Little Miss Kylie Clark

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I opened my eyes to see Niall lying next to me, awake, with his arms still around me. "Morning love" he said. "hey" I smiled. "What time is it?" I asked. "25 past 9, we should start getting ready, I've got to go to boxing at 12" Niall said. "yeah we should, I've got dancing at half past 11, you do boxing?" I asked. "okay that's cool, I'll drop you off on my way, yeah I do" he said. "How come you've not mentioned it before?" I asked, rolling onto my side propping my head up on my elbow. "don't know, I guess it just never really came up" he said. "but we've talked about my dancing before, how come you never thought to mention it then?" I asked. "I don't know, I guess it's different, I mean, you do dancing because it's your passion, it something you love doing and it's what you want to do for the rest of your life, where as my boxing is something I do to control my anger and learn to defend myself, I mean sure I like boxing but I don't do it because I like it, I do it to learn to control myself and my anger.." Niall said. "Oh I see.." I said. "I'm not some dangerous anger freak though! like I'm not always violent! I don't have-" "I know Niall, it's okay" I said, reassuring him that I understood. He sighed. "But we really should get up.." I said. "yeah we should" Niall said, pecking a kiss on my forehead before removing his arms from around me and standing up. I got up aswell.

I went in the shower while he made us breakfast and once he finished his breakfast he went in the shower. When we were ready he drove me home to quickly get changed and grab my stuff for dance and he then drove me to work.

[ Niall's P.O.V ]

I had just finished my training and I'm now in the locker room getting my stuff.
"Well, well, well, if it isn't Horan" a voice behind me said in an evil tone. I knew exactly who it was and I turned around to find Chris Jones.
Chris Jones, I've hated his guts since the day I met him back in high school.
"What are you doing here? You don't usually train at this time" I spoke. Chris also does boxing here. I've been in many fights with him...a lot of them have turned out extremely bad, nothing good ever happens when he's around. "your right I don't, but I heard that you finish up at this time so I came early so I could talk to you about something I believe you have forgotten about." he spoke leaning against the lockers opposite me. "Okay" I said. "Have you forgotten that you owe me some money Horan.." he spoke. I sighed. "I've not got any money for you!" I told him. "Well you better get my money Horan! You owe me for what you done this day 4 years ago! Don't you think I'll ever let you away with it! I want my money Horan and if I don't get it in 4 weeks, I will have to kill someone very important to you.." he said. "Who?" I asked. "Little Miss Kylie Clark..." he said with a smirk. What?! No?! How does he know about Kylie?! "No!" "I want my money Horan! half a million dollars in 4 weeks or who knows what will happen to Kylie" he said with a smirk before walking off laughing, leaving me confused and angry..

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