Chapter 2

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"You're eyes!" The boy cups her face looking deeper and deeper. "They're like the galaxy." A smile stretched across his cute face. The fox simply did nothing. It sat there and allowed the boy to stare. The boy backs up allowing the fox to move. The fox starts to change shape.

Bang! Hasun is once again on the ground. "Woah. Is that normal?" Hasun groans and looks up at the source of the voice. There stood the one and only red headed Yoongi with his cocky grin. Hasun gets up and yawns "weekend already?" He chuckles and fixes her hair "yup. Hurry and get dressed. I'll be downstairs." He leaves. Hasun takes a quick shower and slips on her favorite black sweatshirt with a chimney collar and a silver fox on the chest. She grabs her olive sorts and red converse. She bounces down the stairs and met Yoongi happily at the table. He comes to her house every morning. Hasun's mom loves him. He eats breakfast here then leaves with Hasun. After eating the two run off. "Wait Yoongi." Hasun runs to the garage and grabs her stake board and her bag to hold it in. He walks while she skates ahead. He tells her where to go. She doesn't really get out of the house. "Left. Straight to the park sunshine." She smiles and rolls her eyes. She spots the gang at the park fooling around. Yoongi runs up to her "race ya." She quickly grabs her board and runs off. Yoongi learned that was a big mistake. Hasun hurdled over a table and landed perfectly in front of Jungkook. He laughs and hugs her. He's grown quite close to her, a crush even formed to her. He swore to protect her. Yoongi catches up finally. He pants and smiles "I really hate you." Hasun shrugs and packs her board into her bag. Jungkook drags her over to the swings. She sits down and he pushes. "The kid is in love." Namjoon smiles. "I haven't seen him so happy in a long time." Hoseok looks at Namjoon. Yoongi watches "when?" Namjoon looks at him then back at Hasun "tonight." Everyone nods. Jungkook giggles and pushes Hasun on the swing. "Come on kookie. Put your back into it." She whines. "Alright kids come on!" Namjoon gets up from sitting on the picnic table. Jungkook was about to stop the swing when Hasun jumped off. She landed and ran off to Namjoon. Jungkook runs after her smiling. Namjoon takes everyone into the woods. Hasun grew excited and walked next to Yoongi. "You'll love it. I know how much you love the woods, miss day dreamer." She smiles "yup!" Namjoon chuckles "give me your shoes." She does as told and tucks her socks in too. "Go. Have fun. It's kinda hard to miss where we are." Yoongi pats her back. Hasun takes off. She can feel the wind in her face and the dirt under her feet. The crunch of leaves and snapping of twigs. She stands and looks up into the leaves. She smiles and laughs. 'Freedom. It feels' she thinks "wonderful." She whispered and took off again. She found a stream and looked down into it. She sat in the grass and watched the fish swim around. "Be free little fish." She smiles. They suddenly swam away. She watched in confusion. She slowly looked up. There sat a grey wolf. It watched her closely. She gets up and smiles. She crosses the stream. It backed up growling. "Don't growl at me, I'm a friend." It ran away. She pouts and sat back down. She suddenly remembers she doesn't have her bracelet. To late. Her body began to change. She growled and coughed. The pain was horrible. She hasn't felt it in a long long time. Then. It was over. She looks into the water at her reflection. A red fox stared back at her with its black eyes. She growled and swiped the water with her paw. "Hasun? Where'd you go?" She hears the sweet voice of a giggly Jungkook. She sits down and watches him slowly approach. He crosses the stream and stares at her in awe. He crouched down and smiles. "So beautiful.." he cups her face softly. "I can see the stars in your eyes.." he noticed the eight tails behind her. "Woah.." he was about to grab one when someone called for him. "Coming!" He gets up and runs off. The fox runs off as well. It barks and waits. A woman rushes over. "Damn it. I completely forgot sweetie!" It's Hasun's mother. "I grabbed the same exact clothes." Hasun changes to her human form and puts the clothes on quickly. She puts the bracelet on too to conceal her powers. "Be carful. A boy is slowly getting there." She walks away. Hasun runs over to everyone. Yoongi was right, they aren't that hard to spot. A comfy circle cleared of trees with some chairs. "I saw a fox! It had red fur and..and galaxy eyes!" Hasun chuckles and sits next to Jin. "Did you enjoy yourself?" He looks at her. She nods listening to Jungkook talk about the mystery fox. Namjoon's eyes flick from Jungkook to Hasun. Her heart skipped a beat. He knows. He grins a bit and stares at her. He cocks an eyebrow before looking back Jungkook. After explaining Kook turned around. Hasun waved. He smiles brightly and hugs her. She ends up sitting in his lap with Jungkook showing no sign of letting go. "I'm hungry." Jimin whines. "Yeah. It's been a few hours." Jin adds. Yoongi stands up "alright. Hasun you've lived here longer than us. Anywhere to eat?" She nods "there is a pizzeria near by." Jungkook let's go of her as she gets up. "You're bleeding!" Hoseok alerts. Hasun looks down. She has a cut on her ankle. "Oh well." She shrugs and puts on her socks and shoes. "I'll take care of it when I get home." He looks at her "if it gets infected, don't come crying to me." She nods "I won't. Now come on." Namjoon leads everyone out of the woods. Hasun takes her board out and stakes on the sidewalk. Everyone follows her.
They sit down in the pizzeria. Jungkook almost fought Jimin to sit next to Hasun. They got one large to share. "Sunshine. What are you doing tonight?" Yoongi whines. She shrugs sipping her soda. "We're having a bonfire tonight. Wanna come?" He half smiles. "I feel like you're trying to charm me. But I guess. It's better than watching tv all night." She shrugs again and grins. Jungkook blushes "don't do that!" He smacks her arm. She laughs "sorry kookie." The pizza comes out and everyone digs in. After lunch Taehyung and Yoongi take Hasun home. "It's as soon as the sun sets. It gonna be at Jin's house but don't worry Tae with bring you." She nods. Taehyung smiles proudly "see you then!" He goes inside his home. Hasun puts her board back in the garage and turns around. Yoongi grins and wraps his arms around her. "Sunshine. I can't wait to see you tonight. Dress warmly." He kisses her head and leaves. She smiles and rolls her eyes going inside. "Have fun?" Hasun's mother asks from the table. She growls "he saw me! I can't believe it. Just like my dreams!" Hasun flips out. Her mother sits calmly and listens. Hasun ends up storming upstairs to calm down. She lays down and closes her eyes.
She ended up falling asleep. "Hasun!" Someone jumps onto her. She wakes up with a jolt. Their heads collide. "Ow." He groans. "Taehyung!" Hasun growls. He gets up "it's time to go!" She gets up rubbing her head. They go downstairs. "Have fun kids." Tae smiles "yes ma'am!" They walk over to Jin's house. "This is gonna be so much fun!" His smile turns into a mischievous grin. "So what happens on these bonfires?" Hasun asks not bothering to look at him. "I don't know. It's been so long." They take a left. "Jin lives here?" They walk on a dirt path into the forest. "Kind've. His parents own the property." She nods as a light glow popped up. "Yes!" They hear Yoongi shout. Tae runs over too anxious to walk anymore. Hasun sighs and hides her hands in her sleeves. A twig snapped making her growl. She stood and looks around. She turns back to continue walking but bumped into someone. "Hey." It's Namjoon. She looks up at him. His eyes flicker red for a second before returning back to black. Hasun flinched "hey.." he smirks and grabs her arms pushing her into the nearest tree. "I know you like foxes so did you believe Jungkook?" She grew nervous "n-no." He grins "so you do. I would love to see this fox." She nods "y-yeah me too." He looks her in the eyes "Hasun. You seem nervous." She shakes her head. He chuckles "how I wish Jungkook didn't imprint of you." He walks away. Hasun sits down. Her breath quickened. Her vision blurred. She felt like she was going to be sick. "Hasun!" Jimin runs over to her. "Tae told us he ran of leaving you behind." He kneels down to her level. He helps her up. She leans on him. "Are you ok?" He asked worriedly. "Y-eah. Something just scared me. I think it was a raccoon." He nods and takes her over to the fire. She sits on the picnic table watching Tae get hit by Hoseok. Her eyes flicker from person to person. Until she met with Namjoon. He stares at her. She swallows 'he knows..' she thinks. "Hey sunshine!" Yoongi sits next to her making her jump. She slipped of the table. She landed on the ground with a thump. "Shit sorry!" Yoongi helps her up. "You so jumpy today. Is everything alright?" She nods "I raccoon surprised me. I guess I'm still a little scared." He holds her close "I'll make sure nothing get to you." She rests her head on his shoulder watching the fire. "Hungry?" Jin asked her from his seat next to the table. She looks at him. He opens a bag of marshmallows. Everyone rushes to get one and a stick. Jungkook handed one to Hasun "here." He smiles sweetly. She smiles back "thanks kook." They sits next to each other roasting their marshmallows. She ate hers lightly toasted while most of everyone burned theirs. "Hey did you guys hear?" Namjoon opens his mouth. Everyone looks at him. "So I was doing some research on that fox. It's called a Kitsune and it was close to being an immortal god." Jungkook opens his mouth amazed. "Those things are real? I though they were just myths." Hoseok scoffs. Hasun glared at him. "Yeah! Like dragons and vampires." Taehyung joins the teasing. Namjoon grins and looks at Hasun "what do you think?" She shrugs and stays quiet. "Times up." Namjoon checks his watch. Everyone stands up. Jin pours water into the fire. "Hasun. Please run." Jungkook grabs her shoulders. She does as told without hesitation. She sprinted into the woods not looking back. She trusts Jungkook with her life. "Hasun!" Yoongi runs after her. 'Keep going. Don't trust him.' She hears. She runs faster taking sharp turns hoping to lose him. "Hasun!" He appears in front of her. "I'm hungry. Let me feed." He grins showing his pointed fangs. She gasps. "What's wrong? You look a little white. Come here let me comfort you." He steps towards her. Hasun shakes her head and runs away. 'Go home. Left.' She follows the instruction and takes a left. She runs out of the woods and looks around. She's at the park. "Hasun.." she hears faintly. She takes off.
She runs through the front door. Her mother rushes over to her. "What happened?" She ask very concerned. "Yoongi.. he's a vampire. Namjoon, he knows." She says between pants. She locks the door and peeks out the window. Namjoon stood on the sidewalk in front of her house. He grins before walking away. Hasun looks at her mother. They go down to the basement. "I saved this for when there is great danger." Her mother grabs an old jewelry box and opens it. Inside is a single silver charm. "It will protect you from evil. Always wear it Hasun. Always" a circle with two arrows inside pointing to a dot. She puts it on Hasun's chain. They go upstairs. "Go to bed. It's late." Her mother kisses her head goodnight. Hasun smiles and goes up to her room. She changes into a oversized white t-shirt and running shorts. She locks her window and closes the curtains before crawling into bed. She closes her eyes. 'Thank you..' she drifted off to sleep.

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