HOLLYWOOD UNDEAD- Backstory Chapter

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"Hello?" The familiar voice says
"H-Hey Charlie" I say into the phone stuttering with my nervousness
"T-Tiara Is that really you?" He asks sounding shocked
"Yeah...Charlie can you come pick me up?" I ask and expect him to say no so I'm surprised at his answer
"Of course Tiara! Where are you?" I look around
"At our special park can you bring Johnny with you?" I ask because Charlie and
Johnny are like my family I knew them before I met BVB I met them at one of their own concerts, yeah Concerts the 'Charlie' I'm talking about is Jordan Terrell otherwise known as 'Charlie Scene' from the band 'Hollywood Undead' and Johnny is no other than George Ragan AKA 'Johnny 3 Tears' both guys I trust with my life they are amazing people I met them at their Concert in Brisbane (Australia) when I went to a meet and greet and they saw my arms sadly
"Hey Hun what's your name?" Asked Charlie Scene and I almost fainted
"T-Tiara" I stutter out
"Hey Tiara what can we sign for you?" Johnny asks walking over to me
"U-Um m-my poster and P-phone case p-please" I sound like a blubbering idiot but when you're young and meet your idols it's hard not to
"How old are you?" Charlie asks as I hand over the poster and phone case
"12" I say and he looks down at something and then at Johnny with a shocked look and Johnny looks at me and smiles sadly then signs my stuff and hands it back to me
"Well it's a bit lonely back here wanna join us?" Charlie asks pulling over a chair next to him
"Are you serious? That would be amazing!" I say almost in tears as they help me over the barrier and I sit on the seat smiling the biggest smile I have in a LONG Time
*Time skip* (after they finished signing shit)
I sit there and I look over to see all of Hollywood Undead looking at me in total that's:
Charlie Scene,Johnny 3 tears,Da Kurlzz,Funny man,J-Dog and Danny.
"Hey Kid what's your name?" Asks J-Dog
"Tiara" I say still smiling widely at them
"Tiara want to come back to the tour bus?" Funny Man asks and I sigh I'd love to go with them but mum would beat the shit out of me for coming home late
"I-I can't my M-Mum will be... Mad" I say cringing at the thought of how she'll beat me this time
"It's ok Call her and we'll explain that you're hanging with us for a bit" Charlie says
"I- She- She'll be VERY mad if I do that" I say scared
"It's ok Tiara just call her" Da Kurlzz says and I sigh ringing 'Parent #1'
"Where the fuck are you you little slut?!?" She yells when she picks up and I hear the guys gasp because the phone was on speaker oh god
"M-Mother can I h-hang out with s-some friends for a bit?" I ask scared at her reaction
"You little Whore you're fucking someone aren't you!" She screams through the phone and I cringe I just want to scream
'IM ONLY 12!' At her but that'll make things worse
"Actually she's hanging out with responsible adults" Charlie says picking up the phone and I just want to cry. She'll kill me when I get home.
"Well as long as my lovely daughter gets home before 8" she says putting on her 'sweet' voice not knowing they all hear what she said before to me
"Will do" Charlie says and hangs up the phone
"Oh god I'm so fucked!" I sigh dropping my head into my hands
"Forget about her for now" Danny says
"Ok I have a million things I want to see but I'll narrow it down to" I take a deep breath
"Thank you so much for all you've done you guys are an inspiration and your music helps me, my favourite song is Bullet as it's so peaceful but describes the thoughts that run through my head I love you all and Charlie your Bandana is amazing and I love it and god all of your masks are so awesome I can't believe I'm here so thank you so much" I say all in one big breath and let a few tears roll down my cheeks at the end
"Wow" Charlie says and takes off his Bandana and I gasp he never takes his bandana off
"I've got more you can keep this one" he says handing me the Black bandana that says
'Charlie Scene' on the front and I hold onto it tightly then they all go serious
"Why do you cut?" J-Dog asks softly and I gasp not knowing they saw my arm and I look down to see the Bandana I had around it has fallen off somewhere
"It's a long story" I say and they all sit comfortably on the couch before I speak
"To put it simply, my parents they fight constantly and beat me, they blame me for my sisters death" I say looking down as a tear escapes my eye
"Well were always here for you Tiara, here take these" Danny says handing me a piece of paper with all their numbers on it
"Call any of us whenever you need it and we'll respond" Funny man says hugging me tightly
"Well we better get you home before you get in any more trouble because there's nothing we'd like more than to keep you but you're 12 and that's classed as kidnapping" Charlie says sadly while tieing his bandana around my wrist like the last one was and I nod
"Well my address is *** James Street" I say
*Time skip to getting home*
We arrived at my home and each of the boys gave me a hug and Charlie whispered to me
"See that Bandana around your wrist? Keep it there and if you ever feel like cutting remember us" he stands up and I hug them all again
"Thank you guys so much" I say and get out of the bus
"Anytime you want call us kid" J-Dog says and they wave while driving away.
Let's just say that night I got beating I still have scars from. I called the boys a couple of times before we drifted apart and didn't call anymore. That was a long time ago but I still have the Bandana around my wrist.

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