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" Um Yoongi , I'll head to the park "

" Why ? Want me to come along ? "

" No . It's fine . I just like spending time alone "

" Oh ok , be safe . Be back before 7 "

I left to my place to grab my skateboard so i could skate to the park . My place was 15 minutes away from Yoongi's so it's quite near . Once i reached my place , I saw my skateboard placed outside .

hm .. that's weird . My skateboard is usually placed inside .

I took my skateboard and started skating my way to the park . I sat on the swing with my earphones plugged in listening to GOT7'S " Hard Carry " . GOT7 is my inspiration other than BTS . They are really full of sunshine . I'd scream if i ever see them . The fact that they are coming here , to my country next week makes me scream and cry . I really want to go to their fanmeeting next week but .. Taehyung won't allow . I really want to go !!

Out of the blue , I heard footsteps drawing closer to me . I ignored it .

" Yo , what are you doing here alone Jae ? " A male voice was heard .

How did he know my name ?

" YA ! AREN'T YOU GONNA LOOK ?! " Another male voice was heard .

" Rude much " i mumbled under my breath . I lifted my head up and spotted Jimin , Jungkook and Taehyung . " Well that took you long enough " Taehyung chuckled . " shut up " I snapped at him . He kissed my forehead and whispered , " be safe , ok ? " . I nodded and they left .

Twenty minutes past and I decided to get myself bubble tea and head back to Yoongi's place . After i bought my bubble tea , i bumped into Jungkook again .

" Sorry Jungㅡ " was all i got to say when i felt lips on mine . I pushed him away . " Sorry, no .  I don't love you like that " I walked away . Just a few steps and I felt a tight grip on my wrist . " Jungkook , please " I yanked his arm off and skated my way back . Just as skated away , I saw Jimin running up to me with roses in his hands .

" Jae , these are for you " He smiled sweetly .

" um ? why ? " I questioned rejecting the roses . " It's flower day today . You didn't know ? " Jimin replied embarrassed rubbing the back of his neck . " No . I'll get going then . Bye " I said as i skated off . I didn't feel anything special for them both . I just treated them like my brothers . Just like everyone else in Bangtan . Except for Yoongi .

Hopefully i didn't fuck up my relationships with Jungkook and Jimin

As I entered Yoongi's place , he greeted me with dinner on the table .

" I ordered pizza . Hope you don't mind " Yoongi said , messing up my hair .

" Mkay sounds good " I replied running up the stairs to his room to change .

I quickly changed into sweatpants and a plain red oversized tee . I went downstairs seeing Yoongi oppa already cutting the pizza in slices . " Let me help " as I took the pizza cutter from him to cut the rest of the pizza . He just smiled adorably .


As she was cutting the rest of the pizza , I took 2 plates and 2 cups . I poured coke into the cups and organized the plates and cups .

" I really want to call him mine .. " i heard Jae mumble to herself .

" I really want to call her mine too " I smiled .

" who is her ? " she asked looking at straight in the eye , pouting .

I thought about it . Since it was Flower Day , I decided to tell her . I even bought the tickets to the GOT7 fanmeet for her . I am an IGOT7 myself anyway .

" I love you Kim Jae Eun " I said , blushing hard . Her cheeks turned really red .

" I-I love you too Yoongi " she replied , blushing as hard as me .

" REALLY ?! YOU WERE TALKING ABOUT ME ? " she nodded .

" I-I bought tickets to the GOT7 fanmeet .. I'm bringing you "

" REALLY ?! I LOVE YOU YOONGI ! " she screamed , jumping up and down .

" I love you too my princess . Will I finally get to call you mine ? " I asked embarrassingly .

She nodded eagerly . I pulled her waist closer to me . " since we're together now , wanna cuddle later tonight ? " I whispered in her ear . " anytime " she replied with her sexy but sweet voice . I leaned in and kissed her . She kissed back and the kiss became a hot make out session . We both ran out of breath after two minutes straight and pulled away from the kiss . Her lips were so soft . I really truly love her deeply . I stared into her beautiful brown eyes . I couldn't even describe how i felt . I could finally call the girl of my dreams mine .

" How do we tell the others ? " she asked worried .

" They'll understand . They all know I had feelings for you since the very start " I pecked her cheek . " Now go get some sleep . Everyone's coming tomorrow for the news . Then we'll just chill with everyone ok ? " she nodded and made her way upstairs .

Bangtan chatroom ;

me : Guys , can ya'll make it tomorrow ? my place . We can chill and order pizza . Namjoon : Yea sure . I have nothing tomorrow anyways .
Jimin : I'm down ! Hoseok : SWEET ! Jungkook : fuck yeah !! I haven't been there in a while .
Jin : JUNGKOOK ! NO SWEARING ! and sure Yoongi . That'll be nice :)
Taehyung : SURE !! I wanna see Jae and you all !
me : Ok . My place . 12pm . See ya'll .

I put my phone down and cleaned up . After , i went upstairs and saw Jae Eun on her phone . I laid beside her . " so , where's my promise ? " " It wasn't a promise " she chuckled and cuddled me . " Promise not to leave me ? " " Promise . You better not do anything stupid to fuck up this relationship " " I'd never " . We cuddled and dozed off in each other's arms .


Hey ! Hope ya'll like this chapter :))

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