Chapter 1

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You smiled calmly, you unpacked the last box, thankfully it was just a box of your clothes and easy to put away, unlike your other belongings, having to use a kitchen chair just to hang some photos of you and your friends you left behind. "Think I've done enough for the day." You mumbled to yourself with a proud smile, you shut your dresser drawers and took out your cellphone, it was six o'clock, it would be day still where you used to live but it was dark out. "Think I'll treat myself." You grabbed yourself a bowl of ice cream and took a seat on the couch, flipping on the tv. You took a small bite as you watched the news, you gave a confused look hearing about the Batman, Gotham's hero. "Once again the Batman has stopped a bank robbing." A women said as clips of the police taking in the criminals to the police car, shoving them inside. "Yes that is true Julie, but tonight he had helped from his sidekick, Nightwing." A male reporter spoke showing a recording the bank's camera caught of someone using a staff to beat against two of the robbers. You zoned out a bit once you placed your bowl in the sink, you were still trying to process the whole hero and sidekick thing being real. You didn't think people would actually believe in any of this being real, you believed that their was some good in the world but it just didn't make sense to you. "Well I'm beat. And it's only eight." You sighed as you plugged in your phone on charge and got comfortable in bed, you looked out the window, you had a beautiful view of the city, especially of the Wayne tower. Your (e/c) eyes fluttered shut with another sigh that gave a smile with it.
Your small heals of your black, combat like boots clamped against the sidewalk the next morning, you were on your way to apply for a photography job at the Wayne tower, something your father talked about for years, saying that he has worked there as an accountant before he left the city due to your mother wanting to live and raise you in the suburbs. You smiled at the people walking by, some giving you small nods, some giving you small smiles, and others giving you cold stares, those made you glance away and down at the ground. You were used to people being like that, hell, most high school girls gave you those looks, but you just pushed it aside. You looked up at the tower once you got to the entrance, you couldn't afford a car and bikes weren't really your way to travel, you would have to walk at least eighteen minutes if you get the job there, and walk back the same amount of time without any pit stops. "Greetings. I'm (Y/n) (L/n), I'm here to apply for the photography job Wayne Interprices is offering." The women at the desk gave you a soft smile with a confused face expression before her light green eyes widened with a head nod. She stood up and gave you another nod and walked out and around her half circle desk. "Yes I see. Well, it's nice to meet you. Please follow me." You gave sealed lips and followed her, you weren't dressed as fancy or as work related either. You wore dark skinny jeans and a white dress shirt that looked mid class. She stepped into an elevator with you and pressed the number twenty four and when she did a man stepped in as well. "Hope you don't mind if I join you young ladies." You smiled as he gave a smile back, the women just stared at the door, expressionless and stayed quiet. 'No wonder she's a front desk lady.' You thought to yourself when you looked down, the dark colored man got off the same floor with you, even followed you to the same room. "Mr. Fox, I'm afraid Mr. Wayne is a little busy." "Oh I actually I'm taking his place today." The women gave a confused look and an eye roll, as if this happened before, you looked up with a nervous smile with your anxious feeling, knowing that you didn't think you'd actually meet Mr. Wayne. "I see. Well, then I'll leave her to you." Your eyes slightly widened seeing on how unprofessional that was of her, but you eyes followed your weary smile once Mr. Fox pushed you by the shoulder into a small office room. "What brings you here young lady?" You sat in a comfortable maroon chair as he sat in a computer desk chair in front of you, his wrinkles around his eyes crinkled up more as he smiled. "I'm here for the photography job, the names' (Y/n) (L/n)." Mr. Fox's eyes slightly widened as he leaned back in the chair, you sat like a nervous child, hands in your lap with lips slightly sealed, you pushed back your (h/c) hair once you looked back up at him. "(L/n), now why does that sound familiar?" "My father used to have a job here as an accountant." He gave a chuckle then put his old hand to his old face, underneath his chin. "I see. Well. Do you have any skill in photography?" You gave a nod and pushed your hair to the side once more. "Yes sir. In high school I was a journalist." Mr. Fox stood up from his chair and walked over to you once you stood up as well, he opened up the door and motioned his hand for you to come out of the room. "Well, I'll see what I can do for you then." You gave him a nod and took the elevator down, you couldn't tell if that was a yes on the job or it was 'no hope for you' kind of answer. You gasped once you stared out the entrance glass doors, it was already dark out, you sighed and forgot about the new time change and how you're going to have to get used to it. "Really? Like really?" You groaned seeing it was only seven, and that it started to sprinkle but only sprinkle, you sighed, but you had to admit, the city's night life was beautiful. Your boots clapped against the side walk once more, your arms were crossed due to the breeze, the first thing that you thought about doing once you get to your apartment was taking a hot shower. "Parton me." You gave a small nod to the man who bumped into, you had about another ten minutes left on your way home, you felt relieved knowing it was only you walking the side walk, a few cars drove by here and there but, you enjoyed the silence. "No please! Let me go! Someone help me!" You stopped walking with parted lips, you looked around seeing know one in sight, well besides a man who was on the phone and a homeless man digging through a trash can next him before walking away. Your heart started to race, you started to breathe heavily as well as you walked towards the voice, you walked down the thin alley way that was between two building. 'Oh no, oh no.' You thought, you were letting your curiosity get the best of you, you tried to walk backwards put you couldn't, so you continued to slide yourself between the brick walls. "No! I swear I." You jumped to the sound of a gun shot, you covered your mouth seeing a guy with a half burnt suit lower a gun, you glanced seeing a guy dead on the ground in a sitting position. 'My God. My God.' "Hurry up and load the damn trucks." You started to back away before getting shoved to the ground. "Ah." You held your hand that been cut by a piece of glass, the half burnt face guy looked at you, three men had you at gun point when you looked up. You breathed heavily, you felt yourself tearing up when you picked your self up off the ground, but remained on your knees. "Seems we got ourselves a little spy boss." The boss smirked, as he raised an eyebrow at you, your eyes filled with fear once the guy started to take small steps to you, lowering his gun. "I see. Well, well. Well. What should I do with you?" You swallowed hard, you felt your forehead starting to sweat from being nervous. "I know. Heads you live. Tails you die." He showed you the coin, you started to breathe more and shake your head, your eyes focused on the coin once he tossed it up, but before he could catch it, he was knocked down. "B-Batman.." "It's the bat! Shoot!" "Don't shoot!" You watched the Batman punch and started to beat the leader, then shield himself and knock down the weapons of the men, then your eyes focused on another guy that had a blue symbol on his chest, using his staff to knock down the criminals. "Ah!" A gun shot echoed when it went into the wall next to you, you looked up only to see the Bat's sidekick throw his staff across you at the boss, knocking a gun out of his hand. "Nightwing! Get the girl out of here!" "Right!" You started to panic, you were being lifted up bridal style by the one called Nightwing, he slid through the tight alley space with you, you stared up at him, his eyes glanced down when you looked away. "Go now!" He put you down on your feet, you walked backwards once he went back into the ally space and you ran home. 'My God. My God.' You sat and leaned back against your apartment door, you caught your breath, you placed your hand on your head before you took it off and stared at the cut. You heart started to slow down and return to regular pace, once it did, you stood up and rinsed your hand underneath the sink, you were about to pull your phone out of your pocket before you felt against your butt. "Shit! No! Ugh!" You started to panic again, you lost your phone, possibly at the crime scene, knowing if the police found it you'd be a suspect. All you could do was to sleep it off, and hopefully wake up forgetting about it but, you couldn't, how could you. You almost died, your clothes were dirty, covered in mud, your hand was sliced open, you lost your phone. You knew that your life in Gotham was going to turn, your father even said so but, he said it in a good way, you knew it was going to be in the opposite.

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