Chapter Eleven

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My stomach clenches with pain from where Wade kicked me. He's changes so much in the past couple weeks! His long blonde hair has been cut from shoulder length to chin length, and dyed auburn! I stare, trying to take in his new look. Even through my shock at seeing him, I have only one thing to say.

"You kicked me." 

Wade bites his lip nervously, unsure if I'm serious. Oh, but I'm serious. "In my defense, I thought you were someone else." 

"You kicked me." 

"Okay, I'm sorry!"

"You kicked me!!!" 

Chase, always the gentleman, walks over to see if I'm okay. His blue eyes burn with intense rage as he glowers at Wade. Oh great. It's a boy-off. 

"What are you doing here? And where'd you go?"  Chase demands. Wade glowers right back at him. "I don't answer to you." I step between them. "I think you owe us all an explanation as to why you went MIA for six weeks!" I look up at him expectantly. Wade sighs, and sits on the trampoline sadly. "My friends and I...." Before he can even finish, Chelsea groans loudly. "Oh my god!!!" She cries. "You and those no good friends! I knew they had something to do with this, I just knew!!" She continues to babble endlessly until Kat and I can get her to shut up. Wade's somber mood is starting to worry me. He gulps, and continues. "Ever since I got here I've been....snooping, you could say. I wanted ot know about the founding of the FMH, why we come here, stuff like that." Well that's stupid. We're here because the world thinks we're physcho. We're losers and nerds and everything in between, and we're completely content with being those things. I think that's what really confuses society. For Wade to go snooping into things that are beyond his when he's perfectly happy here is just weird. He is happy...isn't he?

"The Doctors, the people who run the place, they found out. And they weren't happy. They gave me a warning to stop sticking my nose into things that aren't my business." Wade shudders at the memory. Whatever had happened between him and the Doctors, it wasn't pretty. "But I didn't stop. I was on to something, and they knew it! That's when I found this." He pulls out an old, battered, leather bound book. By the way he handles it, I know Wade has gone through immense precautionary measures to keep this book safe. At the sight of a book, we all perk up and eye it hungrily. The deep yearning for new books never quite leaves us. But when Wade shows us the cover page, my stomach drops: 

"History of the Fandom Mental Hospital"

My head spins with millions of questions, none of which are pleasant. Something in this book scared Wade, a lot. Seeing my understanding, he nods. "After I read this, I just...I couldn't stay here anymore! My friends and I made a break for it." 

My mind flashes back to that horrible night: Alarm Night. Ray's large, hairy hand carresing my tattoo. I remember what he said: "Solitary confinement for six weeks."  "It was you!" I cry instantly. Wade was the one who failed to escape! Wade tries to reason with me, but I won't have it. "You are such an idiot!" Chelsea screeches. He can't even get a word in anymore. We're all in an uproar. 

"Are you crazy?"

"Why would you even try?" 

"It's not worth it!!" 

Wade waits until we're tired of screaming. "Diana, please. Just, read the book. You'll understand! After what I found out, I couldn't just sit here anymore!" He grabs my hands desperately. "Please." He looks deeply into my eyes. Slowly, I reach out and grasp the book gently. Chase automatically protests. "Diana this could be dangerous!" He tells me. I turn to face him. "If something is going on here, I want to know. Don't you?" He scrunches up his face, like he always does when he's thinking hard. After a while, he nods. "Okay, but call me first thing in the morning." We pinky promise, the way we always do. Wade sighs in relief. 

"I'm spending some time in the T.V and Movie ward. Come find me when your done with it and we'll talk...alone." He adds the last part looking directly at Chase. Chase notices and puts a protective arm around my waist. "Your out of your damn mind if you think I'm letting her go in there alone." My heart does a little back flip, despite my attempts to prevent. Wade steps forward and gently moves me aside.

"And your out of YOUR mind if you think I trust you with her."  Chase clenches his fists, while Wade angrily sets his jaw. 

Shit shit shit!

Luckily, Chelsea steps in before a punch is thrown. "Chill out!" She says angrily. "Wade, obviously Chase isn't letting Diana out of his sight, so let's just call the whole damn thing off and go to bed!!!!!" Her eyes are filled with rage and hurt. I realize that her brother abandoned her here, her older brother in fact. Chase and Wade are both nineteen. Which explains why the overall testosterone in the trampoline is through the roof. Almost like Animal Planet. 

With one final goodbye, and a hushed conversation with his sister, Wade slips out of the trampoline, leaving us with the book. "I guess I should go read this." I say. Ryan nods. "Yeah, we understand. Okay?" I smile at him. "Okay." I excuse myself from the trampoline and trudge up the stairs. "Wait up, Di." I hear Chase's voice float up. He comes running up the stairs, catching up to me. "I'll sleep in your room with you." Tension leaves my muscles when I hear this. I'm glad I don't have to be alone. Chase puts an arm around me and helps me up the rest of the stairs to my room. 

Sitting at my desk, I stare at the book for a good ten minutes. I can hear Chase breathing peacefully behind me, already fast asleep. Whatever is in this book, it made Wade want to leave the FMH. It took a part of him he'll never get back. Am I really willing to give up a part of me too? Chase snorts in his sleep, causing me to turn around and look at him. His disheveled hair and soft snores make me smile. I know now that, whatever piece of me I might lose, Chase will be there to help me find and rebuild it. So, I take one final deep breath, and delve into the first page. 

Dear Reader,

It is with great nervousness that I write on this paper these words that explain the history of the Fandom Mental Hospital. If this book falls into the wrong hands, we could all go under. You have to believe me when I tell you that everything we do is for the greater good. If you're a doctor, you understand when I say this. Oh, it'll be hard at first to do the work that is required of doctors at the FMH, but I promise it'll get easier. Remember that the patients are in a mental hospital, meaning that they are a burden on society. All of these people, (and I use that term very loosely,) have been diagnosed with uncureable phycosis. They find too much pleasure in material things: books, shows, movies, music. If we are to move into the future, none of these people are welcome. They are the blemish, the unsightly pimple on the populations perfect skin. And what else can we do but pop the pimple as violently as possible? With this, I bid you good luck, and give you one final piece of advice: Tt is better to be evil with a purpose towards the good, than to be good towards the evil. I, for one, will take great pleasure being evil. And I highly suggest you learn to as well, because no one leaves the Fandom Mental Hospital. 

-The Pengletons, Founding Family of the Fandom Mentel Hospital

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