silent woods 2 Hell on earth

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Chapter 2- Hell on earth.

I wake up in an old rickety chair. I'm gagged by the disgusting smelling cloth again and there are cold chains around my wrists, body and chair. The room is dark and seems to have no end and even worse, no way out. I pull at the chains around me, attempting to break free. There are also chains about my feet. I try to kick them off but fail again. I am stuck in here.

I'm about to fall asleep to pass time, when I am jolted awake by the door in front of me opening wide, instantly allowing light to flood in, causing me to squint my eyes in able to see my kidnapper. He closes the door leaving us in darkness again, until he flicks a switch and a single bulb above my head starts flickering dimly. He has a black mask on, so i cannot see his face only his black eyes. He stares at me for what seems like a lifetime, scanning me from head to toe, before dragging a seat like mine from the corner of the poorly lit room. He places it in front of me and slowly sits. He then begins to speak;

"So, you like my place?" He asks slowly removing the stinky gag, a slight hint of a smirk.

"Hmmm let me think... no, not particularly. You have just kidnapped me, do you honestly expect me to like your home, when we have only just met and I have been locked up in one room?" I reply sassily with my head cocked slightly to the side and a smug grin on my face, however i can see that he is kinda pissed because he slaps me around the face, hard, and replaces the gag roughly before getting right in my still smirking face saying;

"Right you listen here girly! You will do as I say when I say it and however I want it done! You will not speak unless spoken too and you will always obey my orders because if you dont..." He trails of, retrieving something from his back pocket, "You will meet 'Mr sharp' and regret it, got it?" He shouts whilst holding a huge, slick, silver knife to my throat. I nod carefully an he retracts the knife from my throat and says; "Good we wouldnt want anything to happen to a delicate little flower like you, now would we?" And with that he returns the chair and leaves, flipping the switch off again. I didnt see anyone for the rest of that day.


Heya guys can I plz ask you to read 'I need you both of you' by

me_and_mr_williams please. It is a johnlock fanfic and we both would really appreciate it if you could spare a little time xx thank you guys for being awesome!!

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