The Streets I know

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A/N ok Guys I'm not sure about where this story is going so some tips or suggestions would be nice and please don't be too harsh this is my first attempt at a fanfic and please do the ⭐️ if you like if as well Stay cool

Tonight is the night I have to finally get out of this hell hole I HAVE to for Kayla she wanted me to be free I put all of my belongings (I have only enough clothes so people won't know my mother never buys me any) and my Phone that I bought when I took some of my mums drug money and brought a shitty Nokia phone and zipped up my small Pierce the Veil bag (I took some more money and brought 3 things from hot topic) and put on my BVB shirt and Black ripped skinny jeans (The bag shirt and jeans being the 3 things I brought) and hid the bag under my bed I sat there and opened up the window and slowly crawled onto my thinking spot on the roof and thought about my escape it wouldn't be hard because every night at 8:47 mum leaves to go to her dealer and stays out all night I check the time on the clock in my room and see its 8:30 I crawl back into my room and under my covers and wait a few minutes before my mother busts in and walks over to my bed
"There you are you worthless,slutty piece of trash just like your stomach says" and walks over to me and punched me straight in the face and breaks my nose I hear the terrible 'CRACK' before before she continues
"I'm going out clean the fucking house you reject!" And she kicks me in the stomach and walks out slamming my door.When she leaves I immediately get up and go to the bathroom and wipe the blood off my face lean my head back and with a 'CRACK' I put my nose back in place and walk out with the cloth still wiping off my face then when I'm done that I put ice on the old cloth and hold it to my stomach I go to my room and grab out my bag and put my phone in my pocket I then head downstairs slowly with my stomach aching in protest and walk over to the kitchen and pry a loose tile off the wall and grab the money behind it,my mums drug money I only grab $150 to get me through for now because if the cops catch me with all of it I'll be stealing at least $150 looks like a regular amount if they didn't know I'm not with a parent I shove the money in my bag and walk out the front door thinking to myself where do I go I've never escaped before so I don't know where to go so umm I'll head to the park.The park is a few miles away so I start walking taking all the back streets

(Time Skip to arriving at the park)

When I finally arrived at the park I found the playground and crawled to the top of the structure and decided that's where I would sleep tonight I tied the bottom of my bag to my waist so no one could steal it from me while I'm sleeping,the last thing I remember was looking up at the beautiful night sky and my eyes slowly shutting.
The Next Morning
I woke up and grabbed my bag and sat up and walked over to the bench and just started crying then I hear a car pull up a couple of meters away from me I don't bother to put my head up I just keep crying until I hear a friendly voice (it's not who you think it is) I hear the voice say to me softly
"Pardon me miss are you Tiara Johnson?" I look up and see a female cop looking at me with softness in her eyes well I don't really have any other choice but to go with her if she's arresting me
"I'm sorry but your mum has been arrested for having possession of prohibited Drugs"
"S so what am I...I doing N...Now?" I ask stuttering and trembling all over
"Well we have to take you to the station and then I'm sorry but you have to go to...The Orphanage" as soon as she said that my heart sank into my stomach and everything just stopped... My breathing stopped sharply and all I saw next was pure black....

I woke up in a strange environment I looked around trying to figure out where in the hell I was I looked around but I had no clue until I heard that one noise everybody knows and fears
'Beep beep beep beep'

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