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I stroll through the large school. The hallways seeming endlessly and I noticed there was a whole department that wasn't being used.
Eventually, I decided to take a look at the lounge rooms.
The first was full of kids between 10 en 14. I quickly left before they saw me.
The second was about the same, but with a few kids that were older.
The third held pigs in their puberty, all trying to act cool. I noticed the 3 runts of last night and when they saw me their faces turned pale as they quickly turned away from me. I grinned. Hopefully their fear will affect the others a little.
The gorilla didn't say anything about them so I'm guessing another kid found them.
I walked further to the next room. It was a music room.
Violins, cellos, guitars, and a lot of other instruments were staked out neatly in rows.
When I looked a bit further, I noticed the large piano. It was underneath a large cloth to protect it from dust.
I walked towards it, my mind remembering the many hours I had listened to the music a certain blond used to make on this instrument.
I lifted the cloth, just to expose the white and black keys. The piano was pitch black and the light from the windows was reflected on its smooth surface.
I tapped a few keys, the sound resonating in my head.
I took a seat and started to play the song that had lulled me to sleep more times then I would admit.
It was a slow song, mostly existing of the middle and lower notes, but with a high tone every now and then... I felt how my mind started to linger in memories... how my heart started to yearn for a time when I was happy.
Would my songbird still know this song? Would she remember the times when we sat down at an old, worn out piano? Or would she only remember the day it all ended? The day I barely even remember...
Well, I do remember it. But the crucial part is gone.
Gone, just like the moment in the gorilla's office, like the moment in my room. I have no idea what causes me to blackout each time, if I would just pass out every now and then it'd be no big deal. But what I do when I blackout... that's not normal... not even for someone who has holes in his memory.
Suddenly a tune blasts through the room. I'm so startled by my phone that I even jump a little. I don't bother to look at the name and quickly pick up as I try to calm down.

' 'ello'
'Dude where the hell are you?!'Jack shouts in my ear and I groan in respons.
'Turn the volume down a bit will ya. I bet you just killed a thousand of my hearing receptors..."
"Lu, we didn't hear from you yesterday. I was worried!"
"Man... you a dude or a chick? Since when is it a drama if you don't hear me for a day?"
I slowly walked out of the music room, leaving the piano slightly uncovered.
"Since Noah said that he didn't find you at your house."
"Not: oh... where are you?!"
"Uhrg I'm just..."
What was I supposed to say? I didn't know where I was literally and I didn't really feel like telling him I was in a school for crazy youngsters.
"My parents made me change schools. I'm in an internat now."

"What? Why? Just like that? Is that even posible?"

"Yea.. it is. Now, i'm fine so if you'd pleas leave me alone? Thing's have been hell enough here without you making more f*ckinh drama than needed."
"By jack, thanks for being woried. Make sure noah leaves his house every now and then. See ya."

And like that I hung up. Well... at least they now know I'm fine.

Yea, fine.

Freaked out


Neurotic and


GREAT right? Okay that's enough self pity.

I strolled through the large hallways without a real aim. I didnt feel like socialising. All of these people would probably be instable and insecure, or downright bullies like the kids from yesterday. And like I said before, without girls? There isn't realy something to do. So in the end I just returned to my room. To that white box... why the hell was it actualy so white? Can't be easy to clean, right? I dropped on my bed again, fully aware that I'd probably have to attend dinner in a few hours.

At first I just stared at the ceiling, but within minutes I craved the touch of a certain book's soft leather. I took it from the ground and let it fall open to a random page. At this point it didnt mater at what page it opened, I knew pretty much all the pages by hard now. Never the less, I read the words that were written on the old paper with a curly handwrighting... and I drifted away. Guided by the written truth on these pages.

"Songbird, I have no idea what you're talking about..." I said while looking at the music sheets she just gave me.

"Uhrg, Lucian, pay attention. I basically just told you that if you want to, I could teach you how to play this. It's your favourite right?"

"Well yhea but..." I didn't know a thing about music... it was one thing to fall asleep to her playing but it was another to play it myself.

"No buts Lumière. You're gonna learn how to play wether you like it or not." And as if to seal what she just said, she gave me a peck on the lips.
"Mel, how long are you still gonna call me Lumière?"
We watched beauty and the beast like... a week ago?
She insisted on calling me Lumière, like the candle guy, ever since.
"For as long as there doesn't pop up another pet name I'd like to call you." She said with a smile on her face.
I love her smile... it'll sound stupid but I love how everything just seems brighter when she gets those dimples in her cheeks.
God I'm whipped... someone pleas hit me.
"Annyway, I asked my music teacher and she doesn't mind that we use the piano in the hallway. So from now on, before my classes, I'm gonna teach you how to play!" And of corse she had to giggle like the cute little thing she is...
"Songbird, I... I... I'd love to." I said in the end.
What els was I supposed to say?! She's looking all cute... and happy... who am I to tell her no?
A living being with a mind of it's own?
Who am I kidding... my mind is only ever filled by her, of corse I give in to her every single time.
I smiled as I looked at her. Completely mesmerised by her being... from her golden blond hair to her big green eyes to the freacking 37 tiny freckles on her face... yea, I counted them.
"Why did you do that to me, Lucian?" She suddenly said as the halo around her disappeared.
"Why did you hurt me?"
What is she talking about?
"Why did you do that?!" She screamed. She started to cry as the world around us fell away and everything turned black...

I gasped for air as I woke up.
I had fallen asleep on my stomach, face on the little book.
My stomach growled practically imediatly and I couldn't help but sigh at what just happened.
It was a nightmare, I know that. But it could just as well have been reality...
I forced myself out of the bed, only motivated to do so because of my growling stomach.
I walked down the hallways until I found my way back to the canteen. When I entered, it was booming with people.
Everywhere people were eating or cleaning.
It surprised me how manny kids were gathered here...
But then again, if you're with almost ten billion people the number of abused kids also raises... sadly.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2018 ⏰

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