Silent woods 5 A proposition.

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Chapter 5- A proposition.

I awaken in the dark room again, in the same chair, the same chains and in a lot of pain. My boots are back on my feet. My chest stings like hell. I look down to see the damage, but it is too high up so I cannot see anything but dried blood.

He walks in, wearing blue jeans, a black top and he has a key in his hand. I wonder what the key is for as he retrieves the chair and sits down in front of me as usual.

"Hello my little flower. Sleep well?" He tries to ask kindly, but I can see its obviously fake and it is all there and clear for me to detect. I stayed silent but nod carefully, scared that I might blurt something out which he won't like.

"Good. I can see that you are curious as to what this key is for am I right?" I nod my head slowly. "Well this is the key out if this house and back to your life." He answers. My face lights up immediately. "However, to receive this key you must complete some things that involve all of your skills." He tells me whilst removing the gag. I nod slightly.

"I'm listening..."

"Well you will be competing in the woods in which this warehouse is situated." Wait competing? There are others... "It is basically a friendly game of hide and seek, but I'm seeking and whoever I seek out will die..." Well that is really something that I wanted to hear. So much for 'friendly'... "You will be fighting your natural instincts which are to run away from here, and you will be using all of your skills to stay alive. That includes agility, speed, silence and a good mind to find out where I am and to find out the best route for you. Now the important question and that is, Will You Accept The Challenge Given?"

I think for a moment. If I win, I can go home. If I get found, I will never be aloud home...



Just though that I would take my time to say hi... And this guys can I plz ask you to read 'I need you both of you' by
me_and_mr_williams please. It is a johnlock fanfic and we both would really appreciate it if you could spare a little time xx thank you guys for being awesome!!

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