Doesn't It Worry You?

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It was Wednesday afternoon and you had just spent the day with Millie, Harry's girlfriend. She had texted you asking if you would go shopping with her to help her find something to wear for a meal she was going on with Harry. Niall probably wouldn't have wanted you to go on your own but he has training all day so he won't find out until your back. You are now walking home with her from the shopping mall after a long day of shopping.

You had told her lots about how you and Niall met and how he eventually took you out on a date. You have just told her about Chris.

"Wait so Niall used to be fiends with this guy?" she asked as you walked along.


"And then they fell out? and he hates Niall?"

"Well, yeah. He said that Niall done something and now he wants revenge on Niall, so it must've been something really bad" You explained.

"Oh, what do you think it was?" she asked.

"I'm not sure, something bad, maybe even dangerous? You see, once when I asked Niall why he does boxing he said its for self defence and to control his anger, he doesn't do it for fun" I said.

"Hmm, Harry's never mentioned Niall doing anything bad?" She said.

"But why does he have to control his anger? Do you think he's done a lot of bad things in the past? Like not just whatever he done to Chris?" she questioned. She seemed really concerned.

"I don't know, I don't want to ask him about it incase he gets mad" I sighed.

"Does it not worry you that he's done bad stuff?" she asks looking into my eyes.

"Yes. It does. I hate that he doesn't tell me about it because it makes me feel like he's hiding something seriously bad. I really like him, I feel happy and safe when I'm with him. He makes me feel so special, like I'm the only girl in the world. But I hate this secret he's got. It's making me think he has a dark side to him, and because he doesn't tell me about it, it makes me feel like I don't even know him.." You say looking down to the floor.

"Look, he will tell you, I'm not sure when but I think he's just taking his time to tell you. You obviously mean a lot to him and I think he doesn't want to scare you away because of something from his past" Millie said trying to reassure you.

"Hmm, hopefully he tells me soon" you sighed as you came to the end of the street where you both had to walk your separate ways.

"I have to go this way to go to Niall's" you said.

"Oh have to go this way to go home, have to start getting ready for our date" she winked.

"Haha! have fun! bye" you chuckled.

"See ya!" she said.

You were walking through the estate where Niall lived, almost at Niall's house.

The streets were quiet and nobody else was around.

You got the feeling somebody was watching you.

You looked around but couldn't see anyone. You looked back but still couldn't see anyone.

You decided to forget about it, maybe you just imaged it, you thought.

You were at the corner at the end of Niall's drive way when you heard a noise coming from the bushes across the street.

You looked over and saw the bushes still moving though nobody was there...

You hurried up Niall's drive way and impatiently waited as you knocked on his door.

Just then you heard footsteps approaching from behind you...familiar footsteps.

You looked over your shoulder but saw nobody was there..there was no trace of anybody walking bye.

"Hey Kylie!"

You jumped at the sound Niall's voice.

You turned back around to see him at the door.

"What's up? You look like you've seen a ghost!" Niall said embracing you in his strong arms and leading you inside his house.

"Oh nothing, just got a fright" you smiled, a feeling of relief came over you as Niall closed the door, you felt safe now.

You then noticed Niall was standing shirtless in sweatpants. His hair was wet and his chest had small droplets of water still on it, obviously he'd just came out of the shower.

"Like what you see?" Niall smirked raising an eye brow.

You felt the heat rush to your cheeks as you blushed. You hadn't realised you were starting at him.

He stepped closer to you and wrapped his arms around your waist.

"Let me take you out for dinner tonight" he said placing a soft kiss on your lips.

"Why?" you smirked.

"No reason. Just wanna take my beautiful girl out somewhere nice" He said planting another kiss on your lips.

"Hmm, I suppose so then" you giggled.

"How about we go to that new posh restaurant up the street? I heard they're really good." Niall asked.

"Sure but let me get changed into something nicer first" you said removing Niall's arms from around your waist to go upstairs to change into something you bought today.

"Okay, I also heard they do great desserts" Niall said.

He then came up behind you and stopped you in your tracks.

"But maybe we'll have home" he whispered, smacking your bum as he walked away to the bathroom.

You giggled knowing what he was suggesting before going upstairs to get ready.

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