Chapter 6

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That night Hasun couldn't sleep. She'll doze off and wake up in half an hour. She was so paranoid Hyungi would sneak in and kill her in her sleep. She gets up and showers early. The warm water calmed her down and cleared her mind. She dresses for school and sits at the table eating a bowl of cereal. Soohyun comes downstairs shirtless and hair messy. She couldn't help but to stare despite being extremely angry at him. She sets her empty bowl in the sink and grabs her bag leaving for school. Outside, stood the boys patiently waiting for her. Jungkook smiles watching her walk out. "Hey. Why don't we do something after school. I..I don't want to see Soohyun today." Kook nods "sure what where you planing?" They walk to school. "I don't know. Movie or something.." they nod. "There's this new movie that came out and I really wanted to see it." Jimin says anxiously. She smiles and rolls her eyes "tell me about it, not. We can go see it." He jumps and bark happily.
"Hasun, you sorry excuse for a sister. You can't even beat me" Hyungi pulls Hasun up by her hair. Blood rolls down her face and stains her clothes. He chuckles darkly and shoves her to the dirt ground. "Let's end this!" Hasun awoke with a jolt making everyone look at her. She forgot she was in English. She looks down at the book and pretended to read. Namjoon watched her through the glass. Something defiantly isn't right. The bell rings and he takes her down to lunch. "Damn. I forgot my lunch." Hasun whines and leans on Namjoon. She gave him puppy dog eyes, not like she really had too. He chuckles and slicks his hair back "alright. I'll get you lunch but you have to pay for my popcorn." She nods and sits at the table. Jungkook rests his head on her shoulder dozing off. "Kook didn't get much sleep. He was to busy calling me every five minutes asking if your ok." Taehyung chuckles. Hasun smiles and ruffles kook's hair "kookie. You don't have to worry about me, I can handle myself." He looks up at her with sad worried eyes. She kisses his head. Namjoon sets a tray of food and Hasun digs in.
After school, Hasun changed her clothes in the locker room. She always carries a spare set of clothes in her locker then changes in the locker room. She walks over to the guys in her skinny jeans and black 'Dope' shirt. Jungkook smiles and carried her bag for her. "This is gonna be an awesome night!" They get to the theatre and pay for their tickets. Like Hasun promised, she bought Namjoon his popcorn. They got good seats in the middle. Jungkook shared a drink with Hasun since she doesn't really like popcorn. She liked the movie. It's a romantics comedy, she didn't really remember the title though. It was a good night until Yoongi walked her home after the movie. There was a think awkward silence. He looks at her "Hasun." She ignores him. His stomach growls making Hasun stop dead in her tracks. He looks at her confused "what?" She turns and runs into the woods, mistake number one. He chased after her. His hunger grew, he loves a good chase. His eyes changed and his fangs came out. His speed increased as he lost all control. He pins her to a tree and grins "I love a good game of cat and mouse." He doesn't hesitate to sink his teeth into her neck. He shutters at the sweet taste of Kitsune blood. She hit his back begging for him to stop. The pain was unbearable. Tears rolled down her cheeks as the wold slowly went black. Yoongi was suddenly thrown off her. She fell no longer having any support to hold her up. She watched a dark figure slap Yoongi making him grail and run away. Hasun passes out after that. She's losing blood fast. This may be the end.
Hasun wakes up in her bed tucked under the covers. She sits up and holds her neck in pain. She felt the scars Yoongi's fangs left. She gets up and goes to Soohyun's room aka her mothers room. He was laying on the bed watching the tv. He looks at her and gets up "good you're up. Go pack a bag, we're leaving to go train. Hyungi is going to kill you, if you don't get the strength." She nods and does as told. She packs some clothes and meets him downstairs. They get in the car and leave Paju. Not knowing when they'll be back.
Jungkook stops by the house with tired whiney Jimin. "Wait. Where's the car?" Jimin looks at the driveway. Jungkook hurries inside. He looks at the note left on the table. 'Dear boys, I left to train. I am not strong enough to protect those I love. I don't know when I'll be back. So don't do anything stupid till I get back. Love, Hasun :)'

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