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The liquid was red. It flowed from the back of the other male's neck, spilling across the floor. Light recognized that liquid. "Blood," he muttered, eyes wide with shock. The dark-haired looked up at him, tears in his eyes as well, and, with the last of his strength, caressed the lighter-haired's face. L's breathing became shaky, and slowly, he breathed his last. As the other took his final breath, Light captured it in a passionate kiss. Tears slipped from both of their eyes. Before he knew it, L was dead. Light rested on his knees, beginning to cry more and more, harder and harder, until he was sobbing hysterically. He put his face in his hands, tears falling through his fingers. Suddenly. He couldn't breathe. Light grabbed at his shirt, a pain surging in his chest. He screamed out in agony, though no one seemed to hear him. Finally, he collapsed on L's dead body, now dead as well, lips connecting one final time.

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