Chapter Eighteen

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Chapter Eighteen

It's been a month since the confrontation between Jake, Edward and Bella. The only contact we have had with them has been through Charlie. Him and Billy have been close friends for years, and through Billy, we retain information that shows Bella is undoubtedly human. Charlie of course doesn't realise that when Billy asks how Bella is doing, he isn't simply inquiring on her health for Jake's sake as Charlie believes. But instead, ensuring that she remains human, thus keeping the treaty intact. Jake's incessant whining over Bella has become a daily habit, something that the pack has made fun of him for. In wolf form, his thoughts are no longer private and Jared and Quil in particular seem to find great enjoyment over riling him up over it.  

A warm hand rests itself on my hip and draws me closer. My boyfriend and imprint, Seth Clearwater, smiles lovingly down at me. "You alright?"

"Yeah, just thinking." I chuckle, wrapping my arms around him.

"We should go inside, it's about to rain." As he speaks I look up to the dark grey sky that threatens to spill any minute. It's five o'clock on a Friday afternoon.

"Good idea." We hurriedly walk into Sam's. Everyone but Leah and Jacob are lounged about inside as they are on patrol. Paul and Jared sit at the table, playing cards whilst picking at the plate of choc-chip cookies that Emily made earlier. Embry and Quil are spread out on one couch watching t.v. Emily and Sam are there too, cuddling on the other sofa, talking quietly amongst themselves.

We walk over to the table and I take a seat beside Paul. Besides the pack of cards and plate of cookies, a newspaper bearing the title KILLING SPREE IN SEATTLE. It's been going on for a two weeks now, with a total of five unsolved homicides in counting. Seth pokes my shoulder, tearing my gaze away from the paper. "You're really zoned out today aren't you?" He grins, holding a cookie out to me. I take it gratefully, flashing him an appreciative smile.

"Sorry." I grin, taking a bite. He laughs, and slings an arm around my shoulders, playing with my hair.

"Are you two going to Billy's tonight?" Emily asks from the couch.

"Yeah, you?" I ask back.

"Sam and I are heading over later. I'm making some dishes to bring."

"I'm pumped for tonight." Jared grins from behind his cards.

"Talking about tonight, we should go back to mine to get ready." I say to Seth. He nods in agreement.

"Yeah it starts in an hour."

"I better put the lasagne on." Emily notes, getting up from the coach.

Sam groans whilst sitting up. "We were so comfortable."

She leans down and kisses him. Seth and I turn away whilst Embry and Quil pretend to retch.

"We're trying to watch t.v." Embry complains.

"Get a room." Quil adds.

"This is our house." Sam raises an eyebrow, "You all should go home to get ready now anyway, except Paul and Quil, you two have patrol tonight." The two boys let out a groan, despite already knowing of their duties. Embry, Jared, Seth and I get up to leave.

"We'll see you tonight." Embry calls to Sam and Emily.

"See you then." Sam replies. We step out into the cool night, rain soaking us in a matter of minutes. We say goodbye to Jared who heads left, whilst the three of us turn right. The walk home is quick so we don't bother shifting. Inside the lights are on and I can smell wood burning on the fireplace. Mom is reading a book whilst the stereo in the living room plays some relaxing music. In the kitchen, a roast chicken cooks in the oven. Dad left earlier to go over to Billy's for a beer with Charlie.

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