Family Guy clips pt1

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England "Is that where you got the idea of adding efence on the 'H'?!"

shinshinjane "Yes."

NyoEngland "And my I ask why?"

shinshinjane "Because it's funny that's why."

shinshinjane "Want a clones like Bitch stewie and Bitch Brian guys?"

Every Hetalia, Nyotalia and 2ps "Oh my god no!"

Romano "What the ever crapola f*ck?!"

America "That's Insane!"

2pItaly "It's way over on our leave of insanity!"

2pAmerica "I'll be damned if that ever achieve in our world without having a sex change opration."

NyoAmerica "Oh man. I know women going over giving birth, but seeing a man doing it? Oh god." 

Germany looking a bite pale and green, "I think I'm gonna be sink."

NyoGermany "Me too." compying her male conterpart colors.

America "That is sick and somewhat funny at the same time."

Romano "I repeit; What the crapola?!"

Italy "I'm with you on this one fratello."

England "That boy's really is a bastard."

Germany "Cockroaches do not work well for supporting houses."

Russia "That will, Da."

That got everyone laughing

ChibiRomano "That is the most stupidious idea anyone ever came up with."

Chibitalia "Si."

Sealand "Very stupid."

NyoSealand "Mhm." nodding her head in agreement.

England "Bloody Hell! That's even MORE disgusting!"

NyoEngland "I completely agree with the baby!"

Everyone yells/screams "So do I!"

America "That... was gross."

China "Very-"


France "What is very gross? The throwing up, or realising who you hook up with after the love?"

Germany "When you put it that way, it's... ugh! I don't want to even go there."

England "You just have to say something like that didn't you frog!"

France "I have no idea what you are talking about~?" 

All in all, Everyone agree that clip was a little gross.

(I'm not putting this video up as a cyber bully or anything, just for laughs at Brian the jerk dog getting a major shock from Seth Macfarlane's creation. And I Respect people's choices of what they desiced to do with their lives)

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