Chapter 17 || A Beast

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Johnathan's POV

I watched as Natalie pulled out of the driveway. I enjoy making her feel uncomfortable at times... but the truth is, I was glad she jumped back. I could still feel the urge of the thirst. I was going to do the one thing I didn't want to do... drink her blood. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I did. And my uncle coming in when he did was good timing.

"It's dangerous being around her, John," my uncle scold, standing in front of the huge mantel with a wine glass in his hand.

I lowered my gaze to the floor. He was right. My urges were trying to take over.

"You're craving her," he continued.

"How do I take this craving, Uncle?" I asked, sitting on the couch arm rest.

He twirled the glass around in his hand, causing the red liquid to move around. "Lay low for a while. Get back to drinking animal blood. The vampire in you is trying to take over. Because you haven't had human blood yet when you were turned that fateful night."

I lowered my gaze again. He was right. I couldn't risk being around her, or anyone, with what was happening to me. But I wanted to see her. I wanted to be around her all the time. I didn't want to leave her side. Something about her that was so... addicting.

"Johnathan, stay away for a couple of weeks at least. I'll be logging your progress," Uncle added and headed out of the parlor.

I stood and went to the bay window and stared into the woods towards the highway. The sun had already set, and the moon cast eerie shadows across the front lawn. I sighed. I can't stay away from her... I just can't. I'm not strong enough.


Natalie's POV

I just lay there in my bed thinking about the days events. Everything that happened was so weird. Also noticing something different about him. His eyes were not the natural blue. They were a reddish color or something. I put my hands behind my head and just stared at the ceiling.

What was he hiding? What was his game? Those questions just kept running around in my head. They wouldn't leave. I found myself thinking about him every second of the day. As if I was addicted to him in some way. But I disliked him... right? Perhaps not? I sighed and lay on my side. This was all just so frustrating!

I groaned and sat up in bed. My eyes grew wide and I lost my breath and sat there frozen, staring straight ahead in the corner of my room. My window drapes flapping in the wind. I could've sworn I closed that window. Eyes were staring back at me.

I opened my mouth to try to speak. But whatever it was came at me so I screamed and covered myself up with my blanket.

Someone barged in my room.

"What's wrong?!" The voice of my mom rang through the quiet room.

I peeked from under the blanket and looked around. Seeing only her standing there I jumped out of bed and clung to her.

"Someone, something, was in here! It came at me!" I cried, hugging her close.

She wrapped her arms around me and stroked my hair. "Shh, it was probably just a bad dream, dear."

I dug my face in her shoulder. The face of whatever it was flashing across my mind. What was that? What did it want?

"Get to sleep dear, we have a long day ahead of us tomorrow. That event isn't going to do itself," mom cooed and lead me to bed.

I felt like a kid again when she tucked me in, kissed my forehead, and slowly closed the door, leaving it cracked a bit.

I soon dozed off. But only to dream about whatever that was.

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