Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven

Sam and I arrived at Jacob's to see him coming out of the house, looking flustered. He sees us easily and shifts, explaining his worries.

I think Bella's gone down to the beach, her tyre tracks lead that way He says concerned

Why would she do that? I ask as we start running in the direction of the beach, Sam in lead.

We were going to go cliff diving, until we picked up the leeches trails Jake says

I doubt she would go by herself Sam guesses

Jake responds It's Bella, of course she would

We take less than a couple of minutes to arrive at the beach and when we do a scream fills the air.

Bella Jake shouts, already shifting. Sam and I shift too, watching as her body falls into the rough, grey water. We pull on our clothes and Jake dives into the water, swimming hurriedly through the stormy sea. Sam and I watch silently, hoping she is alright. After a few moments, that feel more like hours, Jake emerges from the waves, carrying a soaked Bella. He places her onto the sand and presses down onto her chest, trying to get her to spit back up any water.

"Breathe." His voice, wild with anxiety orders. I kneel beside Jacob, heart racing at the state of Bella. Her skin is sickly pale. Sam watches behind us. "Breathe Bella! C'mon." Jake begs. Her arm slightly twitches. A twitch so small that any human wouldn't have noticed, thankfully we're not human. "Bella?" Jake asks, his voice still tense but not as wild as before. "Bells, honey, can you hear me?"

Deciding I should probably say something, I speak up. "How long has she been unconscious?"

"I don't know." Jacob reports, still frantic. He brushes the hair away that was plastered to her cheek. "A few minutes? It didn't take long to tow her to the beach. You both saw."

"She's breathing." Sam says from behind, "She'll come around. We should get her out of the cold, though. I don't like the colour she's turning." I nod in agreement, Bella's skin is quickly turning a feint colour of blue.

"You think it's okay to move her?" Jake asks

"She didn't hurt her back or anything when she fell?"

"I don't know." They both hesitate when suddenly a fluttering of Bella's eyelids catches our attention.

"Jake?" She croaks. His head hovers directly over hers, blocking her face from view.

"Oh!" He gasps, relief evident in his tone. "Oh, Bella! Are you okay? Can you hear me? Do you hurt anywhere?"

"J-Just m-my throat," She stutters.

"Let's get you out of here, then," He says, sliding his arms under her and lifting her without effort. He hunches his shoulders to block the rain from her. I stand as well, awkwardly hovering and not knowing what to do.

"I'm glad you're okay Bella." I say, as her head lolls over his arm. Her eyes flicker to me and she slightly smiles, lips blue. Wet sand coats my legs and I brush them down. I can feel my hair slick down onto my neck and shoulders.

"You got her?" Sam asks, standing next to me.

"Yeah, I'll take it from here. You two should go to the hospital. I'll join you later. Thanks, both of you." He nods to both of us, clutching Bella's weak form to his bare chest. I smile at him, and Sam and I head to the road opposite the beach. The hospital is only a short walk from here. We walk along the road in silence, our footsteps echoing on the quite road. Eventually the town comes into view and we walk to the hospital. The carpark is full and I immediately recognise my parent's car, the faded red Volvo is hard to miss. I also see Emily's car, Billy Blacks and Chief Swan, Bella's dad Charlie, parked near the entrance. We walk into the reception where a few people are sat in the waiting room.

"We're here to see Harry Clearwater, he was admitted for a heart attack this morning." Sam tells the receptionist, a young blonde hair woman. She sadly smiles at us.

"This way. Unfortunately mr Clearwater isn't doing so well. His family and close friends are by his side." She informs as she directs us to the emergency ward. We come to a stop outside a small room with a glass window on the door. The door is shut and inside I can hear the soft cries of mrs Clearwater. Outside, friends of the Clearwaters wait anxiously, with red eyes and tearing faces. It's deathly silent. I see my parents and Embry standing next to one of the tribe elders, a solemn expression on their face. Sam goes over to Emily and I walk towards my family.

"Oh Farren." Mom cries, pulling me into her. I feel tears fill my eyes and I hug her back tightly. She strokes my wet hair and breathes deeply before letting go. "I love you so much."

"I love you too mom." I wipe my eyes with the back of my hand, and realise that my clothes are already dry due to my hot body temperature. My dad then steps forward and pulls me into his chest, planting a kiss on my forehead.

"He's going to pull through, I know it." He whispers, voice laced thick with emotion. I look up into his kind eyes and see them to be glossed over with tears. He lets me go too, with a rub on the shoulder and he resumes his quite conversation with mom and the tribe elder whom looks at me sadly. I face Embry and see his eyes are wet too and with unspoken words we hug tightly.

"Neither Seth nor Leah have come out." Embry says in a very quiet whisper

"Are they okay?" I whisper. They must both feel terrible.

"I hope so."

The door to the hospital room opens suddenly and out emerges a teary faced Charlie. "He didn't make it." He croaks and sorrow echoes throughout the room. Cries of anguish are heard and I see my mother bury her face into dad's chest. He rubs her back comfortingly. I don't realise I'm crying until tear drops land on my sleeves that are wrapped around myself comfortingly. I look around and see an upset Jared holding his imprint Kim to his chest while his parents mourn quietly beside him. Paul is also standing there with his father, arms crossed, and his eyebrows furrowed together. Sam is there towards the back, rubbing his hand on Emily's arms as she sobs silently into his chest.

A/N A rather short chapter, I might say but I hope you enjoy. I am actually a few chapters in front so look forward to more frequent updates :)

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