Got it?

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It's been 3 hours since we arrived at the hospital and Liam and I have been in this waiting room the whole time while the doctors have been seeing to Niall.

I can't stop worrying about him. I feel like this is all my fault! But who even were they guys? It sounded like Niall knew them. What was Niall talking about when he said "She has nothing to do with what went on with me and you", he must know them, but I wonder what happened..

"Liam" I said causing him to lift up his head.


"Who were those guys?" I asked. Liam just sighed.

"I think Niall should tell you"

"No, I want to know now"



"No, Niall can tell you!"

"For all we know, Niall might not even be alive right now!" I cried.

Liam sighed getting up from his seat, walking over to where I was standing after pacing around the waiting room for the past 15 minutes. I had my hands over my face, trying to stop the tears from falling, as Liam wrapped his arms around me, embracing me into a comforting hug.

"He's not dead Kylie, they would've said" he said rubbing a hand on my back.

"But he could be fighting for his life in there, and we don't even know, stupid doctors, why can't they tell us what's going on" I cried frustrated.

"Because they're busy fixing him, don't worry Kylie, he's strong, it's not the first time he's ended up I'm hospital because of a fight" he said to reassure me as we pulled out of the hug.

"But he wasn't fighting, he was just...taking the beating" I said as we sat down.

"He was, he was fighting for you!" Liam said with a comforting smile spreading across his lips. "he's going to be fine Kylie" he said.

"Liam, please tell me who they men were?" I asked.

He sighed before giving in.

"Okay, well Niall's been involved with this guy Chris for a long time. They used to do boxing together until something really bad happened between Niall and Chris' little brother and even though Niall never meant it, it was really serious and Chris has hated Niall ever since" Liam explained.

"Okay, what happened between them?" I asked.

"Well I think you should ask Niall, he doesn't like anyone bringing it up or talking about it and I think it would be best for him to tell you himself." Liam said.

"Why doesn't he like talking about it?" I asked.

"I think it's just because he's really ashamed of it, though I think he forgets that he never meant it and it was just an accident" Liam said.

"Oh okay" I said, worried and curious of what Niall has done...

Before either of us could say anything a nurse came into the waiting room causing Liam and I to stand up from our seats immediately, desperate to find out what she has to say.

"How is he?" I asked.

"He's doing okay, there's nothing serious though he has a broken arm and a lot of bruising on his stomach, he also must have gotten a pretty hard hit to the head which caused him to become unconscious. We've cleaned up his wounds and have bandaged his arm though we are still waiting on a few test results to come back about his head so we have to keep him here over night. He's awake just now, would you like to see him?" She said.

"Yes we would!" I said a little too quickly.
"Yes" said Liam.

"Okay, follow me" she smiled.

I was so relieved to know Niall was going to be okay. I really wanted to know what happened between him and Chris's little brother, though I don't think now is the time to be asking him questions like that.

After walking down the long endless corridor we finally reached Niall's room.

As we entered I seen Niall lying on the bed, as soon as he saw us his face lightened up and a small smile spread across his face.

"Kylie! Liam!" he spoke, slowly sitting up to see us.

"Hey bro" Liam said patting him gently on the back before sitting down in one of the chairs by Niall's bed.

"Hey" I smiled giving him a kiss on the cheek.

"How are you feeling?" Liam asked.

"Sore" Niall chuckled. "What happened after they finished beating me? I think I blacked out during it because the last thing I remember is one guy kicking my in the head" Niall asked.

"They ran off and I didn't know what to do so I called Liam and we took you here" I said.

"Did they hurt you?" he asked looking extremely worried.

"No they didn't" I said.

"Thank god" he whispered almost to himself.

"Your voice sounds dry, want me to get you a drink?" I asked Niall.

"Sure" he smiled.

"Would you like one?" I asked Liam.

"No thanks" he said shaking his head.

I got up from my chair which I had sat in next to Liam and headed back out into the corridor.

I stopped at a vending machine which I had see at the end of the corridor. I put the coins in and picked up the bottle of water I had got. I was about to walk back when I felt someone grab my arm and put their hand over my mouth.

"Hello again Kylie"

I knew exactly who it was.

"We need to have a little talk, so if you promise not to scream then I will uncover your mouth but if you dare shout anything then I will drag you right out that door and you will never see Niall again. do you promise?" He asked.

I just nodded and he let go of my mouth though still held my arm.

"What do you want?" I spat.

"My revenge on Niall" he said. "I don't know if you know, but Niall has to pay me some money, and if he doesn't pay then I will hurt you" he said, his grip getting tighter on my arm. "and if you get hurt, that will hurt Niall" he spoke.
"and if you even think of trying to call the police, Niall will be killed. understand?!" he said.

I reluctantly nodded my head and he let go of my arm and began walking.

"I want my money Kylie, and if I don't get it very soon, someone's going to get hurt.." he said, looking back and smirking at me before opening the door at the end of the corridor and leaving.

I slowly made my way back down the corridor to the room Niall was in with Liam.

I entered the room to find them talking about football, typical guys!

"You okay Kylie? You look like you've seen a ghost!" Liam joked.

"Yeah I'm fine just tired" I lied.

I don't think I should tell Niall about this...he would go insane if he found out that Chris was still threatening to hurt me.

"Maybe we should go home, it's pretty late. We can come and get Niall in the morning" Liam said.

"Yeah, you should get some rest" Niall said.

"Okay" I agreed.

After we said goodbye to Niall, Liam dropped me off at my house and said he would pick me up in the morning to get Niall.

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