Chapter 5

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"If you won't then I will!" A boy runs over and snatches the gun. His hair darker than his eyes. He aims directly for her head and pulls the trigger. "There. That was not so hard."

Hasun awakes in a cold sweat. She remembers very vividly the bullet drilling into her skull into her brain. She shuttered and got up. "Hey, Hasun. Time for school." Soohyun knocks on her door. Hasun gets up quickly and showers. She slips her uniform on and brushed her bed head down. She hurried downstairs and grabs her lunch shoving it into her bag. She grabbed some trial mix and ran outside. She grabbed her skateboard. "Sunshine. I see you're up and running." Yoongi walks over. She smiles and skates to school. One by one the boys started to show up. Hasun was in her own little world and never noticed until someone tapped her arm. She jumped losing balance and fell of her board. "Shit! Hasun you ok?" Jin helped her up. Her knees are all scratched up and bleeding. He frowns "I'm so sorry." She looks down at her wounds and heals them "all good Seokjin." He chuckles "right, I forgot." She smiles but gets a since of someone watching. She looks around and sniffs slightly. She makes eye contact with her dead brother. Her breath hitches "Hyungi.." the boys turn around but they didn't see anyone. "Uh. What kind of drugs are you on?" Yoongi lightens the tension. She sighs "I guess I'm still tired." They walk to school.
It was a long day for Hasun. Every time she looked out the window, she kept seeing her brother. He would just be standing there, staring at her. A light smirk stretched on his lips and an evil glisten in his eyes. She didn't tell anyone but Namjoon could tell something was wrong. On their way home Hasun didn't say a single word. She walks behind the laughing boys looking around making sure she saw him again. But she never did. Jungkook noticed and walked next to her. He held her hand entwining their fingers. She smiles and looks at him. He kisses her hand and winks. She blushes lightly. "Hey kids stop flirting." Hoseok jokes. "You're just jealous Hoseok!" Jungkook whines. "Oh yeah?" He chases Jungkook leaving the others laughing. "Bye guys." Hasun waves and goes inside her house. Soohyun wasn't home but he left a note. 'Be back in a few. Went grocery shopping <3 Soohyun.' It read. Hasun nods and goes upstairs to change. Inside she was greeted with hyungi sitting on her bed. "Finally! You take for ever." He gets up irritated. She gasps and steps away from him "you're suppose to be dead!" He shrugs "well. I am and I'm not. I'm a spirit dummy. If a Kitsune dies they come back as a Kitsune spirit." He grins and grabs his sisters arm. He pins her to the wall "I have a message for the red head. Tell him, I'm still alive and his work is sloppy." He whispers in her ear. She noticed the scars where the skin was cleanly punctured but two sharp items. Fangs. Was the firth thing that cam to her mind. He grins "that's right. You best friend there, killed me." Her face slowly turns horrified. "Guess what. I killed... our good for nothing... mother." He made sure to be extra dramatic with his pauses. "No! You killed Eomma?" He nods "she tried to kill me saying, I have to stay dead." Hasun punches him in the face. "Why you little b-" he gets kicked down the stairs. She jumps on top of him when he landed and repeatedly punched his face. He flung her into the wall. She gags and hangs her head. He kicks her threw the wall and into the front yard. It's his turn to sit on top of her and repeatedly beat her. "Get off her!" Taehyung runs outside. "Stay back cat boy. I can kill her in the blink of you eyes." Hyungi threatens and Tae stays back. Hasun kicks him threw the hole of the house and gets up. She spits blood and watches him carefully. His eyes turn a bright rich orchid and his tails come out. His Tails aren't connect to his body physically but mentally. Hasun did the same but her eyes are yellow. He lunges at her. She did the same and wrestled him on the ground. They rolled around the the grass until Hyungi finally got on top. He bit her throat. Hasun has to act quick or she'll die. She rips him off and head butts him. He groans and looks at her. She kicks him in the face sending him across the street. Kitsune strength is pretty scary. "You win this on!" Hyungi shouts and disappears. Hasun pants and covers the wound gushing blood. "Hasun!" Taehyung' mother runs outside and inspects the damage. "I-I'll be fine.." she tries to heal but throws up instead. "He ripped your neck. It must be to much on your body." She takes Hasun inside and bandages her wounds. "Heal slowly, don't rush it please. I promised your mother I will watch over you. So don't die on me." She kisses Hasun's head. Hasun smiles sadly "I'll try not to." Hasun walks home but Taehyung grabs her arm "let's go to the guys." He didn't give her a choice and started to drag her. Once there, Jungkook immediately got up and rushes over to her. "What happened!" He lightly touched the somewhat red stained area. She walks passed him and goes straight for Yoongi. She smacks the coke from his hand then snack his pale cheek making it turn red. He holds his cheek and stands up "what was that for!?" She grabs the collar of his shirt "I'm going to kill you Min Yoongi. You're the reason why I have no family left." He was shocked and watched her eyes turn yellow. Namjoon pries Hasun off the scared Yoongi. He walks away with her following. He didn't want to see her rip his best friend apart.
When they returned, Hasun was all calm and quiet. "Yoongi. You messed up big time. She may never be able to trust you again." Namjoon says for Hasun. She nods and leaves. She didn't want to see his face right now. When she got home the hole was no longer there and it looked like nothing even happened. She walks inside. Soohyun was in the kitchen cooking dinner. He smiles and looks at her "hey! Where've you been?" She looks at him "my brother is alive. He killed my mother.." she said rather emotionless. He looks down and doesn't say anything. After a good amount of silence, Hasun breaks it. "You already knew. That's why you're protecting me." Her fist balled up. He doesn't say anything. "I hate you! Why didn't you tell me sooner mistake!" She runs upstairs. For the rest of the night, no one said anything. Not even at the dinner table. Soohyun knew she is anger with him so he doesn't want to make it worse. After dinner Hasun went to bed not saying a single word to him. She can't trust anyone anymore.

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