Chapter 4

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It was 10:00 am and I just finished taking a shower when I heard my phone ring saying I got a tweet. "@AustinMahone: going to the beach today!" "OH MY GOD SAM! WE HAVE TO GO TO THE BEACH AUSTINS GOING TODAY!!" I run into Sam's room screaming. "Okay okay we'll go let's leave in like 10 minutes!" She says back to me. "Okay!" I yell back to her as I walk into my room to change.

10 minutes later, me and Sam are walking out of the building to go to the beach. We find a good spot and I lay my towel out and listen to some music soaking up the sun.

"WATCH OUT!" I hear someone yell towards me. Suddenly a football hits my head lightly. I take out my headphones and grab the ball. A really cute boy runs over to me and says "I am so sorry for hitting you, well it wasn't really me it was my friend Alex." I look up and realize the boy is Austin Mahone! "OH MY GOD YOURE AUSTIN MAHONE!" I say to him. "Yeah that's me haha but wait I think I know you have a twitter?" He says back to me. "Actually I do you follow me!" I say back to him. "You're Becca!" He tells me with excitement. "Wait you know my twitter?" I can feel my heart beating faster as we stand here talking to each other. "Yeah..I uh kinda creep on you a lot..." He finally says. THE Austin Mahone creeps on me on twitter. "Omg haha I can't believe this!" I say to him. "Well, I gotta go but can I have your number? I'd like to get to know you more." I give him my number and he runs down the beach to go back to his friends. "Sam...I cannot believe that just happened!!!!" I scream and jump up and down. "Becca calm down!! Haha you're going crazy lets get going!" She says back to me. This summer is going to be amazing I just know it.

// hey! So yes Austin is finally brought into the story! Please vote and comment lol My twitter @ameezyftzach

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