Tigress {Part 2}

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      After the situation with Kaldur, I went sent back to my quarters. I stayed there for a little before leaving it once again. As I walked out, I saw Kaldur sneaking around.

      Quietly, I followed him. After a few turns, I noticed where he was heading. He opened the bay hatch and jumped into the water. I grabbed a helmet and jumped in right after.

Time Skip

      We were now in Blüdhaven. As he ran around and jumped from roof to roof, I flew myself in a form of snowflakes(You know how Dust had flew from the helicopter? Well, just like that, but with snowflakes.).We ended up in a warehouse. Slowly, Kaldur walked through the aisles of cargo. A sudden noise happened and a voice called out in a whisper.

"Wally?" It was Nightwing.

      Kaldur came out to his view, they just stared until Wally came out to view as well. I landed and solidified myself on one of the cargos near by.

'What is Kaldur doing?'

Then suddenly, after Wally, a hooded figure came from behind and slowly slipped off their hood. It was Artemis.

'B-But she died. How is she here? They said she died!'

"I take it out ruse was successful." Kaldur spoke.

"Almost too successful. The Team and the League are in mourning. They may never forgive us. How did (Y/N) take it? Did you tell her?" Nightwing informed.

      I growled softly, he should know how I would react. He pretended to have Artemis killed and then thinks everything would be handy-dandy.

"She's upset. More towards that my father thinks I'm like her. A killer." I flinched as he said that. Did he really see me as just a killer? Is that how they all saw me?

"So, she doesn't miss me?" Arty asked.

"Absolutely. Just doesn't show it. She doesn't show much emotion since being with her biological family. She has had a hard time with her family. Not like one you would expect." Kaldur explained.

"So, like my family?"

"...Worst." I saw Nightwing look down. Probably replaying that day I told him how everything was at the Wilson's Household.

"But she's still our (N/N), right?" Wally asked.

"More or less." Simply answered Kaldur.

"Alright, back to the plan." Nightwing tried to change the subject as he saw how everyone looked slightly sad for me. I didn't need pitty, I'm perfectly alive. That's all that matters.

"Correct. Still, only we four know the secret?" Kaldur asked.

"This secret and the other, that you've been under deep cover within Black Manta's organization since leaving the team. How'd it go on that end?"

      I gasped lightly. Kaldur's undercover? I leaned a little more over the ledge of the cargo and listened carefully and made sure not to be seen.

"Successful as well. I've proven my loyalty to my biological father. He is moving me up the ladder, bringing me closer to the Light and their unknown partner." Kaldur informed.

"Not without a cost, Kaldur." Nightwing said. "The Com Sat wasn't supposed to be destroyed and La'gaan  was definitely wasn't supposed to be captured." Nightwing argued.

"It was the only way to save his life and maintain my cover." Kaldur looked down shamefully. Nightwing placed a hand on Kaldur's shoulder to show comfort.

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