Why Didn't You Tell Me?

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~~Kylie's Point Of View~~

It's been 3 weeks since Niall got out of hospital and he's doing much better now though he still has to take it easy. Me and Niall have been spending a lot of time together and I really like him, I really don't want to mess this up. Tonight the boys, Niall and myself are all going to Louis' apartment for a movie night and the others have all invited their girlfriends. I have been spending time with the boys as well and they are funniest guys I have ever met,they're really nice. It'll be nice to meet their girlfriends.

I've got 5 minutes until we need to leave to walk to Louis'. Louis actually lives near me and it only takes 10 minutes to walk there so Niall and I decided he would come over to my place and then we could walk there together. Niall is waiting downstairs while I finish off my makeup upstairs in my room. I just finished the last coat of mascara when my phone vibrates on my dressing table. My stomach turns at the sound. I've been getting some texts in the past two days...they're from Chris. I haven't replied to any of them, I think if I ignore him then he might stop, but he keeps on texting and it's really starting to bother me.

The first text said "Little Miss Kylie...remember, I want my money".

The second said "time is running out babe"

The third said "somebody's gonna get hurt"

The fourth one said "don't keep me waiting babe"

Yes, he sent 4 texts in two days. And I dread to read the 5th one which had just came through to my phone. I hesitated as I reached for my phone to reveal the text which read "I'm getting impatient Kylie, you better get that money..or else" I sighed. He is really starting to scare me. I haven't told Niall about any of these texts. I think if I tell him he will only get worried and angry and might to do something that he could regret.

"C'mon Kylie, we need to go!" Niall called up, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Just coming!" I shouted down. I put my phone in my jeans pocket and got my coat on before going downstairs.


Niall and I were walking hand in hand on the way to Louis' house.

We were just laughing about something Niall said when I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket because of a message. Without thinking I took out my phone and saw the text appear on the screen....from Chris.
It read: "Remember our little chat in the corridor...I want my money now! or else!"

I was about to quickly put my phone back in my pocket so Niall couldn't see before he grabbed my wrist.

"What was that" Niall said.

"Nothing" I said.

"Kylie! I saw what that text said! who was it?!"


"Was it Chris?!" he asked.

I looked away, I couldn't lie to him any more.

"It was! give me the phone Kylie!"

"No it doesn't matter" I said trying to convince him everything was fine.

"No it's not Kylie! please give me the phone! I have to know what he's doing! I can't let him hurt you!" he said looking into my eyes, his voice going softer and filling with worry.

I gave in and handed him the phone. I watched as he read through the messages Chris had sent, anger now in his eyes.

"I'm gonna kill him" Niall muttered under his breath, shaking his head.

"Why didn't you tell me?" he asked.

"I didn't want you to worry.." I said looking down.

"Kylie, this is serious, you should've told me, something really bad could happen to you because of him, I need to know what's going on" he said putting his hand on my shoulder.

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