【 Hetalia ヘタリア 】Marukaite Chikyuu 18 Countries Medley

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Italy "What a beautiful melady, Ve~."

NyoItaly, Chibitalia & ChibiNyotalia "Si! Ve!"

Romano "Tch. It is-a ok."

NyoRomano "I'm-a with him."

ChibiRomano nodded his head "Mmm!"

Spain and NyoSpain "Come on Romano/Romana, don't be like that. Have a tomato."

Both Romano, NyoRomano, ChibiRomano and ChibiNyoRomano ate the tomatoes quietly. 

China "I agree with Italy, combaining all of our versions of Marukaite Chikyuu into one amazing suite."

NyoChina "I am agreeing with him too."

England "Excellent hand coordination on the keys."

NyoEngland "I'm surprise that she doing well remembering which key comes next."

Sealand "She's even got my part in the medley!"

America "Yeah learning to play the piano is not easy, dude."

NyoAmerica "To know which keys is the background and which is the song's lyrics." 

Canada "It is one of the toughest instruments to play, eh."

NyoCanada "No doubt aboot it."

NyoFrance swaying "Ah, what beauty."

France "Oui."

Prussia "Hey west, comparing to this Mädchen talent to the young master. And ve've got ourselves a awesome piano battle."

NyoPrussia "Now that would be AWESOME!"

Germany and NyoGermany rest their heads agents their palms "Oh bruder/Oh schwester."

Everyone nodded their heads in agreement.

2pItaly "Now only she could play the dark version of Marukaite Chikyuu, that will be molto interessante."

All the 2ps "Yeah, that would be really interesting."

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