Chapter 13

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So... this is the last chapter of the first book. I know it is way small and so is this crappy chapter... but I'd just like to say thanks to those who voted and enjoyed this story. I know it isn't the best.. I wrote it almost a year ago... and lets say I've changed. So, without further ado, enjoy.



Chapter 13


"Liam?" I asked shockingly. He stood in the doorway.

"Hey," He commented, coming further into the room.

"How did you find me?" I whispered a tear falling down my cheek.

“Brittany, she told me where to find you.” I looked down and wiped the tear off my cheek,  next thing I knew was his arms were around me and I just sobbed into his shoulder.

I knew that I was slowly breaking down, my wall that I built up to protect myself was knocked down and I feel so exposed. Liam rubbed my back with his hands, drawing little patterns with his finger tips. I don’t know how he did but he calmed me down.

A little part of me deep down knew that if Liam didn’t show up that I definitely would not be here. Those little voices in my head would have told me that I don’t deserve to live.

He saved me.

Once I was done crying we sat down at the table.

“Do you want to talk about it?” Liam asked me. I looked up at him.

“Sure,” I whispered a little uneasy. This is a topic I haven’t  really discussed with anyone except Gemma.

His hair was growing out a little, kind of into a small quiff. It was cute.

“I don’t know how to, um, start.” I say, taking deep breaths. I could feel him staring, usually I would snap at someone, but with Liam… I didn’t care. I felt like he was the only one I had, except Gemma.

“Take all the time you need.” He told me. I nodded slowly, and stared at the table.

If I look at him I might cry even more.

“My parents divorced when I was 8. Brittany was 6. My parents loved each other. They really did, but they fought because my mom favorited Brittany. She always was so lucky, compared to me. I did my chores, I got good grades… but her. She did the polar opposite. She was rewarded for nothing. It outraged my dad. I kind of brushed it off the first time my parents thought. I stayed in my room, Brittany stayed in hers. We kind of separated as siblings, I guess you could say. When they divorced, Brittany lived with my mom, I moved away with my Dad. We moved upstate and they… well, I guess they stayed here. Even though I  hated the fact that Brittany was one of the problems why my parents divorced… I missed my sister. I missed her so fucking much.” I admitted.

Tears were fighting to roll down my cheeks, but I continued,

“We moved back here when I was a Junior. She was a Freshman. She was a hot head. I guess my parents divorce hit her hard too, she was a bitch to everyone. I kind of stayed away from her, until she found out I was back. I don’t know how, or when but she did. She started attacking me too, like everyone else. She told me that I couldn’t tell anyone that we were sisters… let alone related. I was a hot head too. I rebelled, got into bad stuff, but I did my job. At home, my dad became an alcoholic. I guess coming back made him go back into depression, and he turned to alcohol. Every night, I would come home to beer bottles, everywhere. He wasn’t violent though, just really sad, and upset. It was an undiscussed rule that we didn’t talk about my Mother or my sister. It was this year, the day that Brittany told everyone my secret, I came home to find his suicide note, on this table. He was upstairs and it was too late for me to save him.”

I didn’t notice I was crying as bad as I was until Liam was hugging me. I sat in the chair and just cried.

“It wasn’t your fault he died, It wasn’t Brittany’s fault either, neither was your Mother’s as well. Yes, maybe it was a reason why but it wasn’t their fault.” He told me. I heard someone else’s weeps too and I turned to see, Brittany on the floor crying as well. She heard me say everything. Liam looked at her and was unsure what to do.

I made a bold move though.

I ran to her and hugged her.

“I’m so sorry Cadence, I’m so sorry.”


The End


A/N: So if any of you who might have wanted to know, there is going to be a sequel. And as much as I hate it when authors do this... it won't be posted for another month or two. The reason why is because I want to write it freely without being pressured to write fast enough to get it updated. I want to write it all before I start updating. When I get to chapter 30 in the sequel I will post the first chapter or two. Also, any ideas for the name of the sequel? Comment below. Also, do me a favor and vote.



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