stood infront of the door.
"Excuse me" I said.
"I need to get changed" I protested.
"You can get changed in here" he smirked.
"Yes" he said.
"I hate you" I said giving him a glare before turning around and walking back over beside the bed.
I noticed he was watching me.
"Are you going to watch me?" I asked.
"You watched me princess, it's only fair" he winked.
I glared at him again.
I turned around his back was facing him.
I pulled the dress over my head, revealing my black lace bra and matching underwear.
Niall wolf whistled and I shot him a glare over my shoulder which made him laugh.
I then quickly slid his top on which was huge on me and came to the top of my thighs though luckily covered my bum.
"You look good in my shirt, you should wear it more often" he said walking towards me. Although Niall was being quite inappropriate, it was hard to even pay attention to that when he looked so fit. His hair was in a nice quiff again, his ocean blue eyes were shining, and it was killing me having to keep my eyes off of his body.
"I'll sleep on the couch" I say though before I can take a step he has me over his shoulder.
"Niall?!" I shout.
"Sorry Princess your not staying on the couch, we're sharing the bed" He said walking over to the bed and laying me down on it, hovering over me with his elbows leaning on the bed keeping him up.
"Niall I'm not sleeping with you!"
"I know, don't worry, I'm not going to make you, unless you want me to" he said with a wink. I just rolled my eyes at him. "Though I have saved you twice from getting hurt and raped so I think you owe me something. So your staying in my bed with me wether you like it or not" he said.
"Ugh fine" I said rolling my eyes again.
He then stood up allowing me to move into one side of the bed as he got in at the other side after turning the light off.
As he joined me in the bed he wrapped his arms around my waste.
"Niall get off" I said trying to get his strong arms off me, though it was no use.
"Nope, you're mine" he said.
"No I'm not" I said.
He just looked at me. He looked like a part of him was hurt, and a part of him was angry from what I just said. But he just closed his eyes before saying "Night Princess".
I didn't want to go to sleep. This was weird. I was in some guy's bed, that I didn't know, who kept saying I was his, and won't let me go?
As much as I tried to stay awake, my eyes didn't want to and soon fell shut and I soon fell asleep in Niall's arms.

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