>Final Chapter<

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It's been quiet and depressing without Sunshine around. Jungkook took it the hardest. He would always stop at her house to see if she's back but she hasn't. No one at school as asked ether as if she never existed. "Cheer up Kook, she'll be back soon."
One day, Jungkook was on his daily walk to Hasun's house when he noticed the car is in the driveway. He ran up to the door and knocked. Hasun answered the door. She smelt like a forest despite taking five showers. He wraps his arms around her in a tight hug. She hugs him back "hey kookie." He smiles and nuzzles his head into his neck. He pulls away and grabs her face kissing her. She was certainly surprised. He pulls away and laughs "you're ok." She smiles "yup!" He takes her hand and runs down the sidewalk to the woods where everyone basically lived. "Guy!" Jungkook runs over with Hasun. "Oh my god!" Jin stands up. Hasun smiles and waves "what's up." Everyone hugs her. They missed her to death. Hasun smiles more "I wasn't gone that long." Namjoon grabs her shoulders "almost a month isn't long?" She scratches the back of her neck "right...Seemed shorter." He hugs her tightly "god I missed you." She pats his back "yes yes." He lets go. Hasun looks at Jungkook who's smiling a lot with a light blush across his cheek. She walks over and takes his hand. She kisses him softly in front of everyone making his blush increase. She pulls away making him giggle uncontrollably. He hugs her and swings her around happily. Hasun laughs and holds on for dear life. "I want to be the best man!" Taehyung shouts causing an argument. Everyone fought about being the best man. Hasun sat off the the side relaxing when she saw it. Hyungi walking in the wood. He looked at her 'it's almost time. Tomorrow at sunrise. We battle to the death.' He send a brain message before disappearing. "Hey where's Yoongi?" Jin finally noticed. Hasun sprang to her feet "he didn't." He looks at her "what?" She looks at him "he was kidnapped.." she runs home. That wasn't a long run compared to what it used to be. She ran inside and searched for Soohyun. "Damn it. Him too!" She realized, he's taking those who are precious to her. She banged her head on the wall "how stupid am I!" She stood and breaths. She besides, Hyungi is going to pay for taking her loved ones.
She surprisingly slept that night. She made sure to wake up and put on something comfortable but good for fighting. Her favorite olive shorts and hoodie. If she's gonna die it might as well be in her favorite clothes. She put on some extra grip sneaker and her gloves from training. She ran outside and followed the sent of Soohyun. She found Hyungi waiting impatiently at an old abandoned baseball field. Everyone tied up and unconscious in the dug out. Hyungi plays around with a baseball bat until he noticed Hasun walking over. Her eyes mglowed with anger. He grins "welcome to you final round, sunshine." He bows and lifts his head showing his cocky grin. "Pick your weapon." He pointed to the assortment of baseball bats. She picked up a white one. "Good chose. Now let's play ball." He charges at her with bat ready to swing. She steps aside at the last moment allowing him to go face first into the metal bar of the fence. He growls and tackles her. She shoves her bat in his mouth and pushes him into the ground. She gets up and kicks him into the fence. She kicks dirt into his eyes making him scream. Hasun takes this time to go untie Soohyun. She runs into the dug out and pries the enchanted chains off of him. They bent under her Kitsune strength and Soohyun was free. "You ok?" She asked as he began to wake up. He nods and gets up quickly "where is he?" They hear some groaning as Hyungi approaches. Hasun quickly runs at him with a bat. She swings and hits his head sending him across the field. "Damn it Hasun!" Hyungi screams and half transforms. He charges at her on all fours. She does the same. Hyungi jumps her biting her arms. Soohyun kicks him off "mistake number one." She looks at him. His ears and tails are silver and his eyes are galaxy. He gives her a charming smile "let's do this." Hasun smiles and gets up. "Watch this." He forms a ball of fire in the palm of his hand. He shoots the ball at Hyungi but he dodges. He goes after Soohyun now. "You're in the way!" He grabs Soohyun's throat choking him. Soohyun head butts him sending him back on to his butt. "That's it Soohyun." He pulls out a pipe from the fence and jabs it deep into his stomach. Soohyun gasps feeling a electric pulse shock his insides. He fell to the ground gasping for air. Hasun growls and punches Hyungi across the field into a tree outside the fence. "Soohyun!" She kneels down and inspects his wounds. She can't heal him, she doesn't have the powers yet. Soohyun can't heal himself either. Tears rolled down her cheeks as someone close to her is dying once again. "Please done die Soohyun." She tried to stops the bleeding. He smiles weakly and holds her hand "Hasun." She looks at him worried. He gasps "There's something I must tell you...Before I die... Hasun...I'm your father... It was so good seeing you again...and helping you fight..I.love...-" he bleed to death in Hasun's arms. She froze in shock. Soohyun is her father.. She gets up. Fur all fluffed and her eyes deep gold. She teleports to Hyungi and kicks him to the ground. "Mistake number two. That was my appa!" She grabs his head and bashes it into the ground. Anger controlled her movements. After a while she got off of him and dragged him back to the field. Hyungi wiggles from her grip and punches her in the stomach. His head dives into her neck where he bites harshly. She growls and rips him off her. He grabs her wrist sending a strong pulsing shock. Its strong enough to make Hasun collapse. He takes this chance to stomp on her rips and arms. Her rib cage cracked and snapped. He kicks her a few times in the head "Hasun, you sorry excuse for a sister. You can't even beat me." Hyungi pulls Hasun up by her hair. Blood rolls down her face and stains her clothes. He chuckles darkly and shoves her to the dirt ground. "Let's end this!" She growls "indeed." She makes a ball of fire in her hand and shoves it in his stomach. He yells in pain dropping her. She makes another and continues to burn him to death. But stopped. She grabs the pipe from Soohyun's corps "thanks dad.." she shoves it into Hyungi's scorched stomach finally killing him for good. She sits down and sighs. Mother, surprise father and now brother dead. She began to cry softly next to the corpse of her dead relatives. After a while she got up and walked over to the dug out. She freed all her friend and waking up. She smiles a bit and helps them out of the small space. Once they saw the fight scene, they turned to Hasun who wasn't there. She was sitting on the old post lights starring off into the distance. "Hey." Jungkook flew up to her. She hugs him sobbing. He didn't question it, he just hugged her back. He rubs her back. She ended up passing out in his arms. He flies her back down to the ground. She wakes up and quickly gets out of his grip. She breaks down in growling and huffing fits. Everyone steps back in fear. Hasun collapses transforming. Everyone was surprised, there laid a Kitsune only it isn't the normal orange color instead it's a soft silver with white swirls all over its body making it look even more beautiful. It had nine big fluffy tails with white tips. It's bigger that the old one too. It wakes up and yawns standing up. On all fours was up to Namjoon's chest. "Hasun?" Jimin asked excitedly. It's head tilts and walks up to him. It nuzzles his stomach. He chuckles "your fur..it's beautiful!" He pets her head. "She has nine tails!" Hoseok exclaimed and plays with her tails. Taehyung hugs her "god you're all grown up!" They walk her home through the quiet streets. "I'm surprised no ones up. It's 4 in the morning." Jin speaks up. Hasun looks at him and wags her tail. He chuckles and let's her head. "Hasun come on." Taehyung takes his separate way. She follows him happily. She transforms back to her human form and runs to her house. She runs inside but then stops realizing she has no one. She goes up to her room and puts on some clothes. She goes back downstairs and jumps Taehyung. He holds her smiling "come sleep at my house. I'm worried about you." She nods and allows Tae to carry her over to him cozy home.

"Hasun!" She looks up at her name. She was currently reading in her front lawn in the warm sun and cooling breeze. Jungkook tackles her in hugs and kisses. She giggles "hey kookie." He sits next to her "what are you reading?" She picks her book back up "this is my own book. All about my adventures." He looks at the title "9 Tails? Sweet!" She hands him the book "here. Why don't you read it and edit my grammar mistakes." He nods. "Hasun dinner!" A lady tall, long brown hair and green eyes full of wonder stood in the doorway with a big smile. "Ok!" Hasun kisses Jungkook and goes inside. He smiles and leaves. "Hey beautiful!" A man, a bit shorter that the lady with brown hair and dark eyes like Hasun and a charming smile, ruffles her hair. She smiles "hey cut it out!" He chuckles and sits at the table with the other two. "I'm so glad to be here with you two. I love you.."

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