Chapter 9

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Austin's POV

I woke up to Alex and Zach talking about Becca. "Dude Becca is hotttt" I heard Zach say to Alex. "Bro I know haha but she's Austin's girl." Alex replied. "Nah man Austin wants to be friends with her, he said it will create drama or some shit." Zach said. Do I like Becca?...I mean I just met her like 2 days ago. But she's so pretty and nice. It's so cute how she fangirls over me. I would love to date a Mahomie honestly. I'm just worried, I mean she already got so much hate just from me kissing her cheek...ugh.

Becca's POV

"Becca!! Get up!" I heard Sam yell at me. "Ughhhhh" I mumbled back to her. "Let's go shopping! I need some new clothes!" She yelled through the condo. "Okay but I gotta get ready!" I yelled back at her. I got out of bed and went to go take a shower. I straightened my hair and put on some makeup. I chose to wear white shorts and a blue cropped shirt that says "Bitch Don't Kill My Vibe" on it. I grabbed my phone and saw I had a missed call from a number I didn't recognize. I decided to call back and someone answered. "Hey Becca!" "Um hi who is this?" "Alex Constancio!" "Oh haha that would make sense!" "Yeah so what are you and Sam doing today?" "I think we are going shopping so I'll call you later!" "Okay bye!" I hung up and saved Alex's contact number. I went on twitter and tweeted "Going shopping with Sam!" I got a lot of tweets back and I don't really know why...oh wait that's right Avery made everyone hate me. I hate that bitch so much. I met Sam in the living room. "Sam let's go!" I said and she said "Okay!"

"That looks so cute on you!" Sam screamed to me while we were in Forever 21. "Really?" I replied feeling unsure. "Yes! You have to get it!" She said. "Haha okayyy!" I said. I paid for my outfit and walked out of the store. "BECCA!" I heard someone yell. I turned around and there was Robert. I walked over towards him and said "Oh hey Robert!" "I heard you girls were going shopping today!" "I'm guessing Alex told you?" I asked him laughing. "Um yeah he did" he replied smiling. "Well cmon let's go shop some more" I said to Robert and Sam.

Austin's POV

"Alex..I think I like Becca.." "Well no shit Austin, I kinda obvious." Alex said laughing at me. "You were talking about her in your sleep man" he added. "It's just that I met her like a couple days ago and I want to know if it's real..." I said quietly. "Dude you know what you gotta do right?" He asked me. "What?" "Go kiss her. You'll know if it's real or not. Trust me." "Shit how am I gonna do that?" I said to him. "Austin..I have a plan."

//hey! Sorry it's boring I haven't decided what I'm going to do with this story yet so yeah haha my twitter @ameezyftzach

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