Chapter 2

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Reader P.O.V

You woke up the next morning, still in the clothes from last night. You gave a small yawn and stretched before getting out of bed and going into the bathroom, where you made a disgusted face seeing your lack of sleep expression, but all you could do was sigh and take a shower. Once you stepped out you changed into the same style of clothes, you were going to return back to Wayne tower and see if you got the job. "Ah, glad you're here." You gave a nod and a smile towards Mr. Fox once you stepped through the doors of Wayne tower, he had his hands in his pockets before he took them out to shake your hand. "Thought you wouldn't show up." You shook your head with a shoulder shrug before you placed your hand at your side and followed him past the desk lady, still giving that expressionless face. "Well, I do look forward to having this job." "I can see that. Well, we will discuss that with Mr. Wayne." Your eyes widened, your heart started to race, your mother used to go on about Wayne, never admitting her crush for him, and how it's an horror to meet him and such. Your father talked about how to act and what he was like but, you didn't think you'd actually get this far and that even today in this situation their advice didn't matter to you. "Is it really necessary to discuss this type of job with him?" Mr. Fox gave you a confused look with a crinkled smirk. "Well this is his company Ms. (L/n)." You gave a nod and a small smile as he gave a chuckle, you stood up more straight once Mr. Fox led you into, what looked like, a conference room with a young man in a business suit standing in front of a large window with his hands behind his back turned and looked at the two of you, his eyes slightly narrowed, as if he was trying to read you before he smirked and took a seat in one of the chairs, the head chair to be exact. "Mr. Wayne this is Ms. (Y/n) (L/n). Here for the photography job." Wayne gave you a stare, not cold or not dazed, just a stare, before he cleared his throat once you took a seat and Mr. Fox did the same but on the other side of you. "I see. (L/n)?" He snapped his fingers with a few 'uhs' before snapping a finger at your confused face. "I believe I had an accountant by that last name." "He was my father." "You don't say." He gave a nod then gave a look as he was bitting his cheek, he stood up and placed his hands in his front pockets and walked around. "Well. Can't see why I shouldn't give you the job." You smiled, you felt your heart beat of hope, you watched him pace, then looked at Mr. Fox, he gave a head shake as his fingers interlocked together. "Welcome to Wayne Interprices." You smiled and gave a small laugh breath, Mr. Wayne then placed an iPhone on the desk in front of you. "Each of my employees are given one. You may use it personally and have any apps you want but the trick is. The phones have a gps tracking chip in them. Just case anyone tries anything to go against me and so on. I'll know." You gave a nod and a concerned look, Mr. Wayne slid the phone to you with a smile before turning to Mr. Fox, then at you. "You will come here at eight, your job of having this job will include, trying to make my business look better with advertisement photos that you'll be taking and making the advertisement, flyers, business cards and so on." You gave a nod, you crammed in everything he said, he then gave you one last look with a calm smile and head nod before giving a hand signal to the door looking at Mr. Fox. "Lucius, why don't you show her out. It's was nice to meet you, and say greetings to your father as well." You smiled and gave a nod, your cheeks were slightly red as well, Lucius just chuckled and led you outside the office but you walked on your own from there. You scanned through the phone you were given, you smiled big, you lost your phone and like that you gotten a new one, you got the job and started tomorrow, you just smiled and couldn't wait to tell your Mum and Dad. As you walked a couple of blocks down the street, a small, probably family owed bakery business, caught your eye and nose. Before you could open the door you heard a camera click, you looked up only to see a guy grin and take a pick of Wayne tower.

Third Person P.O.V

Once (Y/n) stepped into the Bakery, the half burnt man sat at a table with four others in the room, an old fat man smoking a cigar, and the two others stood at a door way with guns. "What is this about now? You not getting the money? Getting stopped by the bat again?" The fat man said as he blew smoke with a cough. Two face just gave a growl at him, then scrolled through a cell phone, that didn't belong to him. "Actually. This time. I would have made it if it wasn't for some women." "A women?" Two faced showed a picture of (Y/n) from her phone she lost at the scene. He then smirked and looked back at it. "She was snooping around and that's how she got me caught." The Penguin chuckle and blew smoke once more as he sat back in his chair. "Why haven't you put a bullet in her face yet Dent?" "It seems he's gone soft." Two face and the Penguin looked up at the Joker, a man with war paint in a clown style, green hair and a purple suite, both with narrowed eyes once he joined them at the table, he licked his lips then gave a big smirk and pointed at Dent. "Ya see. He gone a little soft." "I haven't gone soft." Two face growled and shut off the phone, laying it on the metal table as the Penguin chuckled and chewed on his cigar. "Uh huh then why isn't she dead? 'Cause I got a guy in the city. He sent me this picture of her not to long ago. Here let me show you." The Joker pulled out a phone and showed the both of them (Y/n) going into a bakery. Harvey just gave narrowed eyes as the Joket gave a lip sealed smile. "See. Well. I think you're onto something Harvey. You couldn't shoot her in her pretty face. 'Cause she's pretty." Two face looked to the side with a head shake and clinched his teeth, the Joker then looked at his phone before dropping it on the ground and laying his hands on the desk. "Well. I got an idea. A good one too. Why don't we make this precious thing? Our bait. Put her to use, since Harvey is a little soft." "I'm not soft!" Two face slammed his fist on the desk and pulled out a gun once he stood up, the Penguin just leaned back in his chair with his cigar between his fingers, Joker just chuckled and opened up his coat, revealing bombs and a string around his thumb as he chuckled. "Now now. Let's not get. Deadly." He then laughed and Dent sat back down and put away his gun, still giving narrowed eyes. "So what's your plan?" The Penguin asked. "Well we could use this face to either, to catch the Bat or to go against the Bat." "What the hell is that supposed to mean?" The Joker smirked and looked down, then back up at Two face and Penguin staring at him in confusion. "Well. You see. With him being a ''hero'' and him having to save everyone, surly he has to save her. Or we could brainwash her. Either way. We're using her so. Pick your pick gentleman." Two face and Penguin glanced at each other as the Joker gave a big grin.

Reader P.O.V

You left a two dollar tip on the counter, you took one last sip of your drink before leaving the cafe, staring at your phone, it was five o'clock, just enough time for you to get home before dark since the sun was already starting to set. You walked down the street with a small smile, not many people were walking either, just like last night but lucky for you the sun hasn't gone down yet. You gave a small hum as you walked up the stairs, to the third floor of the apartment building, you stepped into your room, locked the door and changed into night clothes and sat on the couch, flipped on the tv with your phone to your ear. "Hey Mum, it's me. Just called saying I got the job and met Mr.Wayne. I miss y'all, call me soon." "Last night the Bat striked again but this time, the one called Two Face, head of the crime scene bank robbing, got away. Police found one person dead, the owner of the bank, in an ally way not far from it." You swallowed hard, you stared at the screen before shutting it off and going into your room with a head shake. You caught your breath then looked out your bed room window, you smiled at the tower, but your smile faded once you looked down to see a person fall onto their knees in the middle of the street. "Oh my gosh." You ran to your room door but hesitated to open it. "No no. I can't." You bit your lip, you couldn't just leave that person there. "Fuck." You ran down the stairs, you made it to the door and ran around the block. "Hey! Sir you alright?!" You bent down on your knees, the guy looked up at you, your mouth dropped seeing the guy was the one who took the picture of the tower earlier, he held his stomach that was gushing out blood. "Oh my God. I uh." He growled then looked down, you just looked around then held his arm. "Leave me alone." "You're going to die. I need to get you." You stopped speaking once you looked up to see the one who saved you yesterday, your lips parted as he walked up to the two of you, holding his staff in one hand. "Ma'am. Please step away from him." You did so, you let go him and backed away on your knees, seconds later the guy shaked pulling out a gun, you gasped and that's when Nightwing's staff slammed against the guy's head, knocking him out cold. Your hands went to your eyes, when you peeked open, Nightwing's face was in front of yours, you couldn't see all of his features but, he caught your attention before he looked away. "Always getting yourself into trouble huh?" "I uh." "I'm just kidding." You gave a nod and sealed lips, you looked down then back up at Nightwing, who rolled the guy over on his back. "T-thank you for last night..." Nightwing looked down at you, his eyebrow was raised before he smirked and clinched his staff. "Knew you looked familiar, can never forget a face." You gave a fake, three second smile as you stood up and looked down still, when you looked back up, Nightwing stared at the guy with a head shake. "Got a name?" "(Y-Y/n)." He looked at you with a smirk then back down, then lifted the guy, who weighed at least twice as much as him, around his shoulders. "Well. Better get out of here. And stop getting caught up in things like this." He walked away with a smirk, you smiled with a small fake laugh and walked back to your apartment, once you got into the room you felt your cheeks heat up. "Got a name?" Those words rattled in your head, as if he wanted to know just in case he saw you again. You smiled as you laid in bed, then gave a eye roll.

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