Silent woods 7 The beginning

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Silent woods chapter 7 The beginning

They groan as they push themselves off of me, laughing slightly.

"What is your problem?" I shout at them. They just laugh again and because I still can't see their face, that just makes me angrier.

"Oh come on now. Get up you silly moo!" The girl laughs. Wait I know that voice.

"Ruby?" I question gasping as I turn. She laughs nervously, nodding slightly. I smile and hug her tightly. Ruby is one of my best friends in school and she always knows how to make me laugh, even in my darkest of times.

As soon as I realise where we were I gasp and start to tear up. She looks at me
with a questioning look and then she realises and starts sobbing quietly. I quickly get up and grab her hand, pulling her along the way with me, her blonde hair flying behind her.

I pull her to a far off tree to hide and wait for my instructions. I climb up the nearest tree, scanning the forest for survivors and most importantly Chris. I see some girls and boys hiding behind trees and I also see Sam coming towards us. I can't see Chris anywhere, which is a good and a bad thing. Good because that could mean that he hasn't started yet, bad because he could be very close and we wouldn't know. He is stealthy and so it is for us to be stealthier and smarter than he is.

I see Sam near our tree and try to get his attention.

"Psst." I sound. He looks up and sees me smiling sadly and comes over to me.

"Are you alright?" He asks me. I nod in response and ask;

"Are you?" He replies with a nod, as I did with him. "You know what he's like. Tell me how to outsmart him somehow." I whisper jumping down to him, leaving Ruby just staring at us skeptically from beside my tree.

"Run fast, stay quiet, keep low, climb high, stay near him." Wait stay near him?

"Wait stay NEAR him?" I whisper loudly. He shushes me and explains;

"Yes if you want to stay alive then you have to know where he is and figure out his tactics to give you the edge on yours."

"So that obviously means that he is close then. I'm trying to protect myself and my best friend here and you have practically lead him straight to us!" I cry quietly and await his response. His response startles me.

"Another way to outsmart him; keep to yourself and to answer your question, no he is no where near yet. He is still at the warehouse. He waits one hour before he comes and finds us. When he is coming he will alert you with three shots of a pistol. When he finds and kills you he will kill you with one and the sound ricochets around the whole woods." He sighs slightly before saying, "I'm so sorry but you must leave your friend to fend for herself and I cannot help you any more." He says quietly before kissing my forehead and running west away from me and the warehouse.

I find Ruby trying to climb up a tree. I laugh as she falls on her face but then turn serious and sad again as I remember what Sam had told me about fending for myself.

"Umm.. Ru?" I ask quietly as she rubs her nose from falling.

"Yeah?" She replies still holding her nose.

"You know I was just talking to Sam?" She nods, "Well he has survived the game three times and has given me some tips on how to stay alive. Run fast, stay quiet, keep low, climb high, stay near him, and keep to yourself. I'm so so sorry Rubes, but I have to leave you fend for yourself. We can stay near but not within ear-shot of each other. I truly am sorry." I cry clutching her tightly as she sobs into my shoulder. I shush her, worried that someone might hear her. Before she can do or say anything else I let go of her and run eastwards to the warehouse.

As I get closer I can see shadows running past me. Slightly frightened I walk a little quicker and find a suitable tree to climb, to survey my surroundings. I sit quietly until suddenly I see Chris, stalking from the warehouse and walking past the tree I am in, oblivious to my frame awkwardly sitting in the splits position. I see another shadow to my left as does Chris. He pulls out his gun and fires three bullets into the air and then points it in the direction of the shadow. He slinks closer and closer to a tree with a young boy hiding behind it with short brown hair trembling, looking no older than seven years old. Chris moves stealthily around the trunk of the tree until Chris is face to face with the shaking boy. He points the gun and without hesitation says "Found you..." And has his first kill this game. I Topaz Richardson has just witnessed a murder of an innocent seven year old boy.


Hi dearest readers I would just like to say thank you to you all for reading my stories and putting up with my non updating periods. Please take a little energy from your hands to vote and leave some comments please. I would love to hear some of your feedback and some constructive criticism to help me improve my writing technique. Thank you for your time and thank you for reading. XxX

I bet you're getting annoyed with these now!! guys can I plz ask you to read 'I need you both of you' by
me_and_mr_williams please. It is a johnlock fanfic and we both would really appreciate it if you could spare a little time xx thank you guys for being awesome!!

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