Chapter 1

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A fox sat at a stream. It stared off into the water until a twig snapped. It turns and looks. A boy stood there amazed "woah." He slowly walked over. It examined him. His black hair and hope filled eyes. He kneeled down "you're beautiful." His eyes wonder to the multiple tails. He looks back into it's brown eyes "Eight tails?"

Hasun awoke with a jolt as she collided with the cold, hard floor. She groans and slowly gets up. Her alarm goes off making her quickly shut it off. It's time to get the day started. She takes a quick shower and dresses in her uniform. She tried to brush her short wavy locks but it really didn't do anything. She puts on a light coat of lipgloss to make her lips a bit more pink. She grabs her bag and hurries down the stairs. "Eomma, I'm leaving!" Hasun calls grabbing her lunch. Her mother walks in, tall with long brown hair and green eyes full of wonder. She smiles "don't forget this." She holds up a silver chained bracelet with one single charm on it. A tribal fox. The family symbol of mystical beasts, that Hasun is well aware of. She was gifted at age 12, and now she's 18. At 19 she'll be a full grown Kitsune. She finally gain her final tail. "Thanks Eomma." Hasun kisses her cheek and leaves heading for school.
Hasun sat in her first class, Math. She never really liked math but sucked it up and passed it with 90's. "where's the teacher?" She over hears someone whispering. "I don't know, maybe didn't want to see your ugly face." They giggle and laugh. Hasun rolls her eyes and stares out the window. She watched the birds fly around and be free. She always wondered what it was like to fly and be free. Mostly to be free. She wished she could run in the woods like when she was little. The dirt between her toes and the wind in her hair. The smell of pine and the earth. The sound of a near by stream and rustling leaves. She pictures running threw the forest in shorts and her favorite hoodie. No shoes, no socks. She's happy and free. No one stopping her. "Sorry class that I'm late." The teacher walks in snapping Hasun out of her day dream. She looks over at the teacher. "I was showing some new kids around." He looks at one of the new kids. This one has somewhat narrow eyes, dark red hair and peach lips. His face blank from emotion. His eyes wondered the class until he made eye contact with Hasun. He smiled a bit and sat next to her making everyone in the class glare at her and whisper. He looks at her but she was busy looking out the window again. He chuckles softly catching her attention. "Oh sorry. Hi I'm Hasun." She smiles sweetly. He smiles back "Yoongi." Through out class, Hasun as caught Yoongi staring at her just admiring. He would just smile and look back at the teacher. The bell rang causing Hasun to jump a bit. She gathers her things. Yoongi stands up and tucks his hands to to his pockets. "Hey. Do you wanna maybe eat lunch with my friends and I?" He looks down at his shoes. "Sure." She smiles and leads him out of the classroom. He smiles "thanks. See you then." He heads off to his next class.
The bell rung, waking Hasun from her nap during English. She packed up her stuff and noticed someone staring at her. His hair blond or platinum. He has dark eyes and thick lips that curved into a smile. He stands up and leaves without a word. Hasun slips her backpack on and goes downstairs to the cafeteria. She sits at her normal table unable to find the red head Yoongi anywhere. "Ah hyung stop!" A boy walks in from being outside. He was laughing and hitting Yoongi. Hasun simply ignored the laughter and ate her lunch consisting of rice and grilled vegetables wrapped in steak. She sipped from her cute little juice box. "Hey sunshine." Yoongi grabs her shoulders scaring her. She nearly spit out her juice. "Um. Hasun, why are drink something a toddler would drink?" He sits next to her. She pouts "meanie." He chuckles "come on. We're eating outside." She grabs her bag "ok." Yoongi smiles and carries her lunch for her. "This is jungkook. He's a little shy." Hasun looks over at the adorable shy boy who's trying not to smile. She playfully punches his shoulder. Yoongi chuckles and sets her lunch on the picnic table. Hasun sits down and eats quietly while everyone else stares at her. "Hyungs this is Hasun aka day dreamer." The blond one from earlier begins to laugh. "I call her sleepy." He says between laughs. Someone sits next to her "whatcha got there?" She looks over. He has black hair and thicker lips then the blond one. His eyes stared at her food a while more before finally looking up at Hasun. She picks up her last one between her chopsticks and offered it to him. He was more than happy to eat it right off her sticks. She smiles "I made it. It's grilled vegetables with steak wrapped around it. It's really good." He nods "my name is Seokjin. Call me Jin." He says between chewing. She giggles. Yoongi sips his coke "that's cute." She looks at him "you're just jealous." He nods "sure." She pouts and eats her rice. "Hey why are you drinking toddler juice?" The one with chestnut brown hair asks picking up her juice box. "Leave her alone Taehyung." The one with sandy blond hair smacks the back in his head. Taehyung whines "ouch Hosoek!" They boys bicker back and forth until Tae throws the juice box at him. A sudden snap of wood makes everyone freeze and look at Hasun. She holds her now broken chopstick and staring at Taehyung with burning eyes. He grew scared "h-Hasun?" She stands up and walks over to him. She grabs the collar of his shirt "get me another juice." He nods quickly "y-yes ma'am!" She lets him go and lets him scurry away. "Woah. No one can scare Tae that bad." Yoongi snickers. She sits back down and pulls a spoon out from her bag and goes back to eating her lunch. Jungkook sits next to her "want to share a coke?" She looks at him and smiles a bit "sure." He smiles back and opens it letting her take the first sip. Tae runs back with a bottle of apple juice. "H-here.." he sets the bottle down and backs up quickly. "Well, I'm Namjoon and that's Jimin. He's being cranky this morning." Jimin glares at him before returning back to his lunch. Hasun gets up and sits across from him. He ignores her. She pulls out a snack that she would usually eat after school. A slice of coconut cake and another spoon. She sits on the table swinging her legs over the side and opening the container. Jimin's head snaps up. He tries not to look like he's begging but fails miserably. "Here." She offers him a spoonful of cake. He eats it without a second though. She smiles "lighten up." He blushes "whatever." She feeds him a bit more before putting it away. He looks at her confused "hey." He whines. "One, two, three." She counts and holds up her finger at three and the bell rings on contact. She giggles and packs up her empty bowl. She runs off to gym class.
The bell rang signaling school is done. Hasun gathers her things and walked home. "Sunshine!" Yoongi runs up to her. She looks at him "hey red." He chuckles "suga." She nods "Suga. Nice." She smiles. They talk and walk home. She learns they're not from this area, not Paju. Jimin and Jungkook are from Busan, hoseok is from Geangju, Jin is from Anyang, namjoon is from Seoul and Taehyung moved from Daegu to kojang back to daegu and then to Seoul. He's also from daegu. She also learned they share the same birthday, March 9th. "So, how do you like it here so far?" Hasun asked shyly. He smiles at her "it's not bad." She blushes lightly "well uh. This is house." They stand in front of a blue house. Suga grabs her hand "want to come hang out with my friends and I this weekend?" She nods "sure!" He smiles and gives her hand a light kiss "see you then." She blushes more and goes inside as Yoongi leaves. "Oooh~ Cute boy alert." Her mother teases and laughs. Hasun rolls her eyes and goes upstairs. "Dinner is going to be next door. The new neighbors invited us." Her mother calls up to her. "So dress nice!" She adds. Hasun smiles a bit and grabs her favorite black shirt with a fox on it and a pair of shorts. She changes and adds a bit of eyeliner and mascara. She bounces down the stairs to do her homework until it's time to leave.
When it was time to go, Hasun's mother grabbed a bottle of wine and Hasun was forced to carry a cake. They walked next door to the nice cream white house. Hasun knocks softly on the door. "I got it Eomma!" They hear from inside the house before the door opens. There stood the chestnut brunette, Kim Taehyung. He smiles sweetly "Hi Hasun." She smiles and looks down shyly. Tae lets them in and everyone gathers at the table. The parents begin talking immediately leaving Taehyung and Hasun to sit there awkwardly. Tae clears his throats and looks up. Hasun has been staring at him just day dreaming making him blush. "Hasun dear." Tae's mother grabs her attention. She looks at her "yes ma'am?" She smiles sweetly. "Do you like foxes?" The mother asks. Hasun nods "very much. My mother calls me Kit sometimes because of my love for foxes." Hasun's mom chuckles "I do. The fox is a family symbol. Passed down for generations. Cunning, strategy, quick-thinking, adaptability, cleverness and wisdom." Tae's mother nods "ours is the cat. We're practically cousins. The cat symbolizes Astuteness, Cleverness, Secretiveness, Mysteriousness, Intelligence, Intuitiveness, Supernaturalnss, Watchfulness, Selectiveness and Independents." The mothers grin and look at their children. Hasun was blushing being shy while Taehyung was rather proud of himself. The father went to the kitchen and comes back with dinner. "Hey Hasun, where's your dad?" Taehyung asks between chew of his food. Hasun stops chewing and looks at him. She swallows before answering "never met that sorry excuse of a father." He grows sad. "Me ether. That's my step-dad." He looks over at the laughing parents. Hasun just goes back to eating, not wanting to talk about it. She knows what happened to her father. He left as soon as he found out that her mother was pregnant. Canis Minor of the teumessian fox. A constellation from the gods. She hates her father.
After dinner, the kids went outside and sat in the front lawn. Hasun looks up at the stars "Canis Minor. That's my favorite." Taehyung looks up and smiles "interesting." She looks at him. He looks at her. She tackles him. They roll around in the dew grass until Hasun's mom comes out. "Kit time to go." She chuckles. Hasun gets up and runs home laughing. Taehyung gets up and watches smiling. "Good night." Her mother waves before going inside her own house. Hasun goes upstairs and drys her hair from the grass. She changes into a pair of yellow sweatpants and a tang top. She brushes her teeth and goes straight to bed.
She fell asleep quicker than she thought. She woke up in the middle of the night dying of thirst. She carefully climbed down the dark stairs. She got a cup of water from the tap. "Hasun..." she hears a whisper. She looks around in a panic. "Eomma?" She whispers back. "Hasun..." it says again. She sets her cup in the sink and hurried back upstairs. She hides under the covers. The whispers fade away allowing Hasun to fall asleep.

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