Chapter 6

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August 8, 2013…

Lying on the bed in the very cold hospital operating room, I was scared out of my mind. This was it. It was time to meet my children who had been resting and growing comfortably in my womb since they were conceived in December of 2012.

Back in June, I had gotten my hair shortened because it became thicker due to my hormonal changes. My should-length strawberry-blonde hair was up in a hospital cap with a few twigs loose. There was a sheet between my face and Dr. Kingston. I was shivering even though I couldn’t feel anything beneath my chest. The one thing I could feel was Tom’s hand as he held my hand tightly. He kept looking down at me with reassuring eyes as we awaited the arrival of our children.

We had found out back in March the sex of the babies, but decided to keep it a secret. He had promised me that I could name them whatever I wanted; that he would be pleased with whatever I came up with. I had a few names in mind, but would have to look at them after they were born. I could feel the little bit of tugging that Dr. Kingston had told me about, but that was it. Tom was lightly humming to keep me centered and I was concentrating on him until a new sound filled the room.

The baby’s cry was strong and loud as Dr. Kingston held the baby up for us to see; “Say hello to your daughter,” he said as one of the NICU nurses reached out to take her.

Tom and I turned our head to look at her as they cleaned her off. She had some lungs on her. She seemed to be a big size. The nurse put a diaper on her, swaddled her and put a cap on her head. She then lifted her up into her arms and brought her over to us.


The nurse gently put the baby in Tom’s arms.

“Oh, oh my, hi there,” he said so sweetly. “I’m your daddy.”

The baby girl made some noises at him, like she knew who he was. I watched as he eyes watered as he looked down at her. I could feel Dr. Kingston tugging on me as we looked at our daughter.

“Is she healthy,” I asked the nurse.

“Very healthy,” she replied. “She weighed five pounds and eight ounces. She’s 20 inches in length.”

We then heard another cry; “Say hello to your son,” Dr. Kingston said.

We watched them do the same routine with our son. The nurse took our daughter from Tom.

“We are going to take her to the nursery while you’re in recovery to make sure everything is the way it should be and we will bring her to you after you’re back in your room, Mrs. Hiddleston.”

I giggled at her because not many people called me that. Tom looked down at me.

“You’re still getting used to that?”

“Yes, even though my name is hyphenated, yes. I’m glad we decided to go ahead and get married,” I said as the nurse brought our son over to us.

She placed him in Tom’s arms and we looked at him. He had cute, round cheeks.

“How are his stats,” I asked her.

“He was five pounds and five ounces; 18.5 in length.”

He was making noises at Tom as he held him; “Hi, little one. That’s right. I’m your daddy.”

“Okay, Lyta, we’re going to finish up on you and get you into recovery,” Dr. Kingston said.

“Thank you.”

An hour later, I was wheeled back into my hospital room where Tom, his mom Diana, his sister Emma and my mom were waiting on me. My mom came over to me and looked down at me.

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