Chapter 3

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Reader P.O.V

"Sound easy enough?" You smiled and gave a nod towards Mr. Fox, you then looked at the camera you were given before his hand made you look towards the computer. "Well, I'll let you get started now. Mr. Wayne yesterday meant by, making his business look better. Just get some nice building shots." You smiled with a small chuckle as Mr. Fox gave a calm smile and a small laugh himself. "Need anything. I'm on the fourth floor. You'll be able to find me on your own after that." You gave a head bow, and like that Lucius left your small office room, you were proud seeing it and you kept that proud smile as you took the elevator down. "Good shots huh?" You raised your eyebrow as you took pictures of the tower from a distance away, you gave a small frown seeing the shots were low. "I need somewhere high." You groaned and looked around, but when you did, people gave you cold stares and some gave you 'at least you tried' face expressions. "Great." You rode the elevator down, it was about 6:25, you made the advertisement and decided to add in pictures later, and since you got a good view of Wayne tower, it was going to be easy for you. You walked the streets once more, this time you weren't going to let your curiosity get the best of you, but. You bit your top lip, you then whimpered, you saw a ladder that was connected to the side of a building in an ally way, you looked back at Wayne tower then at your camera. "Dammit. I'm going to be arrested..." you looked around then went into the ally way, glass crunched underneath your footsteps, you then climbed up the ladder, missing the second step at first. You sighed with a smile, the tower had a beautiful side view, you walked along the building, what ever it was, a coffee shop maybe? You didn't care, you were going to take one picture and leave but that changed. You smiled at the night life, you took about twenty four pictures, you were about to take one more, you took a step back and bumped into the air unit. "Ah." You yelped, you them chuckled and took a picture, but when you did, Nightwing was in front of you. You sealed your lips, you felt your cheeks heat up, your heart started to race, you glanced down at your camera, your lips parted then back up. "I'm not trespassing. It's work related.." Nightwing smirked, he looked at the tower then at you. "You work there huh?" You gave him a nod, he walked over to you and placed his staff on his back. "First day actually..." You started to get nervous, you were actually talking to Nightwing, and you weren't even a reporter or journalist, kind of made you wish you applied for a job like that if it was this easy for you to talk to someone like him. You gasped after hearing someone drop down beside you, your eyes shut as you tighten your grip on the camera. "Nightwing. Get a move on. You." You turned around with parted lips, your eyes followed Batman, the Batman, you didn't want to take a picture, you couldn't, you were too in shock to. "Go home. It's not safe out here." You gave a nod, you quickly took the ten steps down and walked fast paste home for fifteen minutes and an extra five up to your room.

Third Person P.O.V

"I requested you meet me here ten minutes ago." The Dark Knight spoke while inspecting a white van that had bullet holes all around it, Nightwing popped open the back doors of the van, hands on his hips as he stared at the black gun cases. "Geez my bad." "Thanks to you. One got away. I had Alfred do research on the Penguin seeing that this is one of his vans." Nightwing gave a eye roll, Batman stared at him before looking into the van, making Nightwing step out of the way. "Look I thought she needed help again alright. She works at your tower huh?" Batman look towards Nightwing then opened up the case, Nightwing's lips parted before they sealed again. "Her curiosity and your puppy love are going to get us into serious trouble." "P-puppy love?" Nightwing groaned then gave a sigh, shutting the back doors as Batman watched him. "Okay well. You can forget about the puppy love thing because it's not like that." "Sir, there's another van on East Main." Batman put his finger to his ear piece and walked past Nightwing, then used a grappling hook and brung himself to a roof top, Nightwing just sighed with a head shake. "Yeah right. Tch."

Nightwing X Reader: Batty Love Not Puppy LoveWhere stories live. Discover now