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I woke up with an intense headache.
It felt like someone hit me with a rock .
Slowly I stretched my cramped muscles and I noticed the smell of sweat.
My clothes were damp. Feeling disgusted at my clothes I jumped off bed and immediately started stripping. The cool air made me shiver, cramping my muscles again.
My eyes fell on the small book. It had fallen of the bed while I slept.
I went to pick it up and sat down on the bed in nothing but my underwear.
I looked around the room with lazy eyes. It had to be somewhere around noon. Beams of sunlight streamed through the window, reflecting on the spotless white walls.
There was a small white desk and nightstand. A sink with mirror, and the bed I was sitting on.
Everything was white, even the floor. Everything except for my stuff. It stained the while floor. Creating black holes in the neath surface. I felt my mind slip. I felt how it wondered of in the depts of my brain. How it came to a tucked away memory of a similing young girl. She had beautiful white blond hair.
Her skin soft and fair...
A pearl white smile painted on her face. Nothing I could do, but awe, at her grace.
In the next memory. That girl doesn't look happy anymore. Tears stain her cheeks as her voice, that normally made the most beautiful sound, was now producing scared and frantic noises.
I felt how I trembled, the same way I had trembled back then.
With confusion, panic, anything. My mind was blank as I was unable to mutter a word. I was drowning. Drowning with a desperate fear.
Abruptly I was pulled back to the surface by a loud knock and a booming voice.
My eyes snap to the door.
I walk hesitantly to the door as a sick feeling settled in my stomach.
I don't know why, but I'm relieved as I see it's the gorilla.
'Finally!' He exclaims as he throws his hands in his hair.
'Pleas don't lock your door again. In this place it usually means we have to call an ambulance.'
Suddenly, he looks at me with concern as his eyes settle on my face.
'You alright?'
I blink a few times as I realise I probably look like a ghost.
I quickly compose myself.
'I don't know about you, but not all people look good when just waking up.' And I slump back in my room and fall on the bed.
The gorilla lets himself in.
'Just to tell you, but every friday your room will be cleaned. Then the floor has to be free of anything.'
He goes to stand next to my bed.
I put my hands on my eyes to block out the light.
'And what if there is anything on my floor then?' I look at him through one eye.
'It will be confiscated. Now, I allowed you to sleep till noon since you got in bed late. But now you are expected at the cafeteria. After breakfast you can go to one of the lounges. There you can get the know the others before tomorrow.'
'I'm not hungry and I don't feel like socialising with the wicked.' I say while turning on my stomach.
'Afraid you'll find yourself at home?' He said with discust as he walked out of my room and closed the door behind him.
And of corse my stomach desided to betray me exactly then. Growling like a wild bear.
With lazy movements I scramble between my stuff for some clothes.
I settle for a zip-up hoody and loose green jeans.
Slipping out of my room I look around. I startle a bit when I see the big gorilla standing next to my door. A grin forming on his lips.
'Your have a loud stomach y'know.' Is all he says before walking away.
I scowl and walk towards the canteen where he had shown me yesterday.
There weren't a lot of people. Pretty much just staff members cleaning up.
I strode to the counter where a cook saw me.
'You must be the new guy.' He says with a raspy voice.
I just nod and he takes the lits of the pots.
There's a lot of things.
Eggs, toast, cornflakes, bread, beans, etc.
I take a bowl and take some cornflakes. I find the milk a bit further.
The cook goes on with cleaning.
'So...' the raspy voice says.
'What are you here for hu?' He asks as if we're in jail.
I grin a bit. 'I'm just here cause my parents don't know what to do with me. Of course I was a bit of a trouble maker. But nothing out of the usual.'
'Uhu... I see.' He grins the same way I just had. 'Well, if you need anything, you just ask, kay?'
'Sure, but right now all I need is food. And thanks.' I say after putting my mouth full.
He seems like an okay guy I guess. He doesn't act all sultry. Hell, if I ever really end up in jail I hope there is someone like him. Life is already difficult enough lol.
After I finish I get behind the counter and clean my cup myself.
'You could've just placed it on the counter.' The raspy voice says.
'Nah, I have no idea what to do around here anyway.'
'Hmmm lemme guess, without girls there ain't much to do?' I grin full out.
'You reading my mind?'
'No, I'm not. Just a man like yourself. But don't worry, the cross over ball will be in a month. That's with the girls branch of this school.'
'Oh really?' I say curiously.
'Yup, annyway thanks for cleaning the bowl.'
'No need to thank me for that...' I read the little name card on his shirt.
'... Carl.'
'Most of the cunts here wouldn't have done it. Lucian.'
I'm kinda surprised  as he says my name. Before he had just adresses me with "new guy".
'I guess the gorilla told you my name.'
He looks at me with confusion for a bit. Then his eyes widen and he laughs.
'Oh my god! That the way you call Harrington?! Genious!'
I chuckle a bit.
'I didn't even know his name. Though I won't use it now that I do.'
'Well annyway, its Gregory Harrington. Now get out of my kitchen you little runt.' He says while still stuck in his laughter.
'Sure, see ya later. Oh and by the way, it's Lu for the friends.'
He grins at me wickedly. I think I found an ally in here.

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