Silent woods 3 Another side of him.

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Chapter 3- Another side of him.

I wake up to the sound of a chair being dragged across the floor. I meet his cold gaze yet again. He is not wearing any type of mask this time, so I can see his face, all that is there is ugly... Including his heart and mind. I cringe and he notices. He stares at me as though asking for an explanation. I immediately change my facial expression from cringing at, well that, to neutral, before he asks questions or does something.

"Well good morning to you. Did you sleep?" He asks with a raspy tone, but not removing the gag in fear that he might get a ear full of sass. I think for a moment, trying to find the right thing to do so that he won't get angered. All I did though was try to remove the gag and try to signal to him that I need to speak. He obliged reluctantly.

"Um, I suppose however this chair is not the most comfortable thing I've ever slept on..." I trail off because he is glaring at me for no reason. He also has an unreadable expression on his face, which worries me.

"Hmm, maybe I'll bring the meeting forward, bring it to today..." He talks aloud to himself mumbling about a meeting and looking at me strangely, like he's on drugs or something. His eyes are twitching at an unbelievable pace and he keeps scratching his arms. 'Yep' I thought 'he's definitely on drugs...'

My thoughts are interrupted by him replacing the gag and going over to a table in the corner, where he retrieves the chair from, and he picks something up. A syringe! What kind of person would keep syringes in a room with a child? he gains on me like a hunter would its helpless prey and before I know it it's jabbed deeply in my arm and I'm falling asleep... He laughs as I finally close my eyes.


Double update! You're welcome...

Btw I have decided to give my awesome readers a name and that is its! Don't ask...

Anymore suggestions let me know x.

Also guys can I plz ask you to read 'I need you both of you' by

me_and_mr_williams please. It is a johnlock fanfic and we both would really appreciate it if you could spare a little time xx thank you guys for being awesome!!

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