Chapter 4

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Reader P.O.V

"You too." After you gave a small wave to one of the accountant ladies after she gave her farewells to you once the two of you exited off the elevator together. Your eyes slightly loosened and adjusted to the bright lights of the city, this time you just sighed, it was like you were already getting bored of this routine but you weren't, you were just down about Mr. Wayne not seeing your, maybe one in hundred chance of taking a picture of Batman. Your reached into your back pocket to pull out your apartment room key, you were about five to seven minutes away but you got ready ahead of time. You checked your phone, still no call or even a text back so you dialed in the number of one of your friends, whose number you knew by heart. "Hey (F/n), it's (Y/n), got a new number. When ever you get a chance. Let my dad know, I got the job at Wayne tower." You ended the call, but when you did bright car lights slightly showed your shadow from behind. You glanced back to see a white van slowly drive past you, you just looked down and smiled and continued to walk, then jogged inside and up stairs to your room. "Ugh, what a" You said to yourself once you shut the door and locked it, kicking off your shoes and sitting on the couch with a sigh.

Third Person P.O.V

"Let my dad know, I got the job at Wayne tower." Batman shut off the phone, turning it off completely as he stood on an abandoned theater, he was waiting for Alfred to give the information he's been researching at the mansion. "Batman, there's been another van sighting." Nightwing placed his staff on his back just as Batman turned to glance at him. "Alright. Go after it." "Figured you say that." Batman watched Nightwing run and jump off the roof onto another, his eyes suddenly narrowed a tad seeing the direction he was going. "Alfred. Hold that thought." "As you wish, sir. Now this mustn't hold due to the van, correct?" Batman used his grappling hook up to another rooftop that was higher than the one he was on. "Have some research done on (Y/n) (L/n)." "Yes sir."

Reader P.O.V

"Really." After you stood in the shower with arms crossed, feeling the water get colder instead of warmer, you got out with a groan. You towel dried your hair then stepped out of the bathroom only to see something fly past your window. Your eyes narrowed in confusion, you were about to walk to it before a knocked echoed. "Sorry wrong room." You heard your neighbor's door shut, you just chuckled and shook your head, but once you stepped into the living room, a knock hit against your widow. "Holy.." Your cheeks heated up, it was Nightwing, outside your window, you immediately went over and opened up the window, once you did, Nightwing placed the bottom of his feet on it and crouched down as your lips parted. "What are you doing he-." Nightwing stopped you with a kiss, he pulled your cheeks closer to him, his lips moved against yours, your hands slowly raised up and into his ends of his black hair as the kissed deepened and you melted into it. You pulled back, slowly with parted lips still and with blushing cheeks, Nightwing smirked as he looked at you. "I just. Puppy love I guess." His hand grabbed and held yours, you gave an open smile as he did the same before giving your hand a small kiss. "I'll see you soon, (Y/n)." He was about to jumped down until your hand grabbed his. "Wait. I." Nightwing gave you a smirk, then kissed your hand once more before jumping down, when he did he slid down the wire to the grappling hook. You looked down only to see the wire and hook go down and around the building, you took a step back, and touched your lips that were still warm from his.

Third Person P.O.V

"Well, well. Well." Two face and the Penguin both turned to see the Joker walk into the room, Two face gave narrowed eyes while Penguin raised an eyebrow, blowing smoke from his cigar. "What now?" "Yeah, we're in the middle if something." The Joker laughed loudly then wiped underneath his eye. "Oh, I bet you are. So. I found out some information, w-would ya like to hear?" The Joker chuckled, Harvey just crossed his arms and faced the crazy clown, the fat man did the same, taking out his cigar. "What?" "Well. You know our, I mean, Harvey'a soft spot." Dent narrowed his eyes, he wanted to take out his gun and shoot the clown with clinched teeth but knowing that would be a mistake. "Well. Turns out. She's a (L/n)! The daughter actually." Two face eyes narrowed, as if he was confused on what the mad man was talking about, but the Penguin, he chuckled then coughed in his smoke. "What the hell is that supposed to mean?" "Oh that's right, your just now be coming a villain. Thanks to little old me." The Joker laughed then slowed down his laughing as Harvey gave narrowed eyes with a roll. "Well, her father was an accountant at Wayne Interprices before he moved off. After getting caught." The Penguin coughed then cleared his throat. "He was about this close to taking out Wayne completely. Almost swiping him clean before Batman interfered, but he had already swiped two of Gotham's banks clean in the mean time." The Joker smirked and licked his lips, Harvey then smirked with a head nod and placed his hands on his hips. "So. We do have use of her after all." "That's what I been saying. Gosh you people never listen. Well. What are we waiting for, my command? Go! Go get her! Now! Chop chop!" As Harvey's and the Penguin's men, including themselves and the Joker got into vans, they fled their hideout. Batman was on a rooftop of the courthouse, next to the bank, waiting for Harvey and his men to strike. "I believe I found something Master Wayne." "What is it?" Alfred cleared his throat as he scrolled through a screen. "(Y/n) (L/n) is the daughter of (F/n) (L/n). After he was caught trying to steal money from Wayne tower he moved to (state) where his newly wedded wife and soon to be born child lived." Batman held his finger to his ear as Alfred spoke, and like that, Nightwing climbed up the side of the building. "Is that all?" "Well, (Y/n) has no criminal records and hasn't tried anything yet, but I do believe she hasn't gotten a clue on her father's past." Nightwing waited patiently with a eye roll, just as Batman turned around, he got a cold stare. "Did you tract the truck?" "I did, it was empty." "What took you so long?" Nightwing smirked then shrugged his shoulders as he paced along the building top, Batman watching his every move. "Why does that matter? Anyway has Alfred." "Nightwing." Nightwing' eyes slightly widened, Batman looked away then placed his finger to his ear. "What is it?" "Sir, I believe we have a problem."

Nightwing X Reader: Batty Love Not Puppy LoveWhere stories live. Discover now