Chapter Three

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Now I see why they didn't want me to come: It's complete madhouse in here!! Screaming girls as far as the eye can see. Some are kicking and clawing at eachother, screaming the hashtags of their favorite singers. Then there are some people who who are trying to break up the fighting. These people shriek  "#INTER-FANDOMPEACE!!!" 

"Come on, don't just stand there!!!" Chase pulls me through the Music Ward common-room. Instead of having bookshelves for walls, there are millions of posters plastered on to the wall. Most of them have lipstickstains. "That's just not right!" I say as we pass a small girl who is passionately making out with a photo of Niall Horan. "We gotta find the Swifties!!!" Chase shouts over the noise frantically. "Or the Lovatics! Or the Arianators!" I recognize, once again, the names of various music fandoms. "Why?" I ask him. "Because their the only once who are peaceful in this war!!!" I put my finger in my ear and twist. Did he just say 'war'? Before I can think anything else, Chase says "Aha!" and drags me off to small room in the corner labeled "Room 2." Under that is scribbled on a sheet of paper,  "NO DIRECTIONER, BELIEBER, OR MAHOMIE SOLDIERS ALLOWED!"

Chase knocks feverishly. At that exact moment, some girls seem to notice that we aren't wearing any sort of T-shirt with a celebrity on it. "Uhh, Chase?" I whisper nervously. These girls, despite their perfectly manicured nails and spot-on makeup, look like they mean business. Chase doesn't respond.

 A boy with long blonde hair opens the door and regards us. He's dressed in all black and has a Sleeping With Sirens band tee. His arms are encircled by lots of band braclets. "You don't look like lunatics." He says. He nods his head and let them in. 

Room 2 is peacefully playing The Way by Ariana Grande. Groups of people sit around with laptops, calmly tweeting, facebooking, instagraming, and snapchating. "I'm Wade." says the boy who had ushered them in. He looks me up and down.  "Are...are you a MetalHead?" He asks uncertainly. At first, I don't know what would give him that impression, but then I remember that I'm dressed as a Dauntless. " No I'm not. But I used to listen to a little bit of Sleeping With Sirens before I got here." Wade doesn't look impressed. "Name 5 songs." 

"If I'm James Dean, Your Aubrey Hepburn. King For A Day. A Trophy Father's Trophy Son. If You Can't Hang. Do It Now, Remember it Later. Stomach Tied in Knots." I rattle off instantly. I've always sort of loved Sleeping With Sirens.

Wade smiles. "Not bad. But that was six."

Behind us, Chase cleared his throat. "Were looking for a book." Wade laughs loudly. "Ha! Books aren't very common here. But if there are any, they'd be here. Since the majority of the people who lived here were Swifties, Lovatics, and Arianators, they kicked out all the Fanpeople who were fighting." There it was again! I mentally put together what Wade had just told me and what Chase had told me earlier. "You mean...this is...a Fandom War?" Wade nods solemnly. "Come on, I'll take you to the library. 

The library is pittifully small. It's about the size of my bedroom, which is to say, nothing compared the Book Ward. It looks like a small sitting room. I soon realize that we aren't the only ones in the library. Standing by the one table in the room is a girl with long purple hair and hazel eyes. She's wearing ripped black jeans, black hightops, and a Pierce The Veil t-shirt. In her hands was a copy of Catching Fire. "Looking for this?" She asks calmly. At first, I'm afraid the the girl is going to make me fight for the book,  but the girl simply hands it to me. "I'm a friend of Ruby. She forgot this, and I knew she would be to terrified to come here. Hey Wade." Wade waves to her slightly. "I'm MaRiahh." The girl continues. "That's captiol R and 2 H's. Get it wrong and I'll punch your face in." This sudden threat of violence makes me tense up. "I...I uh, like your hair!" I say nervously. Real smooth, Diana. MaRiahh smirks. "It's weave." She begins to walk to the door. "I'll be visiting Ruby soon, so you might see me. It's okay if you act like you don't know me, I can handle rejection."  She opens the door and has one foor out before she says with an evil grin "Not really though. Anyone who rejects me usually is driven completly insane form what I put them through. They end up in a mental hospital" MaRiahh looks me dead in the eye and whispers "Of course, then there's the question of how I got here. Wouldn't you loveeee to know?" With that, she slams the door, leaving me baffled, slightly frightened, and definitely freaked out.

Wade coughs, obviously embarresed.   "Riahh can be...straightforward. She's really funny once you get to know her!" "Yeah." Chase says, obviously unconvinced. "I'm sure." Wade begin's to walk Chase and I back to the entrance to Room 2. "Do you mind if I come with you guys? My sister Chelsea is in the Book Ward and I haven't seen her in a while. I register the name of my roommate. "Chelsea Grace?" Wade nods. "Oh, she's my room mate!!" But Wade isn't listening.

He says "When I open the door, we run, got it? They're going to try to stop you and ask you a bunch of trivia questions to see who's side your on. Don't answer anything, because if you get it wrong, they attack you. If you get it right, the other side attacks you." I get the real messege: if I speak, I get attacked. I'm really starting to hate this Music Ward. Wade opens the door and sprints out, assuming that we're right behind him, but not looking back. 

"WHAT'S JUSTIN BIEBER'S MIDDLE NAME?" shouts one girl who clutches a Justin Bieber barbie doll for dear life. "WHICH ONE DIRECTION HASHTAG IS CURRENTLY TRENDING?" Shriekes another one. I do my best to ignore them like Wade said, but I admit, it's pretty nerve racking. I keep my eyes on Wade and kept running until I'm finally outside the warzone. "Oh thank god..." I begin to say, but I stop. Something is obviously wrong. Then it hits me: Chase is missing. 

"Wade you have to go get him! Please!!!" Wade sighs, as if this would be a complete waste of time. I wait anxiously outside. What if something had happened to him? What if he had answered a question and gotten attacked? In a couple of minutes, Wade drags Chase out, who was covered in lipsticks marks and looks quite disgruntled. "Couple of Directioners thought he was Harry Styles." Wade is laughing so hard that I can barely understand him. "Not funny!" Chase keeps saying, but I can barely hear him over my own laughter. 

Hey guys! What do you think of the Music Ward? Wanna see more of it or should I drop it. Also, should I show the Television/Movie Ward too. Tell me what you think!

-Commander in Chief of the Booknerd Army

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