Chapter 5

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|| ☆ Asriel's POV ☆ ||
Chara was in my arms when Frisk came walking out, her face red and tear stained, and an expression of pain and shock laced through her.
I was confused, and so was Chara.
Frisk had walked over to us, choking back a sob "I-I'm sorry.." They apologized.
Chara obviously changed the subject about her quickly, as she smiled a bit and let go of me, kneeling down to frisk's height and pulling her into a hug "No, no. Its alright. There is nothing wrong." Chara said sweetly.
Something about her tone reminded me of something, but, it made me think a bit too much. Chara would be a good mother. She seemed to take off of Toriel. Maybe she was trying to be like Toriel. Perhaps even she was being the mother figure she had wanted at that age.
I feel like she was less predictable than what she came off to be at first.

|| ♥︎ Chara's POV ♥︎ ||
I held Frisk close, and they stopped crying.
"What's wrong?" I had asked, and she looked to me
"I had a bad dream.." She murmured, almost seeming scared to tell me.
I couldn't help but smiling warmly, picking up frisk "A bad dream? Well, I can't help that much, but, Here, I'll get you back into bed so you can finish your rest, but if you need anything else, you can come get me." I said calmly. It seemed like a fair compromise.
Frisk nodded, and I set them down and followed them to the room.
I tucked her into the bed, giving her an old stuffed animal that was still in decent condition. She held it close, and looked up to me.
"Do you have to leave..?" She asked reluctantly.
I frowned, but said "No, I do not need to leave."
"Oh, alright.. could you stay?"
"Of course."
"Thank you."
The conversation was short and quiet. I sat down on the ground against the door. After maybe ten minutes, frisk said "I can't sleep."
"Are you tired?" I asked
"Yes." She replied "I just can't stop thinking.." She murmured
"Would you like to talk about it?"
"If it's not a bother." Frisk said quietly.
"Of course it isn't. You can tell me anything." I said calmly.
"Are you and Asriel married?" She asked
"Uh.. kind of. Not officially, no." I said. What an odd question. "But I love Asriel very much. We will most likely be married some day." I smiled a bit at the thought.
Frisk smiled, too, but asked "And.. I can't leave?" She asked
"No. not now. Maybe soon. Do you miss your family?" I asked her calmly, changing the subject.
"No. I don't like my Family." Frisk said.
"Why's that?" I asked, frowning
"They were bad people. They hurt me and others too." Frisk said quietly. "I don't want to see them again."
"I promise you, Frisk, you don't need to. Asriel and I will protect you. There will be many others you will meet while you're down here, but I want you to know, if there is anything you need, I can always help you." I promised.
"... is that why you fell down here too? Because you didn't like your family?" She asked, her hair still covered her eyes.
"Yes. That's why I fell down here. Frisk... can you see?" I asked.
"Not well. Why?" She asked
"Your hair covers your eyes. You can't see me?" I asked
"No.. well, not in detail."
"Want me to cut your hair?" I asked
"No, please. No thank you." She said, frantic.
"Why not?"
"I don't want to talk about it.." She murmured.
"Well. You remind me of myself. I used to have my hair cover my face because I hated my eyes." I said, laughing. Now, her hair covered down to the bridge of her nose, but her eyes were also shut. Being a person who grew up surrounded by magic, I've learned to be curious. I've learned a human's soul trait matches with their eye color, even if it's unnatural. I've never seen a duplicate soul trait. Mine was DETERMINATION. Red. My eyes were red. I'm thinking too much into this.
"You did?" Frisk asked, snapping Chara back into reality.
"Hah. Yeah. They are super weird, and everyone thought so, until I fell down here. Down here, everyone loved me for who I was, not what I looked like. Why must you shut your eyes?" I asked calmly.
"I don't like my eyes either." Frisk said.
"Why not?" I asked, having moved to the foot of her bed.
"They aren't normal.
"Here, I'll make you a deal. Look at me straight in the eyes, and I'll do the same to you. If I act negatively, I'll do whatever you want." I decided. I was curious. Perhaps this child was determined too.
"Heh. Anything?" Frisk asked
"Heh. Alright, on three?" Frisk asked, then I shut my eyes.
"One. Two.. three!" Frisk laughed and looked at me, moving her bangs out of her face..
With sparkling red eyes.
I had looked shocked, and she did too. I found myself smiling.
"Well, I love your eyes. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise." I said, and frisk was just smiling brightly
"Alright, Chara.."
Sorry for trash CHAPTER

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