Chapter 6

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I walked up the steps to walk in the doors of the hell hole they call school. It was like they were waiting for me. I pushed open the door staring at my phone when someone yelled.

“There she is!” A girl yelled. I looked up to see our whole school gathered in front of me.

“Why didn’t you show up yesterday Cadence? We missed you.” Brittany said sarcastically with her bubble gum voice. I rolled my eyes, then one of her friends said,

“Just say it.” She said to Brittany.

“Remember that one day Cadence?” She started saying things louder so everyone could hear. “When daddy didn’t care for you, and you had no friends?” She faked pouting her lip. “Then you cut yourself?” She said. Everyone gasped.

I looked to the side to see the guys and Gemma who was shocked.

I felt a small tear slide down my cheek. I got up and ran to the southwest wing bathroom. I ran in the door and saw a ton of girls in there applying there makeup. In my haven. The only place I have to cry.

Brittany did this, so I couldn’t have a place to hide. I ran in a stall and grabbed the box of my stuff and ran out going to my locker. I was now tearing up, trying to keep it in.

I shoved the box of stuff in my locker and I heard people walking past me, muttering words like, ‘nobody’ and ‘emo whore’. So, I slammed my locker and walked back down the hallway towards the doors. I walked home. Cars passing, and children playing in their yard.

I walked up the steps into my house and then I opened the door. I walked in the house, and smelt the smoke and alcohol. I sighed and walked into the living room. He wasn’t in there. So I walked to the kitchen to see a note on the table. I sat down and opened it up.

Dear Cadence,

I know I haven’t really been the best father in the whole world, but I can’t take it anymore. I really can’t. Only if you would know how it is like, to have your heart ripped out and never be replaced. It hurts so much. So much, falling off a bridge could not be worse.

By the time you get this I will be dead. I am sorry Cadence, but it had to be done. I love you Cadence and don’t you ever forget that.


I screamed and ran upstairs as fast as I could. I ran into his room to see him passed out on his floor with a bottle of pills in his hands. I fell to the floor and started crying.

Why me. Why me. 7 billion people in the world and I have to be the one that goes through this pain. I was crying for 5 minutes before I unlocked my phone.

I dialed the number 911.

“911 what is your emergency?” The woman said.

“My dad is passed out on the floor, I think he had an overdose.” I said crying.

“Okay, mam what is your house address?” She said. I gave her the address and she stayed on the phone with me until I heard sirens. I went downstairs and opened the door for the two men with the gurney to come in. He told me to stay downstairs.

They came back downstairs with Dad on the gurney covered. I let out a loud cry.

“Come miss.” He said. I nodded locking the doors. We got in the ambulance and rode to the hospital.

I was silent the whole time on the way. Right now I just want to leave the world. This is KILLING me. I can’t take this pressure. I need to stay strong though. Dad would want that. Even though we weren’t close. We still loved each other.

We walked into the emergency room and then I sat down in the waiting room, quietly crying to myself.

I sat there for an hour or too. Crying, thinking, weeping, mourning. All of it, this pain in my heart is excruciating. Then I saw a doctor walk up to me.

“Are you a relative of Daniel West?” He asked. I wiped my face and nodded. He took a deep breath.

“I am sorry to say, but Daniel West has passed away for an suicide attempt.” He said slowly. Tears strolled down my face.

“Does he have any other relatives?” He asked. I shook my head.

“Only child, divorced.” I said. He nodded.

“Do you want me to give you information for funeral information?” He asked.

“Mail please.” I said. He nodded.

“We will send him off to funeral services.” He said. I nodded and

thanked him.

I got a taxi and rode home.

Why does it always have to be me. The bullying victim, divorced parents, dad died, cutting experiences.

Why me.

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