Silent woods 4 Meeting 'Mr Sharp'.

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Chapter 4- Meeting 'Mr Sharp'.

When I wake up again I am not in the same room. I am now strapped to a wooden table and am bounded by leather straps. The room is a pale green. There is a table next to me with more syringes and a few other instruments that look as though they are used for torture...

As though on cue, he steps in through a door and slowly advances to the table of torture instruments and grabs a familiar looking knife, 'Mr sharp'!

He is now standing directly above my head and he is smiling like a madman, whilst I am sweating with worry.

He puts the knife down roughly by my head and goes to my black ankle boots, pulling them off roughly and throwing them down like they are nothing. He moves back up to my head and says;

"This is your meeting with the lovely 'Mr sharp'. He wants to show you what happens when little girls like you are cheeky and don't listen. I was going to hold it off but you are too much for me, so I brought it to today..." The loony trails off, eyes twitching again before he slowly lowers his hand to my face, pushing some hair out of the way and then starts with the torture.

He slowly and carefully drags the blade down my forehead, down my nose, across my lips and finally down my neck. He doesn't draw blood thankfully, but it is enough to leave a white line. He then softly goes to an area on my chest and slowly pushes down on the knife, piercing the soft skin and drawing blood. I cry out in pain to stop, but this makes him laugh and continue pushing further. He laughs at my pain and goes up to my neck, holding the bloody knife there as a warning and his eyes basically said 'carry on making a noise and I will plunge this through your neck.' Nice message...

I quiet down a little but continue to whimper in pain as he engraves something into my chest.

Finally he leaves my bloody self be and injects me with something else, which causes me to sleep again.


Because I love you guys I decided to do a double update so yeah. Be grateful most authors don't!

Comment, react, vote, love me, be you and you're welcome!

Goodbye but before I go can I ask something if you? guys can I plz ask you to read 'I need you both of you' by

me_and_mr_williams please. It is a johnlock fanfic and we both would really appreciate it if you could spare a little time xx thank you guys for being awesome!!

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