Chapter 49 || Betrayal of Blood

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Johnathan's Pov  

         I never wanted any of this to happen to her. I had always been careful in who I became involved with everywhere I went. When I had met Natalie, I just brushed away the wall I had build around my heart and let her in. I couldn't help it. There was something about her that was too addicting to just ignore. I had to get to know her. I had to protect her. I had to love her. Call me selfish, but I wanted her. And now, being here where she lay helpless in my arms, was killing me inside.

"Natalie, please come back to me," I whispered in her ear as a tear rolled down my cheek and landed on hers. "Please, I need you."

My crying and my pleading went unheard. She couldn't hear me at all. She wasn't dead, but her motionless body made it seem like it.

After finding her in an abandoned warehouse, I had saved her from Jacob and his men. Taking her out of there quickly, I had went back to the mansion and locked every door and window to be sure we would not be followed.

"You're safe," I whispered to her as I gently laid her in a bed.

I wish I could say she looked peaceful. But the look of pain and agony washed over her face. Jacob wouldn't die by anyone else's hands but my own. He was surely pay for what he's done to Natalie. The problem was I didn't know what was wrong with her.

"Johnathan," Uncle Caven's voice filled the room.

I turned and went at him full force. "You idiot!"

Caven blocked my punches and hit me square in the jaw with a right hook. The anger I had now was so strong. The last time I felt this angry was when I had lost everything a long time ago. When I had lost my father.

"Johnathan, calm down," Caven yelled. "And listen to me. Natalie has been injected with the poison of the Jimson Weed. She will continue to suffer until we find a cure."

"Until I find a cure," I said angrily. "You could've saved her! But you stood there with a grin on your face while he... did this to her!"

Uncle rested a hand on my shoulder but I shrugged it off and walked slowly into the room where Natalie was. "I will never forgive you for this. Get out and don't come back."

"Johnathan," Caven began, walking towards me. "I'm blood. Don't do this."

"Get out!" I yelled angrily. "You are not my blood."

With that I turned my back to him and shunned him. I wasn't sure what was worse; the woman I loved was in grave danger. Or the fact that my uncle betrayed me and her. In my mind he was siding with Jacob. He had been all along. But I didn't know for sure and I would find out whenever the time came. I just need to focus on saving Natalie... before it was too late. And to do so, I was going to need help. Luckily I knew the person who would be of good help.

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