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Doesn't Yoongi love Jae so much ? i mean hah i lied that i loved her since i laid my eyes on her . I started liking her when i found out Yoongi likes Jae Eun . My jealousy started then . ARGHH im a horrible friend to Yoongi hyung .

I walked into school with all the girls just staring at me , fangirling some were squealing . I went to Jae's locker .

" Jae " I called out for her as she was talking with Yoongi .

Jae turned my way and smiled . Yoongi patted her shoulder and walked off . Did I interrupt something ?

I walked up to her and pulled her by the wrist closer to me . I whispered , " do you actually love me ? "

She was quiet for a second . " yes .. " she replied , resting her forehead on my shoulder .

" What if some girl wants me and stole me from you ? "

" i'll wish the girl good luck "

I was shocked with her answer . I just looked at her , amused .

" i have somewhere to be . See you " She walked away .

I grabbed her by the wrist , " not a goodbye kiss ? "

" we'll see each other at lunch . bye " she yanked my grip off .

I just stared at her as she walked off . Does she really love me ?

I went to my locker and there was a note ?

" Jungkook , meet at the rooftop at lunch ?

from : Anonymous "

I just stared at the note . Anonymous ?

I placed the note in my pocket and made my way to boring class .

" Class , as you can see two of our students aren't here because they got transferred to another class . Our two new transfer students are here with us " the teacher announced .

I placed my chin on my fist . A guy and a girl walked into the classroom . I was in shock . Yoongi and Jae Eun ?!

I looked at the empty seats in front of me . They must be sitting together in front of me ... in 3 ... 2 ... 1

" please take the seats in front of Jungkook "

I knew it ... I just witnessed their every move .

They both just took their seats . Jae didn't even glance at me .

I felt anger . I dont know why . I felt like I just wanted to make her jealous since she's always with Yoongi . I wanted to break her heart for the sake of revenge .

I glanced to my side and immediately had an idea . My seatmate ...

" hi " I greeted my seatmate which i believe her name is Yerina .

She turned to face me . She smiled , " hello Jungkook "

" Your name's Yerina right ? "

She nodded . We just had a conversation .

After class ended , everyone rushed out except for Yerina , Yoongi , Jae Eun and I .

Yoongi and Jae Eun left the classroom .

I stood up , offering my hand to Yerina .

" eat lunch with me "

I could see her blushing . She took my hand and we walked to the cafeteria .

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