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Recap 'I saw a sight of pure sadness'
"T-Tiara?...Andy y-you chose Andy over me you knew I loved you yet you still get with Andy and tried to hide it from me by sneaking off h-how could you!" Says Jake looking so sad and utterly destroyed inside he just stands there a single tear runs down his cheek
"If you had told me I would've been happy for you it would hurt A LOT but I'd be happy but how can I be happy now when the one girl I truly loved...She p-picked Andy over me..." He said his voice only just above a whisper and I look at him "look Jake its not what you think I asked Andy to talk because I needed advice-
"I don't want to hear it Ashley was right we should've gotten one of the other girls instead of and ugly troll like you" he spits at me venom dripping from his voice that hit me hard VERY HARD I ran from the room to the room I had and packed all my stuff then I left a note for the guys... Well the ones who actually cared about me I had my own little part for all the guys even Ashley, it read:
Dear guys,
Thank you for adopting me this experience has truly changed me a lot not all for the best but I learnt a few life lessons I don't want you to worry about me but I'm leaving as it would be better for the band in general
I'm sorry I wasn't enough for you I'm sorry I'm not pretty I'm sorry I'm fat and ugly I'm just so sorry for the way i look and trust me you're not the only one that wishes I wasn't an ugly ass worthless fat bitch I spend weeks starving myself but I'm not good enough so again I'm sorry
I guess you get what you want I'll leave but just for clarification I didn't do anything with Andy that hug was purely friendly as I needed advice so I was enough for you I learned now that was pointless as I'll never be enough I'm sorry
Jinxx (Dad),
Dad please don't feel like this is your fault because it's not I wouldn't have ever been enough even if Ashley and Jake did except me I'm sorry for being a failure of a daughter and disappointing you I love you dad xx

Thanks for being so amazing and accepting me for who I am even though that person wasn't good Enough you will always be in my heart luv ya CC

None of this is your fault and please don't feel like it is in any way because it's not I'm sorry for probably ruining the friendship between you and Jake and I can't make it worse that's why I must leave I'll always love you my Bub
-From TT xx

After I had written the note I left it one the bench and walked over to My BUB and hugged him tightly he hugged back a little confused until I whispered
"Goodbye BUB I love you" and walked over to CC and did the same but this time I said to him almost crying "I love you Also CC thank you so much before hugging Jinxx the tightest and he held me there tears in his eyes
"Please baby girl you can't leave me I need you" I hear the desperation in his tone which breaks me inside
"I'm sorry Dad" and grab my stuff and run out I just keep running I just had to get away from the voices calling my name screaming like they need me but they never needed me I ran to a park and just sat there and cried then a boy around my age came over to me and asked
"Hey are you ok?" I look up my eyes red and puffy and reply with a shaky
"No I just left the only people that could possibly love me" I put my head down and cry again the boy sits next to me and gently rubs circles in my back as I cry which is really comforting and I eventually stop crying and look up at him this time I actually study his features he was pretty cute actually with dark brown hair and also dark brown eyes that are mesmerising to look at then he finally spoke up
"Hello I'm Marcus" he told me and I noticed his perfect teeth making a perfect smile and I try to calm myself
"Hi I'm Tiara...Tiara F-Jade Tiara Jade" I replied  stuttering he looks at me then gets comfortable
"So Tiara it's ok take a deep breath and explain to me why you're crying don't worry I'm a very good listener and I'm pretty comfy" he says with a chuckle and I look up at him he looks trustworthy
"OK So I'm from an orphanage because of a past I don't wish to speak of and a short time ago I was in the orphanage when umm.. A famous band (I didn't want to say BVB in case he was a fan or something) came through and eventually they found me they all liked me...well all except the bass player who said that they should get a pretty girl hurt pretty bad but the rest of them loved me so I went with them and fell in love with one of the Guitarists and I didn't know what to do because I've never been in love so I went to a friend also the lead singer and asked for advice when Jake the guitarist walked in and umm...he saw the two of us and he assumed we were in there making out so he...he got mad and h-he said that they should've got a pretty girl instead of an 'ugly troll like me' " I told him the whole story something about this boy makes me trust him I feel comfortable with him
"Well fuck Tiara...."
I knew it he hates me he thinks I'm pathetic like all the other SHIT

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