Chapter 7: She's not drunk Part 2

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A/n This part of the story is very Abi Darden centric.

It had just gone 2 the next morning and it was nearly time for the shift change when Connor began filling in Abigail's charts by the nurse's station. He decided to get her medical notes and medication from the bag Nathan had brought with him. Reaching into the pink sports bag Abigail carried with her everywhere he hadn't realised it was on the edge of the desk until it fell to the floor making the contents spill. The contents of the bag had been scattered across the floor noticing the unlabelled orange cylinder on the floor Connor's eyes widened, picking the cylinder up he instantly recognised the drug inside, he had had multiple cases over the past few weeks who became dependant on it. He hated to think of the possibility that Abigail had become dependant but was forced to believe it when he noticed it was half empty.

Will had noticed the cylinder in Connor's hand as he stood over the gym bag "Are they?" Connor nodded sadly as he stood up. The two doctors had made their way over to Abigail's room and surprised to see Abigail led on her side awake in what seemed to be deep thought. Abigail had yet been successful in resting after the firehouse had all piled in to see the teenager last night after she was admitted to the intensive care unit and deemed stable enough for the onslaught of visitors she was about to receive.

Shay, Dawson and Herrmann had been the first people she saw before completely breaking down when Dawson admitted that her Uncle Matt and Uncle Kelly were so scared It was just after 12 when she saw her Uncle Kelly and Uncle Matt for the first time she was still a bit out of it but not enough to not realise their attitude and abrupt behavior towards her. Sensing that her guardian's were aware that she had taken something that night she decided not to call them out on their quiet demeanour but rather took pleasure in it because she was sure it wasn't going to last.

Turning slightly towards the door where she saw two angry silhouettes she knew exactly why they were there when she saw the cylinder in her boyfriend's older brother’s hand  "I can explain"

"You better and fast" Connor said with growing anger in his voice. He watched as Abigail's face clearly began to panic. "Why?" Conner's voice became soft watching the teen start to unravel.

Unable to get an answer from the teen Will continued "Matt and Severide need to know"

"I can't do it" Abi shook her head repeatedly

"We'll do it together" Connor promised sitting next to the teen with tear stains running from her dark circled eyes.

"Hey bug, what's wrong?" Severide noticed Abbi's face full of panic as he and Casey entered the room. He was beyond annoyed with Abigail but couldn’t help but feel; sympathy to the girl who he had almost lost. The teenager suddenly became fixated on the pale grey and blue walls.

Abigail started as she let out a breath before she continued "Can you sit down please?"

"What's wrong?" Matt asked calmly, it was always his role to be the responsible and level headed adult even when Andy was alive. It was always the same when the twins were head to head in a heated argument.

"Abs, what's wrong" Kelly pushed not following her plea. "Abigail"

Abbigail handed Matt the pills before she lowered her head back to her hands. Connor leant against the wall alongside Will who kept giving Abigail encouraging glances.

"Please tell me you're kidding? Why would you do this?"

"For the love of God please give me something here Abbigail" Abigail winced at the sheer disappointment in her uncle’s voice unable to give him an answer Severide stormed out of the hospital room.

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