-15- deel1

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6:00 am
Monday 12/2/2306
I'm a restless sleeper, always have been, will always be. Well... I wasn't always... doesn't matter. I'm shaking in my bed, it's cold. The window. I left it open last night when I fell asleep. I jump out of bed, the book I was reading yesterday eve dropping on the floor. Snow is falling from the sky, and little flakes swiftly fall in my room. Looking how they melt, and with the sound of the early birds in the back-ground, several images flicker through my mind.
A sudden heat, anger, filling my mind and body. My hand smacking the window back in its lock, causing small cracks to appear in the fragile glass.
I'm trembling, the heat radiating from my body while I dig my own nails in my palms till they bleed.

'Eyo' the unmistakeable greeting of jack, he's wearing his black leathern jacket over the schools winter uniform with some sunglasses in his brown hair 
' oh, hey jack, how was the weekend?'
' fine' someone almost bumping into him while we pass through the crowded hallways 'wohw! Hey look out you jerk!
Tsk, not even caring to look around' As hothead as always, and the giggling girls around the corner brobably think so too. I guess he can be considered handsome with his 186 cm, brown hair and sports body, not to forget his little beard which girls seem to like. But I'm better. 'Annyway remember that punk I told you about? '
' Yhea Yhea, that guy who tried something on Sacha right?' Only a moron would try something on jack's sister, and only someone with a death wish would try to harm her. But apparently some woman gave birth to a moron with a death wish about 17-18 years ago. 'Indeed, that guy, turns out he is a student here!! Can you believe it? Right under our noses!' He sais while making several big signs with his hands and arms, almost making him look like a mad... bird...
'What you wanna do about it mate? Pass every class and ask who it is?'
' that would never work' he replies not noticing that I didn't mean that seriously. 'We could... we could get the yearbook and then let Sacha point him out!'
'Yheaaaaaa... do you still have 30 bucks to spare?' I replie a bit cynical 'and our parents will neither want to give us 30 bucks, not for something like that.'
We end up discussing all the way to our classroom, by the time we're there, jack is both furious and desperate at the same time. 'Oh! We could ask arc if he can help us!' Jack shouts as he opens the class door and runs in 'he... where is he?' The class, who heard jack shouting, turned around and stared at him. 'Who?' Someone asks eventually. Still a bit startled because of the class looking at him like that, jack replies. 'Ar... I mean, Noah, where is he?'
The class rumbled some about how they hadn't seen him yet, till one girl... 'I've seen him' sais Ashley, the ex of jack. 'Wanna know where he is?' Her voice sounding very friendly 'yea' I answer in stead of jack, knowing he can't stand her. 'Well...' Ashley begins ' I could tell you... but... why would I?' Her voice was still friendly but it was the bitch kind of friendly. The lil snake-like side of her, the exact reason why jack left her. 'Maybe to prove that you aren't the lil bitch everyone thinks you are.' Jack almost spited out those words. 'Maybe to help out your classmates?' I replie calmly while laying a hand on jack's shoulder. 'Pff!' Ashley became mad, and now the bitch was on there completely. 'What reasons ey! You guys are the worst, that calls me a bitch and then they still want me to tell them!? Did I ever do something wrong to you jack? Hm?! Wasn't I good enough or something?!' Some guy coming up to her. 'Ashley, enough, they just asked and you shou..' Ashley shut him up by giving him a bitchslap, and with her nails, she also "accidentally" ripped of some skin'. 'God damnit!' The guy screams while holding his hands to his cheek'
To me, that was enough, I walk up to her, seeming calm. But I'm anything but! While Ashley is still turned to the guy she just hurt, I grab her by her collar, pulling her back and throwing here against the wall. 'Now you lil lowlife, you're gonna tell me where you saw Noah today' she had hurt her back and threw a deadly look at me, but all she got back were empty eyes staring back at here. Making here more scared as any other look. She opened her mouth. 'I... I'm no lowlife! Tsk, Arnt you that! I'd watch what I'd be doing if I were you or should I start talking about Mel...' I grabbed her by her neck, pinching it closed. 'Ahrrrggg... le... lheth... ghhhoo, i...I'll tell. Noah.' I loosened my grip some, against my will
to be honest. Ashley gasped 'uhrg uhrg, he, I saw him in the c building today... together with some other guys. You know, those guys that have been hitting on girls all over the school, and also from other schools.... '
'Hey! What the hell is going on here!' The teacher screams while he runs in the classroom and pulls me away from Ashley. 'You... this isn't the first time that you're doing stuff like this! Isn't it?! To the rector! Immediately!' That man really didn't know how dangerous it was to talk to me like that when pissed. I walk out of the room, wanting to brake something. And instead of going to the rector, I go to block c. And indeed, after looking a while I find Noah on the 4th floor. He is looking through the window while eating some hamburger.
'I know you're there Lu'. hehe... typically Noah, you can't sneak up his back. 'That was quite a fuss you made there.' Noah says 'what do you mean?' The only reply I get is a finger pointing somewhere out of the window. 'You can see the classroom from here?' 'Yup, so I know all about your lil stunt in class.' 'Shut up man, I got enough trouble.' 'What do you mean?' 'This wasn't the first time a teacher saw me harassing someone, and I might have broken my window some this morning causing my parents to wake up and be mad at me.' Noah takes a bite from his hamburger while offering the other to me by making a gesture. And I didn't have breakfast, so I took it. 'Arn't your parents always mad at you?' Noah said while staring out of the window 'not ALLways, but I guess most of the time...'
'Why did you brake the window?' 'I... don't know' 'don't lie to me, it's February, you're never calm during this time of the year.'
'If you already know then why fucking bother to ask!' He looks at me with his clear eyes that see right through me, we've known each other from kindergarten and there is nothing we don't know about each other, I know all his dark thoughts, and he knows all my cruel acts. Every single one of them. 'Why, you ask? To remind you that you gotta tell me what's on your mind, even if it's the same thing over and over again.' '... I can't yet...' 'that's fine, at least that's no lie.' He says while he gets of his seat to get to the stairs. 'Oh Yhea, Noah, jack wants you to help him with his sister!' As usual he doesn't bother turning around and just goes on on his path. 'Noah! Where are you going?' He turns his head a lil, giving me his lil evil smile. 'Where do you think moron.' I grinn and run after him.

When we arrive at our spot in the park he allows me not even a second rest and attacks me full on. Only barely Im able to escape from his high kick. This was our fun. Within the closed area surrounded by bushes and trees somewhere in the park we found a year or two ago. Noah had been trained in several martial arts, and because I knew him from kindergarten, I've always been his training mate out of the dojo, allowing me to pic up some tricks to. He is faster than me tho I'm stronger than him. He tackles me while I run to him, causing me to loose balance. A perfect chance for him to push me on the ground and to hold me with some kind of judo thing. I never bothered to learn the names. Anyway, now I'm stuck, no way I could get out of this, even with all my might.
We ended up sparring and resting/eating all day because apparently Noah had taken food instead of books to school.
'It's time to go home lu.' Noah sais while breathing heavy, tho my breath is worse. 'I know man.... hah...hah... but... hah I did win 3 times today! Hah. ' '3 Out of what? 26?! Haha!' 'Shut up man!' Were both laughing, and it hurts us both in our stomach. 'Noah... thanks man' 'no prob dude, any time.' ' Hope you won't get in trouble because you weren't on school.' 'Sais the guy who is in trouble because he went to school.' 'Yhea Yhea haha. Annyway, I'll get going' 'by lu, see ya t'morow?' 'See ya'

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