Chapter 11

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Max's P.O.V.

We landed and arrived, I looked around and stretched. "Abandoned by grimm?" I asked Oobleck and he nodded, "Yes, this was an urban expansion built by Vale, but, was abandoned due to the being over run by the grimm." I nodded and heard a bark, I turned to see Ruby holding her bag.

"Ruby, I thought I said not to bring anything." "U-Uh well, I couldn't leave him alone back at the dorm-" Zwei jumped out and barked, I didn't hear the rest of the conversation and began looking around. I saw a pack of grimm nearby and shot them down, I returned and saw Team RWBY, "Where'd you go?!" "I heard a pack nearby and killed them, they were getting too close." I said as I shrugged and reloaded dust into my weapon, as we started walking around Oobleck was talking to the girls.

"So Max, why'd you become a huntsmen?" Oobleck asked me and I shrugged, "When I was younger, I was told that I was special, and no matter how hard you try no one would accept me with the things I could do, and especially how I look. So, I was trained to use my abilities for a better cause, so I did. And, here I am." I said as I kept on the look out as I talked, "Nothin new to be fighting like this." I said as I jumped up and shot a grimm that no one saw,

"Keep a look out guys!" I whined, "Sorry about that!" I shook my head, "Whats your semblance?" "Teleporting, it helps in a fight but I don't like to use it. Gives me headaches." I said as I shook my head, "Don't want one, plus it's getting late." "Ah yes you're right, we should find some shelter." I nodded and we found a building and made camp there, we took turns on watch.

I was on watch and was walking around, sometimes going away to kill grimm that were nearby. I was sitting by the hole in the wall, I looked back to see everyone asleep. I looked and saw Zwei leaving, I quickly got up and followed him. "Zwei, get back here." I called, I kept following him until I finally caught him. "Finally-" I looked down to see the floor cracking, I hurried and tossed Zwei carefully somewhere safe while I fell down.

I groaned as I landed on my back, I got up and saw Zwei looking down from up there, "Ugh, go get help or something." I called making Zwei bark and he ran off, I went and sat up. I went and started walking down the path and heard talking, I peaked and saw Roman. I walked up to him and he noticed me, "Ah, Max. Nice of you to drop in." I shook my head and winced,

"Not funny, Team RWBY will be here soon." Roman groaned, "Let's get going people!" Roman yelled as we made our way in the train, "You know what to do." I nodded and didn't go on the train but laid there on the floor facing the way the train left. "Max?!" I turned my head to see Team RWBY, Oobleck, and Zwei by my side. "Ugh." I groaned, "How'd you get over here Max? Zwei saw you by the hole when you fell?" Oobleck asked, "I was found, then taken here. Roman's in that train with Atlas tech." I said as I went and sat up,

"Gotta stop him." I said as I went and stood up, "Let's go-" "But, you're hurt!!" "I'll be fine, I need to return anyways. Someones waiting for me." I said, they nodded and we went after the train. We got on and they opened one of the carts, "A bomb?!" We jumped to the next one as the one with the bomb detached and blew up behind us, letting grimm inside. "There's another bomb here too!" "You girls go, I'll take care of the grimm thats close." Oobleck yelled, "Let's go!" Team RWBY began running over the train carts and Oobleck fought the grim with Zwei and I followed the girls.

We went inside a cart that didn't have bombs in it, I looked and saw Neo walk through the door and she looked at us as she twirled her umbrella behind her. "I got her, you guys go ahead." Yang said and the girls nodded and left leaving me and Yang, Neo fought Yang the whole time while I was laying on the floor. Neo was basically defeating Yang, until a women came out of nowhere. Neo grabbed my hand and we weren't in the same cart anymore, but we were in the same cart as Weiss.

I was left here and Weiss noticed me and tried to protect me, she defeated that guy but completely forgot about me at the end and continued on to the next cart. I went and stood up but was thrown against the wall as the train started shaking, everything was getting dark. I heard faint yelling. I looked and saw Neo rush over to me, she grabbed my hand and we weren't in the train anymore but on the roof of a building outside.

I went and stood up, I looked over the railing to see Team JNPR, RWBY, and SSSN fighting the grimm along with the teachers. I watched until they were done, "Wait! Where's Max?!" Neptune yells surprising me, "I don't know! Yang?" "I was busy fighting the girl I don't know what happened, when I turned around he was gone." Yang said, "I think I saw him, he was laying in the cart I was in. But, I thought I was just imagining it." Weiss said, "You mean, you left him in there to die?! There's still grimm coming through there! He might be injured and hurt!" Neptune yelled but was held back by Sun,

"We have to help him!" "We can't Neptune! There is no way we can get through that without letting grimm back into Vale!" Weiss yelled and I saw Neptune start crying, "Neps." I mumbled, "Neptune, there's something bugging you more than this." Sun said, "I-I liked Max, now he's gone." Neptune said as he cried, my eyes widened and tears started falling.

"Neptune," I watched as Neptune cried, 'Neptune liked me? Now I'm dead, I died. I can't do anything, I can't hug him, can't kiss him, can't talk to him, I can't do anything anymore. I'm sorry Neptune, forget about me and be happy with Weiss.' I thought as I wiped the tears away and stood by Neo and she made us "shatter" and appear in a tent.

I looked and saw Cinder, Emerald, Mercury, Roman, and Adam. "There you are Max, let's get things started." 

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