OM&M (again)

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As I walk up to the door I get really nervous and start shaking badly before I knock on the door softly then harder before Jinxx comes to the door and opens it, seeing me and wrapping me in a huge hug
"Tiara I missed you so god damned much" Jinxx whispers and I smile softly at him
"I missed you too Jinxxyboo" I tell him and he chuckles before leading me through the house and turning it me
"I'm sorry about taking you from the PTV guys but I had to because shit is spreading fast, again I'm sorry" he says and I just nod walking off to my room and closing and locking (when you live with just boys you ALWAYS lock the door) the door and sitting down at a chair before deciding maybe I should organise that other cover soon, or talk to the other bands I met so I do the things I do most: go to Twitter

Hey guys,
I'm picking a decision between two now and I wanted to leave it up to you do I post another song cover for you or am I going to try and collab with someone?
I ask and the tweets back instantly flood in but I ignore them for now and go to my Texts
To: Vic,
You lied.
I wasn't 'not old enough' you lied to me.

To: Tony
Come on Turtle I trusted you most.
You saw what Andy did and you left me with his metaphorical brother. What a good idea. I trusted you Ceasar Antonio Soto Perry and this is where I end up. Wow so much for love.

I truly was pissed off at them for leaving me here, knowing I was stuck with the last people I wanted to be stuck with so great just great. Collab it is. I start looking through the people I have in my contacts and see all the people I met but who to pick? I then see my favourite boys
Ginger Kitten 🐱: hey My Ginger Kitten I miss you a lot and am in a bad situation help a Kitten in need?

Ginger Kitten 🐱:
Always boo, you know how much I love you xx just tell me where you are and I'll come see you. Love you darling xx

Thank you so much Alan you're my saviour (god please don't make a reference to the song) I love you too boo and I'm at Jinxx's house. Kms. I don't want to be here. I was ditched here. Send help in the form of a lead guitarist and lead singer of a band called Of Mice and Dorks 😂😂 JK JK love you please bring Austy cat too tho 🖤🖤 loovveeee yoouuuuuu!!! Xx

I put my phone down and walk into the lounge room where Jinxx is
"Where's my cat?" I ask expressionless and he points to the kitchen where my ginger Kitten is locked in his carrier with no food or water
"You're a fucking idiot Jinxx!" I say and rush to unlock the carrier and get the Kitten some water because it looks like he hasn't been fed at all so I give him a small tray of water and since Jinxx doesn't have cat food I grab a apple and cut it up into tiny little pieces before putting it in a container and giving it to my Ginger Kitten who immediately starts eating
"What the fuck Jinxx! How long has he been in there without food?!?" I practically scream
"Don't yell at me and it's fine I gave it a chip yesterday" he says dismissing the subject
"You're a fucking WANKER!" I yell and he stands up stomping towards me with a scowl on his face and raises a arm before a very tall figure gets in his way and another person wraps his arms around me lifting me up grabbing my kitten and laying me on the bed
"Shhh it's ok" Alan tells me softly and I break down crying. I was so scared
"H-He was gonna h-hit me" I gasp out and Austin walks into my room locking the door behind him
"He's been drinking it's not safe here" Austin says the leans down and hugs me softly
"Wanna come to our house for a bit?" Austin asks and I nod then watch as Alan grabs my Kitten and all the things he'll need and Austin lifts me bridal style before holding me close to his chest and whispering sweet things to me
"Ok we need to get past him now" Austin says softly to me then turns to Alan
"Alan if anything happens I want you to run, I can look after myself and her you just get you and the tiny cat to the car and get in locking the doors behind you" Austin says and Alan nods before opening the door letting Austin go first where he rushes us down the hallway
"Don't take her away from me!" The drunk Jinxx yells and lunges at Austin who dodges and follows Alan out the door rushing us to the car where he gently puts me in the back with Alan while he gets into the drivers side and speeds off and I break down again
"He was g-gonna hurt me" I stutter out
"H-He tried to hurt Austin" I say then rage fills me. It's one thing to hit me but no one and I mean NO ONE HITS MY AUSTY CAT!
"He's a fucking prick!" I yell out and Alan hugs me gently
"Shhh Tiara it'll be ok, hush do you want me to sing?" Alan asks knowing that I adore his singing and I nod my head
"What song?"he asks
"Your part of bones exposed please" I say quietly and he nods before singing softly along to his parts and when we're at a red light or something Austin would even scream along
"Alan? I want to rename my cat to something more simple" I tell him and he smiles at me
"What about Hex? Because there's always a blessing and cursing and I consider you a blessing also Hex is what people used to call me because I was so clumsy anyone I went near I ending up stumbling on
"It was adorable how much of a clutz he was" Austin laughs and Alan blushes
"Shut up Austy cat" Alan teases him back
"Only Tiara can call me that, Ginger Princess" Austin sasses and I laugh at the name
"Austin don tell her the story!" Alan begs but Austin just laughs
"I caught this one....

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