Chapter 30 || Stalker Much?

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Natalie's Pov

I sat in the hall outside of my classroom and hugged my legs. Was I going crazy? No one else saw what I saw. That horrible face... Who, what was it? Resting my chin on my crossed arms I closed my eyes, receiving a mere image of the creature.

The red dark eyes. The blood running down its entire face. The look of death in its eyes as if it wanted to kill me. The condition of the clothes. I opened my eyes and jumped as the bell rang, letting the students know it was the end of classes.

"Natalie," Carol squealed stomping in front of me. "Why did you fall out of your seat?"

She helped me to my feet as Lukas came out the room followed by Johnathan. "I... I saw... Nothing. It was nothing."

"Just creating a scene again? As usual?" Lukas laughed.

I smiled a little and glanced at Johnathan who looked like he didn't believe me. I figured I would tell him about it later.

"So, when's the party?" I changed the subject.

Carol shrugged. "Might not happen. My mom is wanting to go out of town during vacation. She wants to go to Hawaii. And Lukas and his family are going to California to the beach."

"You're both leaving me?" I pouted.

"Dont worry, you and Johnathan can find something to do," Carol winked with a nudge.

Lukas rolled his eyes and walked off grumbling. Guess his crush on me hasn't gone away yet. Although he was a nice guy, I wasnt interested.

"Need a ride home?" Carol asked, skipping to her car.

I shook my head and pointed in the direction of my house. "It's nice out. I'll walk."

She shrugged and waved as her and Lukas climbed in the car and drove off. I felt Johnathan staring at me.

"What?" I asked.

He shrugged and walked off. Okay, no trailing me this time I see. I turned on my heel and began my walk home.

On the way home I was in my own little world. Replaying everything from the first time I met Johnathan to now. What would happen next since Jacob got away? And Johnathan's uncle was acting very strange... As if he planned to let him go.

I readjusted my backpack on my shoulder and stared at the ground, thinking.

I've said this many times but everything was changing so fast. It was hard to keep up with things nowadays. I've been distant from my friends and mom. All I've been doing really is spending a lot of time with Johnathan.

My backpack dropped to my hand and I grumbled and sighed loudly in annoyance. Why can't things go back to the way they were before I met this vampire?

I turned around with a start at a noise behind me. Seeing a black sedan parked a few feet on the other side of the road behind me. I looked at it suspiciously. Slowly turning I began walking, getting a glimpse of the car moving as I moved. So I picked up my pace and soon found myself running.

The wheels of the car screeching as they followed closely. Luckily, I knew short cuts so I took an alley way to avoid the car.

But that did me no good for there was another sedan who blocked the exit way. I found myself blocked both ways. My heart beating fast, I cramped behind a dumpster.

Once I hear three or four doors slam shut and footsteps coming towards me, my breathing became heavy. What was going on? Who were they? What did they want? I closed my eyes and clung to my booksack tightly. This was it... I was done for.

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